Unlocking the Potential of Industry 5.0 with AI at the Edge

Unlocking the Potential of Industry 5.0 with AI at the Edge

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. What is Industry 5.0?
    • Sustainable manufacturing
    • Industrial operator well-being
  3. The Evolution of Factory Automation
    • Connecting everything to the cloud
    • AI at the edge
  4. Advantages of AI at the Edge
    • Cost
    • Latency
    • Privacy
    • Bandwidth efficiency
    • Energy efficiency
  5. Implementing Industry 5.0 in a Factory
    • Motor controls
    • Sub 1 Gigahertz network
  6. Hardware and Software Solutions
    • Embedded gateway
    • Sub 1 Gigahertz hardware solution
    • Wi-Fi solution
  7. Current Sensing for Motor Anomaly Detection
    • Collecting and analyzing data
    • Using Edge Impulse and Texas Instruments
  8. Designing a Neural Network Model
    • Window size and latency considerations
    • Model architecture and memory constraints
  9. Deploying the Model to Real Hardware
    • Integrating Edge Impulse with the CC1352
    • Sampling rate considerations
  10. Conclusion

🔥 Highlights

  • Industry 5.0 focuses on sustainable manufacturing and industrial operator well-being, integrating the physical and virtual worlds in an efficient and sustainable way.
  • AI at the edge brings multiple advantages, including cost reduction, reduced latency, improved privacy, and enhanced bandwidth efficiency.
  • Implementing Industry 5.0 in a factory involves connecting motor controls over a sub 1 Gigahertz network and relaying data to the cloud.
  • Current sensing is a powerful tool for motor anomaly detection, allowing for early detection of faulty components.
  • With Edge Impulse and Texas Instruments, you can easily Collect and analyze motor data and deploy machine learning models on remote sensors.
  • Designing neural network models requires considering window size, latency constraints, and memory limitations.
  • Deploying models to real hardware is straightforward, with the ability to integrate Edge Impulse with Texas Instruments' CC1352 platform.

📝 Article


Welcome to the first Imagine conference! We're excited to have you here as we dive into the fascinating topics of AI at the edge and Industry 5.0. In this article, we'll explore the concept of Industry 5.0, its importance in sustainable manufacturing, and the role of AI at the edge in driving efficiency and energy conservation.

What is Industry 5.0?

Industry 5.0 represents the next phase in the evolution of manufacturing, where sustainable practices and the well-being of industrial operators take center stage. Unlike its predecessor, Industry 4.0, which focused on automation and data exchange in manufacturing processes, Industry 5.0 places equal importance on sustainable manufacturing practices and the physical and mental well-being of workers.

Sustainable Manufacturing

Sustainable manufacturing is a core principle of Industry 5.0. It aims to improve the efficiency of smart factories through the integration of technology while minimizing the environmental and social impacts of industrial operations. By embracing sustainable manufacturing practices, companies can reduce waste, optimize resource usage, and create a healthier and greener working environment.

Industrial Operator Well-being

In addition to sustainable manufacturing, Industry 5.0 emphasizes the well-being of industrial operators. It recognizes the importance of providing safe and healthy working conditions, promoting a work-life balance, and fostering a positive work culture. By prioritizing the well-being of employees, companies can enhance productivity, job satisfaction, and overall operational performance.

The Evolution of Factory Automation

To understand Industry 5.0 and its significance, let's take a brief look at the history of factory automation. When the Internet of Things (IoT) emerged, the primary focus was on connecting everything to the cloud. Microcontrollers, sensors, and wireless technologies enabled the collection of vast amounts of data, which were then stored and analyzed in the cloud. This cloud-centric approach allowed companies to extract valuable insights and monitor the status of sensors and machines.

However, as the era of artificial intelligence (AI) dawned, the paradigm began to shift. Rather than relying solely on cloud-Based ai, Industry 5.0 recognized the benefits of having AI capabilities closer to the sensors at the edge of the network. This shift enables real-time analysis, reduced latency, improved privacy, and enhanced bandwidth efficiency.

Advantages of AI at the Edge

Implementing AI at the edge brings numerous advantages for industrial applications. Let's explore some of the key benefits:


One of the primary advantages of AI at the edge is cost reduction. By processing data locally instead of relying on cloud-based AI, companies can significantly reduce the required cloud compute resources. This results in lower operating costs and increased overall efficiency.


When devices are locally connected, there is no need for round-trip communication with the cloud, which reduces latency. With AI at the edge, industrial applications can detect and respond to events and anomalies in real-time, leading to faster decision-making and improved operational efficiency.


Having AI capabilities at the edge ensures that data remains local, addressing concerns related to data storage and privacy. By keeping sensitive information within the local network, companies can enhance data security and compliance with privacy regulations.

Bandwidth Efficiency

AI at the edge optimizes bandwidth usage by only transmitting Relevant or new data to the cloud. This approach reduces network congestion and allows for a more efficient utilization of available bandwidth. For example, in scenarios with multiple motors, only transmitting necessary data results in improved error rates and higher bandwidth efficiency.

Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency is a crucial aspect of sustainable manufacturing. By minimizing data transmission and leveraging local inference capabilities, AI at the edge reduces overall energy consumption. This optimization helps industries achieve their sustainability goals while maintaining high levels of productivity.

With these advantages in mind, implementing AI at the edge is key to unlocking the full potential of Industry 5.0.

