Unlocking the Power of Open Source GPT Models: Run AI Locally!

Unlocking the Power of Open Source GPT Models: Run AI Locally!

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction to OpenAI GPT Models
  2. The Rise of Open Source Alternatives
  3. Databricks Dolly: Democratizing Chat GPT
  4. Cerebras GPT: Open, Compute-Efficient Models
  5. GPT for All: Training and Running Locally
  6. Pros and Cons of Open Source GPT Models
  7. The Implications for Enterprise and Privacy
  8. The Future of Open Source Language Models
  9. FAQs about OpenAI GPT Models

Introduction to OpenAI GPT Models

OpenAI's release of GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer) models, starting with GPT-3, has generated significant interest in the open-source world. Although there have been attempts to replicate the success of GPT models, none have been able to completely match their performance. Many individuals and organizations have been eager to develop open-source alternatives that can run locally on personal computers, allowing for greater privacy and control. In this article, we will explore three recently released models: Databricks Dolly, Cerebras GPT, and GPT for All. These models aim to provide accessible and efficient alternatives to OpenAI's GPT models, opening up new possibilities for developers, researchers, and privacy-conscious users.

The Rise of Open Source Alternatives

One of the main reasons behind the surge in open-source alternatives to GPT models is the demand for locally run models that prioritize privacy and data control. The success of open-source models like Stable Diffusion, which have been able to run on devices like iPhones and iPads, has demonstrated the value of local computation. Additionally, the need for alternatives to hosted services provided by large corporations has become increasingly important for hackers, developers, and individuals who prioritize privacy.

Databricks Dolly: Democratizing Chat GPT

Databricks Dolly is a large language model developed by Databricks, a company known for its hosted Jupyter Notebook software. Dolly aims to democratize the magic of Chat GPT with open models. While Dolly is not yet publicly available, the concept behind the model is exciting. It is a fine-tuned version of the GPTJ model, which has been trained on Stanford Alpaca, a dataset of 50,000 records. Fine-tuning the GPTJ model with specific instructions has resulted in high-quality instruction following behavior, surpassing the capabilities of the original GPTJ model. Dolly offers a promising alternative for those seeking AI capabilities without relying on a hosted service.


  • Democratizes Chat GPT with open models
  • Provides high-quality instruction following behavior
  • Offers an alternative to hosted services


  • Model weights not publicly available
  • Intended exclusively for research purposes

Cerebras GPT: Open, Compute-Efficient Models

Cerebras GPT is a family of open compute-efficient Large Language Models developed by Cerebras. Unlike Dolly, the models within the Cerebras GPT family are fully available on the Hugging Face model hub, allowing for easy access and usage. These models have been trained on private data using the deep mind's chinchilla architecture, which prioritizes compute-efficient training. The computational efficiency of Cerebras GPT is evident when compared to models like Pythia, as shown by the lower curves in the performance Chart. This computational efficiency, coupled with the open nature of the models, makes Cerebras GPT an excellent choice for those seeking both openness and efficiency.


  • Models available for immediate usage on Hugging Face model hub
  • Compute-efficient training
  • Open architecture and license


  • Lack of transparency regarding training data

GPT for All: Training and Running Locally

GPT for All is a model that allows users to train and run a GPT-like model on their local computers. Designed for Mac, Windows, and Linux systems, GPT for All offers a no-cost, accessible option for those who want to experiment with large language models. The model can be easily downloaded and run by following the provided instructions. GPT for All is based on the LAMA architecture and has been quantized for CPU usage, ensuring compatibility with non-M1 Intel machines. This model's ability to run locally makes it an attractive option for individuals who prefer local computation and control.


  • No Hidden costs or restrictions
  • Can be trained and run on local machines
  • Compatible with a wide range of systems


  • Limited details available about the training process

Pros and Cons of Open Source GPT Models

Open-source GPT models, such as Databricks Dolly, Cerebras GPT, and GPT for All, offer several advantages and disadvantages compared to OpenAI's GPT models. One significant advantage is the ability to run these models locally, ensuring greater privacy and control over data. Additionally, open-source models provide opportunities for researchers, developers, and hackers to customize and enhance the models according to their specific needs. However, the lack of availability and transparency regarding model weights and training data can be a drawback for some users who require more comprehensive documentation and support.

The Implications for Enterprise and Privacy

The availability of open-source GPT models has significant implications for both enterprise and privacy. For enterprises, these models offer an alternative to relying on hosted services from large corporations. They provide flexibility, customization options, and the ability to keep data within the organization's infrastructure, addressing security and privacy concerns. Additionally, individuals who prioritize privacy and data control can benefit from running models locally, ensuring that sensitive information does not leave their devices. Open-source GPT models enable a wider range of users to harness the power of large language models while maintaining control over their data.

The Future of Open Source Language Models

The release and popularity of open-source GPT models represent a significant milestone in the development of large language models. These models, such as Databricks Dolly, Cerebras GPT, and GPT for All, exemplify the ongoing efforts to create open, efficient, and accessible alternatives to proprietary models. With the rapid advancements in the field, it is expected that more open-source models will emerge, further expanding the possibilities for research, development, and applications of large language models. As the community continues to embrace open-source solutions, the future of language models looks promising and more inclusive.

FAQs about OpenAI GPT Models

Q: Are these open-source GPT models suitable for commercial use?

A: While some of the models discussed, such as Databricks Dolly, are intended exclusively for research purposes, others like Cerebras GPT and GPT for All offer more flexibility and can be used for commercial applications. It is essential to review the specific licensing terms for each model before using them in a commercial setting.

Q: How do these open-source GPT models compare to OpenAI's official GPT models?

A: Open-source GPT models provide alternatives to OpenAI's GPT models, allowing for customization, local computation, and increased privacy. However, it is important to note that the official GPT models from OpenAI have been extensively tested and optimized, offering a high level of performance and support.

Q: Can open-source GPT models achieve similar performance to commercial models like GPT-3?

A: While open-source GPT models aim to replicate the success of commercial models like GPT-3, it is challenging to achieve the same level of performance and fine-tuning without access to the same resources and training data. However, with advancements in training techniques and the efforts of the open-source community, these models are becoming increasingly competitive.

Q: How can I contribute to the development of open-source GPT models?

A: The development of open-source GPT models relies on collaboration and contributions from the community. You can contribute by providing feedback, reporting issues, or submitting improvements to the model's codebase. Additionally, supporting organizations and developers who release open-source models can help drive further advancements in the field.

Q: Are there any resources available for learning more about these models?

A: Yes, each of the models discussed in this article has associated resources that provide more details about their architecture, training, and usage. You can refer to the respective repositories, blog posts, and technical reports for in-depth information on each model.


In conclusion, the emergence of open-source GPT models presents exciting possibilities for researchers, developers, and those who prioritize privacy and data control. As these models continue to evolve and gain traction, it is important to explore and contribute to their development, fostering a more inclusive and collaborative AI community.

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