Unlocking the Power of AI: Databricks' Open Source LLM

Unlocking the Power of AI: Databricks' Open Source LLM

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Background on Databricks
  3. The Power of Open Source LLMs
  4. Introducing Dolly: Databricks' Open Source LLM
  5. Pros and Cons of Smaller, Open Source Models
  6. Implications for Companies and Business Value
  7. Use Cases for LLMs in Organizations
  8. Self-Hosted Models vs External Providers
  9. Configuring and Optimizing LLMs for Specific Tasks
  10. Experimentation and Evaluation of LLMs
  11. The Name "Dolly" and Databricks' Strategy
  12. Keeping up with Databricks' Updates



Welcome to "Humans and AI," where we dive into the world of AI and interview industry leaders and experts. In this episode, we explore the topic of Open Source LLMs (Large Language Models) and their significance in advancing technology. Our guest, Mata Zaharia, Co-founder and Chief Technologist of Databricks, shares insights on open source LLMs and the importance of democratizing technology. He also discusses Databricks' mission to democratize data in AI, their open source LLM Dolly, and the role of open source standards in achieving their goals. Let's dive in and learn from Mata's experiences and vision for the future of this technology.

Background on Databricks

To fully understand the significance of Dolly and Databricks' contributions, it's essential to have some background knowledge. Databricks is a company co-founded by Mata Zaharia that has been at the forefront of AI and data processing for the past decade. Their flagship product, Apache Spark, revolutionized the field by introducing a powerful distributed computing engine. Since then, Databricks has continued to innovate and develop solutions that democratize data and make AI accessible to all.

The Power of Open Source LLMs

Open source LLMs have become a game-changer in the field of AI. Traditionally, training conversational AI models required extensive resources and large-Scale training on thousands of GPUs for months. It was a costly and complicated process. However, with the emergence of large language models like GPT-3, the conversation AI landscape started to shift. These models, with millions of parameters, showcased impressive conversational abilities but at a significant cost.

Introducing Dolly: Databricks' Open Source LLM

Databricks recognized the potential of open source models and developed Dolly, its own open source LLM. Dolly demonstrates that conversational behavior can be achieved using smaller, more cost-effective models. Unlike the massive models with hundreds of billions of parameters, Dolly is trained on a relatively modest six billion parameters. This reduction in size not only makes it more accessible but also serves as a proof-of-concept that conversation AI can be achieved with less computational resources.

Pros and Cons of Smaller, Open Source Models

While smaller open source models like Dolly may not match the knowledge memorization capacity of their larger counterparts, they excel in certain contexts. These models are highly proficient at generating text and can perform creative tasks like generating tweets, press releases, or scientific paper abstracts. However, their vast knowledge base may be limited compared to larger models. For some use cases, such as customer support or assisting employees within a company, these models are more than capable of meeting requirements.

Implications for Companies and Business Value

The rise of large language models like Dolly has significant implications for companies aiming to utilize AI for various purposes. The ability to add conversational features to customer service or assist employees in their tasks opens up new possibilities. Previously, companies had to rely on third-party providers for conversational AI, raising concerns about data privacy and control. With open source LLMs like Dolly, organizations can now experiment and build their own in-house capabilities, enhancing data security and customization.

Use Cases for LLMs in Organizations

Customer service is one of the most common use cases for LLMs. The ability to have a conversational AI interface that can Interact with customers and provide assistance can greatly improve the customer experience. Additionally, LLMs can assist in various programming tasks, such as code completion or analyzing customer feedback at scale. Their versatility and ability to understand natural language make them valuable assets in organizations across different domains.

Self-Hosted Models vs External Providers

The decision between using a self-hosted model like Dolly or relying on external providers depends on various factors. Self-hosted models offer the AdVantage of data and model ownership, allowing companies to have better control over customization and quality. On the other HAND, relying on external providers may be more suitable for broad knowledge applications or use cases requiring massive models like GPT-3. The choice ultimately depends on the organization's specific needs and priorities.

Configuring and Optimizing LLMs for Specific Tasks

Getting an LLM like Dolly to work for a particular task requires some configuration and optimization. Databricks provides scripts and tuning options to make the process straightforward. Fine-tuning the base model on domain-specific data may be necessary for certain use cases. Additionally, serving the model efficiently, whether on a single GPU or multiple GPUs, requires proper setup. Organizations need to establish frameworks for testing, evaluation, and comparison to ensure optimal performance.

Experimentation and Evaluation of LLMs

Experimentation is crucial when it comes to developing LLM-Based applications. Evaluating the model's performance and effectiveness can be challenging but necessary for improvement. Organizations can employ human evaluation, seeking preferences or correctness of answers. Automating evaluation through model-generated queries can also provide valuable insights. Establishing a framework for experimentation and evaluation streamlines the development cycle and ensures the model's continuous improvement.

The Name "Dolly" and Databricks' Strategy

The choice of the name "Dolly" for Databricks' open source LLM reflects the researchers' humor and pays homage to the first cloned mammal, Dolly the sheep. Databricks' strategy aligns with their overall mission to democratize data and AI. By creating open source LLMs like Dolly, Databricks aims to provide accessibility and control to users. Open standards and the power of open source communities drive innovation and allow for faster progress. Databricks believes that open technology is the key to democratizing AI and making it available to all.

Keeping up with Databricks' Updates

To stay up to date with Databricks' latest developments, including Dolly and other innovative projects, follow them on Twitter and regularly check their company blog. Databricks has more exciting things in store for the future, and keeping in touch will provide valuable insights and opportunities for exploration.


  • Open source LLMs are revolutionizing the field of AI by providing conversational abilities at a lower cost.
  • Databricks' Dolly is an open source LLM that demonstrates the potential of smaller models for conversation AI.
  • Smaller models may have limitations in knowledge memorization but excel in creative tasks and specific use cases.
  • Companies can benefit from in-house LLM capabilities, improving data security and customization.
  • LLMs can be used in customer service, programming assistance, and analyzing feedback at scale.
  • Configuration, optimization, and experimentation are essential for harnessing the full potential of LLMs.
  • Databricks' strategy focuses on democratizing data and AI through open source technologies and community collaboration.


Q: What is Dolly?
A: Dolly is an open source LLM developed by Databricks, offering conversational abilities with a smaller model size.

Q: How can companies benefit from LLMs?
A: LLMs can enhance customer service, assist with programming tasks, and analyze feedback, among other valuable use cases.

Q: Should companies opt for self-hosted LLMs or rely on external providers?
A: The choice depends on specific needs and priorities. Self-hosted models provide better control and customization, while external providers may be suitable for broad knowledge applications.

Q: What is the process of configuring and optimizing LLMs for specific tasks?
A: Databricks provides scripts and tuning options to simplify the configuration process. Fine-tuning on domain-specific data may be necessary for optimal performance.

Q: How can organizations evaluate LLMs and experiment with them?
A: Organizations can employ human evaluation, automate testing with model-generated queries, and establish frameworks for experimentation and evaluation.

Q: What is Databricks' overall strategy?
A: Databricks aims to democratize data and AI by creating open source LLMs like Dolly and fostering collaboration within the open source community.

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