Implementing Industry 5.0 in a Factory

To fully embrace Industry 5.0, factories need to adopt technologies that enable sustainable manufacturing and promote the well-being of industrial operators. Let's explore how a typical use case in a factory can be transformed using AI and edge computing.

Consider a Scenario with multiple motor controls in a factory. Connecting these motor controls over a sub 1 Gigahertz network allows for efficient data transmission and control. Sub 1 Gigahertz networks provide long-range coverage and robustness, making them ideal for industrial applications. By using the IEEE 802.15.4 network stack, all the motor control data can be relayed to a gateway, which can be connected to the cloud via Wi-Fi or Ethernet.

This integration of motor controls and sub 1 Gigahertz networks enables seamless collection and transmission of motor data, paving the way for enhanced efficiency and sustainable manufacturing practices.

Hardware and Software Solutions

To support Industry 5.0 applications, various hardware and software solutions are available. Let's take a closer look at the components required for implementation.

Embedded Gateway

An embedded gateway serves as the central hub for connecting different solutions and sensors within the factory environment. With an embedded gateway, such as the 3220 LaunchPad, companies can run all the necessary software, including Wi-Fi stacks, IEEE 802.15.4 stacks, collectors, gateways, and cloud services. This hardware solution offers flexibility and seamless integration with diverse sensors and motor controls.

Sub 1 Gigahertz Hardware Solution

A sub 1 Gigahertz hardware solution provides the necessary connectivity for motor controls and sensors. It offers long-range communication capabilities while consuming minimal power. By leveraging the advantages of a sub 1 Gigahertz network, companies can ensure robust and reliable data transmission in complex industrial environments.

Wi-Fi Solution

A Wi-Fi solution, such as the CC3220 LaunchPad, enables seamless connectivity with the cloud. This hardware module integrates an ARM Cortex-M4 processor, an in-built Wi-Fi stack, and security features for encrypted and authenticated data transmission. By connecting the embedded gateway to the cloud, companies can leverage cloud services for data analytics, monitoring, and decision-making.

By combining these hardware solutions with the appropriate software components, factories can create a connected ecosystem that enables efficient data collection, analysis, and optimization.

Current Sensing for Motor Anomaly Detection

Current sensing is a powerful technique for detecting anomalies in motors and ensuring early fault detection. By analyzing motor current, companies can identify potential issues and perform predictive maintenance, minimizing downtime and optimizing efficiency. Let's explore the process of collecting and analyzing motor data for motor anomaly detection.

With the help of Edge Impulse, an integrated development platform for machine learning, and Texas Instruments' cutting-edge hardware solutions, companies can easily collect and analyze motor data. Edge Impulse provides tools to train machine learning models, Visualize data, and deploy models on microcontrollers.

To begin the process, data from motor current sensors is collected and imported into the Edge Impulse platform. This data represents normal motor operation and instances of faulty ball bearings. By designing a neural network model within Edge Impulse, companies can train the model to recognize Patterns and identify faulty components.

Designing an effective neural network model requires considering various factors, such as window size and latency constraints. Companies need to select an appropriate window size to analyze motor data efficiently while accounting for memory limitations. By optimizing these parameters, companies can design models that offer accurate predictions and low latency.

Once the model is trained and optimized, it can be deployed on remote sensors using Texas Instruments' hardware platforms. The integration process involves incorporating the model into the code, configuring data collection, and combining it with other sensor readings for a comprehensive understanding of motor performance.


In conclusion, Industry 5.0 represents a new era in manufacturing, focusing on sustainable practices and industrial operator well-being. By leveraging AI at the edge and advanced hardware solutions, companies can achieve efficient, eco-friendly, and human-centric manufacturing processes.

By integrating motor controls, sub 1 Gigahertz networks, and Wi-Fi connectivity, factories can create a connected ecosystem that enables seamless data collection, transmission, and analysis. Current sensing techniques, combined with machine learning models developed in Edge Impulse, allow for accurate motor anomaly detection and predictive maintenance.

Together, Texas Instruments and Edge Impulse provide the tools and techniques necessary to implement Industry 5.0 in factories and enhance operational efficiency. Embracing this new paradigm will not only improve manufacturing processes but also contribute to a more sustainable and worker-friendly future.


Q: How does Industry 5.0 differ from Industry 4.0? A: Industry 5.0 places equal emphasis on sustainable manufacturing practices and the well-being of industrial operators, while Industry 4.0 focuses primarily on automation and data exchange.

Q: What are the advantages of AI at the edge? A: AI at the edge offers cost reduction, reduced latency, enhanced privacy, improved bandwidth efficiency, and increased energy efficiency.

Q: How can motor anomaly detection be performed? A: Motor anomaly detection can be achieved through current sensing, which involves analyzing motor current to identify potential faults and perform predictive maintenance.

Q: What hardware and software solutions are available for implementing Industry 5.0? A: Embedded gateways, sub 1 Gigahertz hardware solutions, and Wi-Fi solutions, along with the Edge Impulse platform, offer the necessary tools for implementing Industry 5.0 applications.

Q: What is the process for designing a neural network model for motor anomaly detection? A: Designing a neural network model involves considering window size, latency constraints, and memory limitations to develop an efficient and accurate model for motor anomaly detection.

Q: How can the deployed model be integrated with real hardware? A: The deployed model can be integrated with real hardware by incorporating the model into the code and combining it with other sensor readings to achieve comprehensive motor performance analysis.


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