Unlocking the Power of LLMs: Extracting Brilliant Code

Unlocking the Power of LLMs: Extracting Brilliant Code

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Project: Generating Code with GPT-3
  3. The Building Blocks of the Project
    1. Function 1: Description to Code
    2. Function 2: Code Evaluation
    3. Function 3: Code Analysis
    4. Function 4: Code Description
    5. Function 5: Code Similarity
  4. Testing and Results
    1. Test 1: Generating Code for Circle Points
    2. Test 2: Getting Area and Thickness of a Polygon
  5. Challenges and Limitations
  6. Future Possibilities and Applications
  7. Conclusion



In this article, we will explore an intriguing project that involves generating code with GPT-3, a powerful language model. The goal of this project is to utilize GPT-3's capabilities to analyze and improve the code it generates. While the results may not always be perfect, this experiment showcases the great potential of AI technologies in the realm of programming.

The Project: Generating Code with GPT-3

The project I have been working on involves using GPT-3, a state-of-the-art language model, to generate code. The idea is to see if GPT-3 can improve the code it generates by analyzing it and suggesting enhancements. My mentor once Mentioned that eventually, computers will be able to write code without any bugs, and that idea has intrigued me ever since.

However, during my experiments with the generated code, I discovered that it was not without flaws. I encountered security holes, performance issues, and incorrect code. It became evident that the code generated by GPT-3 was not necessarily better than what a human would produce, although it did Show promise in certain cases.

To tackle this problem, I decided to explore the concept of using GPT-3 to analyze its own code. This project consists of several building blocks, which are implemented as Python functions and can be found on GitHub.

The Building Blocks of the Project

Function 1: Description to Code

The first building block of this project is a Python function called "description to code." It Prompts the user to provide a description of a function and then writes the corresponding code in Python. This function serves as the foundation for the subsequent steps.

Function 2: Code Evaluation

Once we have generated some code, we can leverage GPT-3 to evaluate its quality. With a simple prompt, we can ask GPT-3 to rate the code on a Scale from zero to a hundred Based on criteria such as Clarity, cleanliness, and engineering. This evaluation helps us determine how well the code performs.

Function 3: Code Analysis

To further analyze the generated code, we have a function called "code has bugs." It asks GPT-3 to determine if the code contains any bugs and assigns a likelihood score from zero to a hundred. This analysis reveals any potential issues that need to be addressed.

Function 4: Code Description

To assess GPT-3's understanding of the generated code, we introduce the "code to description" function. This function attempts to explain the code back to us by converting it into a description. However, to prevent GPT-3 from cheating by relying on variable names, we remove all variable names from the code before the description is generated.

Function 5: Code Similarity

Finally, we have the "code similarity" function, which compares the generated code's description to the original description. This helps us determine how closely the generated code matches the desired functionality. We can obtain a score indicating the similarity between the two descriptions.

Testing and Results

To test the effectiveness of this project, I conducted several experiments using different prompts and code generation scenarios. Let's take a look at two examples: generating code for circle points and calculating the area and thickness of a polygon.

Test 1: Generating Code for Circle Points

In the first test, I prompted GPT-3 to generate code for calculating the points on a circle. The generated code was then evaluated, checked for bugs, described back to us, and compared to the original description. The top-ranked code showed high-quality results and accurately performed the desired task.

Test 2: Getting Area and Thickness of a Polygon

For the Second test, I challenged GPT-3 to generate code for calculating the area and thickness of a polygon represented as a list of X and Y coordinates. Despite not fully understanding the generated code, the evaluation results indicated that GPT-3 considered it to be of high quality. However, further testing is required to ensure its accuracy.

Challenges and Limitations

While this project showcases the immense potential of AI in code generation, it also presents some challenges and limitations. For example, generating code with the objective of finding bugs doesn't always yield accurate results. GPT-3 might misunderstand the prompt or produce unexpected outputs. However, by using techniques such as ignoring invalid results and sampling multiple times, we can mitigate some of these challenges.

Future Possibilities and Applications

This project opens up a world of possibilities for leveraging large language models like GPT-3 in code generation. As we Continue to explore and refine these models, we can incorporate features such as Type checking, compilation, and running the generated code. The ability to analyze and improve code quality beyond what a human can achieve is within reach.


In conclusion, this project highlights the potential of using GPT-3 to generate code and improve its quality. While the results may not always be perfect, We Are witnessing the possibilities of AI technologies in programming. As we continue to evolve and refine these models, we are on the path to achieving the dream of writing high-quality code with minimal bugs. The Journey has just begun, and we can look forward to more exciting developments in this field.


  • This project explores generating code with GPT-3, a powerful language model.
  • The goal is to utilize GPT-3's capabilities to analyze and improve the code it generates.
  • GPT-3-generated code may contain bugs, security holes, or performance issues.
  • Functions like code evaluation, code analysis, and code description aid in improving code quality.
  • Testing results show promising performance in generating code for various tasks.
  • Challenges and limitations exist, but they can be overcome with careful testing and sampling.
  • The future holds endless possibilities for code generation and quality improvement using AI technologies.


Q: Can GPT-3 understand the code it generates?
A: GPT-3 has a function called "code to description" that attempts to explain the generated code. However, it can sometimes rely on variable names and clues rather than fully understanding the code's functionality.

Q: Can GPT-3 find bugs in its own code?
A: While GPT-3 can be prompted to find bugs in its generated code, it doesn't always result in accurate bug detection. The likelihood of detecting bugs varies, and sometimes GPT-3 fails to identify them.

Q: How expensive is using GPT-3 for code generation?
A: The cost of using GPT-3 for code generation depends on factors such as the number of API calls made and the complexity of the requests. The more calls you make and the more complex the code generation, the more expensive it can become.

Q: Can GPT-3 be integrated with test-driven development or code fine-tuning?
A: Yes, GPT-3 can potentially be integrated with test-driven development practices and code fine-tuning. By generating test cases and analyzing the code it generates, GPT-3 can be utilized as part of an iterative development process.

Q: What are the future possibilities for code generation with AI?
A: The future of code generation with AI is vast. We can explore incorporating features like type checking, compilation, and further code analysis. AI technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we write high-quality, bug-free code.

Q: How reliable are the results from GPT-3 in generating high-quality code?
A: While GPT-3 shows promising results in generating high-quality code, the reliability is dependent on various factors like the complexity of the prompt and the number of samples evaluated. Iterative sampling and careful evaluation can improve the reliability of the results.

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