Unlocking the Power of AI: Earn up to $10,000 per Month with YouTube Cut-out Videos!

Unlocking the Power of AI: Earn up to $10,000 per Month with YouTube Cut-out Videos!

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power of YouTube Cut-out Videos 2.1 What are YouTube cut-out videos? 2.2 The Rise of YouTube Cut-out Videos
  3. Introducing AI Video Generation 3.1 How AI Video Generation Works 3.2 The Benefits of AI Video Generation
  4. How to Use 2Shot AI for Creating Cut-out Videos 4.1 Getting Started with 2Shot AI 4.2 Uploading the YouTube Video Link 4.3 Selecting the Desired Cut-out Scene 4.4 Editing and Customizing the Video
  5. Monetizing Cut-out Channels on YouTube 5.1 The Potential for Earning on YouTube 5.2 Creating a Cut-out Channel 5.3 Tips for Maximizing Monetization
  6. Important Considerations for Cut-out Videos 6.1 Obtaining Permission from Content Creators 6.2 Ensuring Quality and Engaging Cut-outs
  7. A New Era of ai writing: ChatGPT 7.1 Introduction to ChatGPT 7.2 ChatGPT for Writing Blogs and YouTube Scripts
  8. The Potential of AI Writing for Generating Income 8.1 Exploring AI Writing Opportunities 8.2 The Advantages of AI Writing for Income Generation
  9. Combining AI Video Generation and AI Writing 9.1 The Synergy of AI Video and AI Writing 9.2 Unlocking the Full Potential of AI for Income Generation
  10. Conclusion

📌 The Power of YouTube Cut-out Videos

YouTube has become a powerhouse for content creators, offering immense potential for income generation. One popular type of video that has gained significant attention is the cut-out video. These are short Video Clips that highlight the best moments of a longer video or livestream, offering viewers quick and entertaining content.

📌 Introducing AI Video Generation

In recent years, advancements in artificial intelligence have made it possible to automate the process of creating cut-out videos. One such technology is AI video generation, which uses algorithms to select and compile the most engaging scenes from a given video. This has revolutionized the creation process, making it incredibly fast and efficient.

📌 How to Use 2Shot AI for Creating Cut-out Videos

Among the various AI video generation tools available, 2Shot AI stands out as an easy-to-use and powerful option. To get started, simply paste the YouTube video link and let the AI analyze the content. Then, choose the desired cut-out scene from the suggestions provided and proceed to edit and customize the video as needed.

📌 Monetizing Cut-out Channels on YouTube

Cut-out channels on YouTube have immense earning potential. By leveraging AI video generation alongside strategic content selection, individuals can create successful channels that generate substantial revenue. With the ability to produce high-quality cut-out videos without revealing their identity, creators can earn up to a million yen per month.

📌 Important Considerations for Cut-out Videos

When creating cut-out videos, it is crucial to obtain permission from the original content creators to avoid any copyright infringement issues. Additionally, ensuring the selection of engaging and Relevant scenes is essential to maintain viewer interest and increase Channel popularity.

📌 A New Era of AI Writing: ChatGPT

AI technology is not limited to video generation; it has also made significant advancements in the field of writing. ChatGPT, in particular, has emerged as a powerful tool for writing blogs, YouTube scripts, and other forms of content. By leveraging this AI writing technology, individuals can save time, enhance their writing skills, and deliver compelling content.

📌 The Potential of AI Writing for Generating Income

The combination of AI video generation and AI writing opens up new opportunities for income generation. By harnessing these technologies, individuals can create engaging cut-out videos and complement them with well-written scripts and blog posts. This synergy maximizes their earning potential and sets them apart from competitors.

📌 Combining AI Video Generation and AI Writing

When both AI video generation and AI writing are utilized together, creators can unlock the full potential of AI for income generation. By creating high-quality cut-out videos and crafting informative and engaging written content, they can establish a strong online presence, attract a larger audience, and generate significant income.

📌 Conclusion

The integration of AI video generation and AI writing has transformed the way content is created and monetized online. With the ability to automate the production of cut-out videos and enhance the quality of written content, individuals can tap into new income-generating opportunities. By leveraging these technologies effectively, creators can thrive in the ever-evolving landscape of online content creation.


  • YouTube cut-out videos offer a lucrative income generation opportunity.
  • AI video generation tools like 2Shot AI simplify the process of creating cut-out videos.
  • Obtaining permission from content creators is vital to avoid copyright infringement.
  • AI writing with ChatGPT enhances content creation and saves time.
  • The combination of AI video generation and AI writing maximizes income potential.


Q: How do I get permission from content creators for using their videos in cut-out videos? A: It is important to reach out to content creators and request permission to use their videos in cut-out content. This can be done through email, social media, or other communication channels. Always ensure that you provide clear information about your intentions and propose a mutually beneficial arrangement.

Q: Can AI writing replace human writers entirely? A: While AI writing has made significant advancements, it cannot completely replace human writers. Human creativity, perspective, and understanding of nuances are still valuable in producing unique and engaging content. However, AI writing can assist writers by saving time and providing useful insights and suggestions.

Q: How can I monetize my cut-out channel on YouTube? A: To monetize your cut-out channel on YouTube, you need to meet the requirements set by the YouTube Partner Program, such as having at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours in the past 12 months. Once you meet these criteria, you can apply for monetization and start earning revenue through ads, memberships, and other monetization features.


  • 2Shot AI (website): [link_here]
  • ChatGPT (website): [link_here]
  • YouTube Partner Program requirements: [link_here]

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