Unlocking the Potential: AI Revolution in Banking

Unlocking the Potential: AI Revolution in Banking

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Evident AI Index: A Measurement of AI Adoption for Banks
  3. The Four Dimensions of the AI Index: Talent, Innovation, Leadership, and Responsible AI
  4. The Characteristics of Banks with Advanced AI Adoption
  5. The Importance of a Centralized Decision-Making Process
  6. The Link Between AI Maturity and Financial Performance
  7. The Challenge of War for AI Talent
  8. The Growing Appetite for AI Talent from Academia and Big Tech
  9. The Impact of Poaching on AI Talent
  10. Shifting Roles and Demands in the AI Talent Market
  11. The Shift Towards Prompt and AI Engineers
  12. Cost Considerations and Alternatives to Generative AI
  13. The Applications of Generative AI in the Banking Sector
  14. Upcoming Releases and Events by Evident AI

The AI Revolution in Banking: Unlocking the Potential for Growth 🚀

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a driving force in the banking industry, revolutionizing the way financial institutions operate and make decisions. As the CEO and founder of Evident AI, Alexandre Musaad has been at the forefront of this transformation, leading intelligence teams focused on ratings and indices for over two decades. In this article, we will dive into the world of AI adoption in banks, exploring the Evident AI Index, the characteristics of leading banks, the war for AI talent, and the future of AI in the financial services sector.

1. Introduction

The introduction of AI in the banking sector has opened new doors for growth and innovation. Evident AI, a research company specializing in measuring AI adoption, has developed the Evident AI Index. This index serves as a reference point for banks, providing a standardized way to measure and track their AI adoption progress. By analyzing the full AI ecosystem of a bank across four dimensions – Talent, Innovation, Leadership, and Responsible AI – the index paints a comprehensive picture of AI maturity in the banking sector.

2. The Evident AI Index: A Measurement of AI Adoption for Banks

The Evident AI Index is the first of its kind, measuring the adoption of AI in banks. Currently, the index covers 23 of the largest banks in North America and Europe. However, in its upcoming Second edition, the coverage will expand to 50 banks in these regions. This deeper analysis will provide valuable insights into the AI landscape of the banking industry, allowing for a more detailed understanding of AI's impact on financial performance.

3. The Four Dimensions of the AI Index: Talent, Innovation, Leadership, and Responsible AI

To accurately measure AI adoption in banks, the Evident AI Index focuses on four core dimensions: Talent, Innovation, Leadership, and Responsible AI. These dimensions provide a holistic view of a bank's AI ecosystem. Banks with advanced AI adoption exhibit a strong talent stack, clear AI strategies set years in advance, and a centralized decision-making process that prioritizes high-value use cases. Additionally, responsible AI practices ensure ethical and fair AI implementation across the organization.

4. The Characteristics of Banks with Advanced AI Adoption

Leading banks with advanced AI adoption share common characteristics that contribute to their success. These banks have strategically built a strong talent base, attracting top AI professionals through dedicated hiring strategies and creating an environment conducive to AI advancement. By expressing a clear return on investment (ROI) from AI, these banks demonstrate the tangible benefits of their AI initiatives. Moreover, these organizations are proactive in developing an innovation environment that balances centralized and decentralized approaches, fostering creativity and collaboration.


  • Advanced AI adoption leads to improved financial performance.
  • Clear AI strategies and talent stacks contribute to success.
  • Proactive innovation environment fosters creativity.


  • Banks without advanced AI adoption may lag behind in financial performance.
  • Limited availability of AI talent poses challenges for banks.

5. The Importance of a Centralized Decision-Making Process

The Evident AI Index has revealed that a centralized decision-making process is crucial for banks aiming to maximize the value of AI use cases. With a growing number of use cases surfacing, a dedicated unit must assess the complexity, value, and time-to-production of each use case. By prioritizing high-impact opportunities, banks effectively allocate resources and accelerate their AI adoption journey. A robust decision-making process ensures efficient use of AI investments and promotes synergy across the organization.


  • Centralized decision-making enhances AI use case prioritization.
  • Efficient allocation of resources supports ROI from AI investments.


  • Lack of a centralized decision-making process can hinder AI adoption.
  • Inefficient use of resources may limit the potential benefits of AI.

6. The Link Between AI Maturity and Financial Performance

Since the release of the AI Index, Evident AI has observed a growing correlation between AI maturity and financial performance. Banks that rank high in AI maturity tend to outperform their peers financially. This correlation underscores the strategic advantage of advanced AI adoption and motivates more banks to invest in AI initiatives. As the Evident AI Index continues to evolve, tracking the relationship between AI maturity and financial performance will provide valuable insights into the long-term impact of AI on the banking industry.


  • Banks with advanced AI adoption experience improved financial performance.


  • Banks with limited AI adoption may miss out on potential financial gains.

7. The Challenge of War for AI Talent

The demand for AI talent in the banking industry has created a challenge known as the "war for AI talent." With a limited talent pool and fierce competition, banks must adopt effective hiring strategies and create an environment that appeals to AI professionals. Evident AI's research indicates that banks with well-defined AI hiring teams, opportunities for publication and knowledge sharing, and collaborative platforms like GitHub and Stack Overflow attract top AI talent. The battle for AI talent is intensifying as banks increasingly recognize the value of AI in gaining a competitive edge.


