Unlocking the Power of AI Models: A Guide to AI Builder

Unlocking the Power of AI Models: A Guide to AI Builder

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power CAT Live Preview
  3. Extracting Information from Emails
  4. Using AI Builder for Prompt Engineering
  5. testing the Model Output
  6. Modifying the Model Output in Flows
  7. Using JSON Format for Data Extraction
  8. Integrating with Power Apps
  9. Other Use Cases for AI Models
  10. Maximizing the Use of AI Models
  11. Prompt Engineering: The Art of Interacting with Models
  12. Licensing and Pricing


In this article, we will explore the capabilities of AI models, specifically focusing on the AI Builder from Microsoft's Power CAT Live Preview. We will learn how to extract information from emails using AI Builder, understand the concept of prompt engineering, and discover the various use cases and possibilities of integrating AI models with Power Apps. Additionally, we will discuss licensing and pricing details for utilizing AI Builder. So, let's dive into the world of AI models and unleash their potential.

The Power CAT Live Preview

The Power CAT Live Preview is an exclusive feature that allows users to join and experience the power of AI Builder firsthand. By using the provided form, viewers can request access to this private preview, which promises to revolutionize the way we work with data and information. This preview offers an innovative solution to transform complex data sets into easily manageable JSON formats. In just a single flow action, users can convert numbers in emails into super usable JSON data. Now, let's explore how this amazing transformation happens.

Extracting Information from Emails

Have you ever wondered how to extract crucial information from emails efficiently? Well, AI Builder provides a seamless solution. Suppose you have an email containing container numbers and registration numbers in a supply chain situation. Traditionally, you might rely on regular expressions to extract this information, but they can be complex and time-consuming. However, with AI Builder's capabilities, you can simply instruct the model to extract the desired information. No more struggling with regular expressions or searching for solutions on Stack Overflow.

Using AI Builder for Prompt Engineering

To extract information from emails, we will leverage AI Builder's prompt engineering feature. With a few simple steps, you can interact with the model, specify instructions, and provide Relevant context to extract the desired data. AI Builder offers template prompts and predefined instructions to get you started quickly. By selecting a template related to email information extraction, you can effortlessly guide the model to recognize and extract container numbers, registration numbers, or any other specific data elements. Let's see how it works!

Testing the Model Output

Once you have set up the prompt and context in AI Builder, it's time to put the AI model to the test. With the click of a button, you can observe the model diligently extracting the requested information from the provided email. It's truly mesmerizing to witness the model's accuracy and efficiency in action. Whether you need to extract container numbers, registration numbers, or any other data, the AI model is up to the task. So, let's dive deeper and explore how we can integrate the model's output into workflows.

Modifying the Model Output in Flows

The flow doesn't end with the model's output. In fact, AI Builder allows you to modify the extracted information directly in the flow itself. This unique capability empowers users to customize the output according to their specific requirements. For example, if you prefer the output in a tabular form, where all the containers are listed, AI Builder lets you configure the model to provide the desired output format. You can easily chain prompts and specify how you want the output to be presented. AI Builder truly puts the power of customization in your hands.

Using JSON Format for Data Extraction

One remarkable feature of AI Builder's output is the ability to extract data in JSON format. JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is a popular data interchange format that provides a structured representation of data. By instructing the model to generate the output in JSON format, you gain an incredible advantage. The extracted data can then be easily parsed and used for various purposes. From database integration to app development, the flexibility and convenience of working with JSON make it an ideal choice for data extraction.

Integrating with Power Apps

The integration of AI models with Power Apps opens up a world of possibilities. By adding the AI Builder model as a data source in Power Apps, you can leverage its capabilities within your applications. Imagine a Scenario where you need to extract information from emails, and then use that information to perform specific tasks within your app. With AI Builder, you can seamlessly integrate the model into your Power Apps workflows, allowing you to automate processes and enhance user experiences. Let's explore how it works!

Other Use Cases for AI Models

While email information extraction is just one example, AI models have a wide range of applications. They excel in summarization scenarios, where they can generate concise summaries of documents or lengthy Texts. Additionally, AI models are valuable for extraction capabilities, such as extracting important information from various sources. Imagine being able to automatically generate draft responses to customer queries or generate new content based on specific criteria. The possibilities are endless!

Maximizing the Use of AI Models

To make the most of AI models, it is crucial to understand the art of prompt engineering. Prompting is the key to interacting effectively with the model and achieving the desired results. The more you interact with the model, experiment with different prompts, and understand its capabilities, the better equipped you become. Prompt engineering is about building a relationship with the model, where you learn to ask the right questions and get the desired responses. It takes time and practice, but once mastered, it can significantly enhance your productivity and efficiency.

Licensing and Pricing

Now, you might be Wondering about the licensing and pricing details for using AI Builder. During the preview phase, AI Builder is available for free to users with AI Builder credits. However, once it reaches the general availability (GA) stage, it will be subject to charges. Microsoft aims to make AI Builder accessible and affordable, ensuring that users can leverage the power of AI in their workflows without any barriers. So, go ahead, try it out, and share your experiences with us!


  • AI Builder from Power CAT Live Preview revolutionizes data transformation
  • Extracting crucial information from emails becomes effortless with AI Builder
  • Prompt engineering allows customization and fine-tuning of the AI model's output
  • JSON format provides flexibility and convenience for data extraction
  • Integration with Power Apps enhances automation and user experiences
  • AI models have diverse use cases, from summarization to content generation
  • Prompt engineering is the art of effectively interacting with AI models
  • AI Builder pricing offers accessibility and affordability for users


Q: Can AI Builder extract information from different types of documents, or is it limited to emails? A: AI Builder is not limited to emails. It can extract information from various types of documents, such as invoices, purchase orders, and more.

Q: Is prompt engineering necessary for using AI models effectively? A: Yes, prompt engineering is crucial for maximizing the effectiveness of AI models. By providing clear instructions and context, users can guide the model to generate the desired outputs.

Q: Can AI Builder models be trained on custom datasets? A: Currently, AI Builder models are trained on pre-existing datasets and are not customizable. However, Microsoft is continuously working to enhance the customization capabilities of AI Builder.

Q: How secure is the integration of AI Builder with Power Apps? A: The integration of AI Builder with Power Apps is designed to uphold high-security standards. Microsoft prioritizes data protection and adheres to strict security protocols to safeguard user information.

Q: Do I need programming skills to use AI Builder? A: No, AI Builder is designed to be user-friendly and accessible to users without extensive programming knowledge. Its intuitive interface and predefined prompts make it easy for users to leverage AI capabilities.

Q: Are there any limits to the number of requests or usage of AI Builder? A: During the preview phase, AI Builder usage is subject to AI Builder credits. Once it reaches the general availability stage, there might be usage limitations based on the specific licensing and pricing plans.

Q: Can AI Builder models be integrated with other applications or platforms? A: Yes, AI Builder models can be integrated with various applications and platforms, including Microsoft Power Platform, Microsoft Azure, and other compatible systems. The flexibility of integration allows users to leverage the power of AI in their preferred environments.


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