  • Effective hiring strategies and an attractive AI environment help banks secure AI talent.


  • Limited AI talent pool poses challenges for banks.
  • Competition from big tech and other industries increases the difficulty of attracting AI professionals.

8. The Growing Appetite for AI Talent from Academia and Big Tech

A notable shift in AI talent acquisition is the growing appetite for talent from academia and big tech companies. Banks are recognizing the unique skill sets and expertise held by AI professionals in these domains. The most rapid growth in AI talent acquisition within banks comes from academia. Banks are actively seeking candidates who have run centers of excellence or research labs, allowing them to tap into Relevant research and drive innovation within their organizations. Poaching between banks is also prevalent, with top talent moving to positions that offer greater opportunities for impact and growth.


  • Talent from academia brings valuable research insights to banks.
  • Poaching top talent improves innovation and competitiveness.


  • Competition for talent from academia and big tech is fierce.
  • Loss of top talent within the industry could hinder the progress of certain banks.

9. The Impact of Poaching on AI Talent

The market for AI talent in banks is highly competitive, leading to a significant impact from talent poaching. Centers of excellence and AI labs often attract attention from rival banks seeking to gain a competitive advantage. The ability to identify relevant research, prioritize use cases, and drive innovation makes these AI professionals valuable assets. As banks strive to build their AI capabilities, they actively recruit experts from other banks, creating a dynamic exchange of talent within the industry.


  • Talent poaching stimulates innovation and knowledge exchange.


  • Talent poaching increases competition among banks for AI professionals.
  • Loss of talent may hinder the progress of certain banks.

10. Shifting Roles and Demands in the AI Talent Market

With the introduction of language models like GPT-4 (Generative Pre-trained Transformer 4), the demand for prompt and AI engineers has increased. These professionals are skilled in understanding and optimizing Large Language Models, enabling banks to leverage these powerful models effectively. While the ability to develop large language models remains rare, there is a growing need for individuals who can extract the full potential of these models. Additionally, banks are actively seeking cost-effective alternatives to generative AI to manage their budgets effectively while still reaping the benefits of AI technology.


  • Demand for prompt and AI engineers drives innovation and efficiency.
  • Exploring cost-effective alternatives expands AI adoption opportunities.


  • Limited availability of individuals skilled in developing large language models presents a challenge.
  • Adapting to alternative AI Tools may require additional training and resources.

11. Cost Considerations and Alternatives to Generative AI

The cost of using generative AI, such as GPT-4, poses challenges for banks. While these powerful models offer transformative capabilities, their implementation can come at a high cost. Many banks are exploring alternative AI tools that provide similar functionality at a more affordable price. By identifying cost-effective solutions, banks can optimize their investments in AI and effectively address their use cases without compromising financial stability.


  • Identifying cost-effective alternatives allows banks to maximize their AI investments.
  • Optimal use of AI tools ensures financial stability without sacrificing functionality.


  • Overlooking the potential of generative AI may limit innovative capabilities.
  • Adapting to alternative AI tools may require additional training and resources.

12. The Applications of Generative AI in the Banking Sector

Generative AI provides significant value to banks, particularly in efficiency gains and code development. These models enhance operational processes, empowering employees to access information quickly and write code more efficiently. By leveraging generative AI, banks can streamline their operations, improve Customer Service, and realize substantial cost savings. However, due to cost considerations, banks are exploring more feasible options to balance the benefits of generative AI with financial viability.


  • Generative AI improves operational efficiency and code development.
  • Streamlining operations through AI adoption leads to cost savings.


  • High costs associated with generative AI may hinder widespread adoption.
  • Identifying alternative solutions requires careful evaluation and integration.

13. Upcoming Releases and Events by Evident AI

Evident AI is committed to providing valuable insights into the world of AI adoption among banks. The second edition of the Evident AI Index, covering 50 banks, will be released on November 15. This expanded coverage will shed light on AI maturity in the banking sector, enabling a deeper understanding of the industry's transformation. Additionally, Evident AI will host a significant AI Symposium on November 29 in New York. This event will bring together industry leaders, from CEOs and CTOs to AI professionals, to discuss build-versus-buy strategies, operating structures, ROI measurement, geopolitical factors, and upcoming regulations.


  • The Evident AI Index provides a standardized measurement of AI adoption in banks.
  • Banks with advanced AI adoption exhibit strong talent stacks and clear AI strategies.
  • Centralized decision-making is vital for prioritizing high-value AI use cases.
  • Leading banks demonstrate a correlation between AI maturity and financial performance.
  • The war for AI talent poses challenges, with demand outweighing supply.
  • Academia and big tech are emerging as significant talent sources for banks.


Q: How does AI adoption affect financial performance in banks? A: Banks with advanced AI adoption tend to outperform their peers financially.

Q: What are the challenges in acquiring AI talent for banks? A: The limited talent pool and competition from industries like big tech make it challenging to attract AI professionals.

Q: What are the upcoming releases by Evident AI? A: The second edition of the Evident AI Index, covering 50 banks, will be released on November 15. Additionally, an AI Symposium will be hosted on November 29 in New York.


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