Unlocking the Power of UiPath Document Understanding and Generative AI

Unlocking the Power of UiPath Document Understanding and Generative AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Attending the UiPath MVP Summit in Romania
  3. The Impact of Generative AI on Document Understanding
  4. Easy Creation of Document Understanding Projects
  5. Classifying Various Document Types
  6. Using UiPath and Generative AI
  7. Installing the Document Understanding Package
  8. Retrieving the Path of Documents
  9. Using the Path Exists Activity
  10. Classifying Documents with the Generative Classifier
  11. Defining Prompts for Different Document Types
  12. Storing Definitions Obtained from ChatGPT
  13. Saving the Project and Creating a Classification Variable
  14. Displaying Document Classifications
  15. Switching Based on Document Types
  16. Copying Files to Corresponding Folders
  17. Running the Classification Process
  18. The Impressive Simplicity of UiPath and Generative AI
  19. The Revolutionary Nature of this Approach
  20. Conclusion


In this article, we will explore the powerful combination of UiPath and generative AI in document understanding. We will delve into the impact of generative AI on document understanding and how it simplifies the creation of document understanding projects. We will also discuss the classification of various document types using the generative classifier and showcase the ease with which files can be sorted into their respective folders. Read on to discover the revolutionary nature of this approach and how it empowers developers and citizen developers alike.

Attending the UiPath MVP Summit in Romania

Three months ago, I had the opportunity to attend the UiPath MVP Summit in Romania. During the opening session, I had the chance to ask a question regarding the influence of generative AI and models like ChatGPT on document understanding. The response I received made it clear that it was not a matter of "if," but rather "when" we would incorporate these models into document understanding. The inclusion of generative AI in this context surpassed all my expectations, making the creation of document understanding projects effortless.

The Impact of Generative AI on Document Understanding

Generative AI, when combined with document understanding, revolutionizes the way we analyze and interpret documents. This powerful amalgamation allows us to effortlessly extract valuable information and classify documents based on their content. Regardless of the file type or format, generative AI equips us with the ability to read documents, be they image-based or text-based, and automatically classify them based on the information they contain.

Easy Creation of Document Understanding Projects

Creating document understanding projects has never been easier, thanks to the integration of generative AI into UiPath. With simple steps and intuitive user interfaces, developers and citizen developers can now embark on document understanding projects without the need for extensive technical knowledge. No longer do we need to delve into complex concepts such as taxonomy, digitization, OCR, or field definitions. This revolutionary approach enables us to develop using plain English and define the document types and desired values with ease.

Classifying Various Document Types

One of the key capabilities provided by generative AI is the ability to classify various document types accurately. Whether it be identifying CVs, invoices, passports, or any other document format, generative AI models excel in analyzing and categorizing documents based on predefined prompts. By simply providing concise definitions for each document type, obtained through sources like ChatGPT, the classifier can effortlessly assign the correct classification and confidence level to each document.

Using UiPath and Generative AI

To leverage the power of generative AI in document understanding, we will utilize UiPath Studio. Our first step is to install the necessary package for document understanding. Upon establishing the package, we can proceed to retrieve the path of each document within a given folder. By utilizing the "path exists" activity, we can extract references and store them as local resources. This enables us to access important information for further processing.

Installing the Document Understanding Package

To begin, open UiPath Studio and create a new project named "Document Understanding and Generative AI." Next, navigate to the "Manage Packages" section and search for "Document Understanding." Install the package named "UiPath Document Understanding Activities," ensuring that it is version 2.3.1 or above.

Retrieving the Path of Documents

Once the package is installed, we can retrieve the paths of the documents within a specific folder. This will allow us to iterate through all the files and perform classification on each one. By utilizing the "path exists" activity, we can check if a file exists at a given path and extract the reference to it. This reference will be stored as a local resource for further use.

Using the Path Exists Activity

The "path exists" activity checks if a file exists at a specific path. We will iterate through all the files in our document folder, and for each file, we will use the "path exists" activity to extract the reference to it. This reference will be stored as a variable called "IFile," allowing us to access and process the file in subsequent steps.

Classifying Documents with the Generative Classifier

To classify documents, we will use the "classify documents" activity provided by the document understanding package. This powerful activity leverages the generative classifier to analyze the content of a document and assign it to the appropriate category. In our case, we will classify documents as CVs, invoices, or passports, based on the information they contain.

Defining Prompts for Different Document Types

To successfully classify documents, we need to provide prompts or examples of each document type. These prompts act as training samples for the generative classifier. For each document type, we define a concise description, preferably under 150 characters, which encapsulates the essence of that document type. To obtain these definitions, we can turn to resources like ChatGPT and ask it to provide us with a definition of each document type.

Storing Definitions Obtained from ChatGPT

Using resources like ChatGPT, we can obtain concise definitions for each document type. These definitions should be no longer than 150 characters and should capture the unique characteristics of each document type. Once obtained, we can store these definitions as strings within our UiPath project, ready to be utilized in the classification process.

Saving the Project and Creating a Classification Variable

Before proceeding further, let's save our project to ensure we don't lose any progress. We will also create a variable called "Classification" to store the classification results of each document. This variable will hold information such as the document type and confidence level assigned by the generative classifier.

Displaying Document Classifications

To verify that our classification process is working correctly, we can use the "message box" activity to display the classification of each document. This will allow us to see the classification results in real-time and ensure that the generative classifier is accurately identifying the document types. We will display the document name, followed by the assigned document type and confidence level.

Switching Based on Document Types

To handle each document type separately, we will use a "switch" activity based on the document type assigned by the generative classifier. Within the switch activity, we will set different cases for each document type, such as passports, CVs, and invoices. Based on the document type, we will perform specific actions for each case, such as copying the file to the corresponding folder.

Copying Files to Corresponding Folders

To organize our documents, we will use the "copy file" activity to move them to their respective folders. By specifying the destination path as the corresponding folder for each document type, we can ensure that documents are sorted correctly. This process will keep the original files intact while creating copies in the designated folders.

Running the Classification Process

With all the necessary components in place, we can now execute our classification process. By running the project, we will initiate the classification of each document in the specified folder. The generative classifier will analyze each document and assign it the appropriate document type with a confidence level. After completion, we can review the results and check if the documents have been correctly classified and moved to their respective folders.

The Impressive Simplicity of UiPath and Generative AI

The integration of UiPath and generative AI showcases an impressive combination of simplicity and power. By leveraging these technologies, developers and citizen developers can create document understanding projects with ease, without requiring extensive technical knowledge. The process has been streamlined to eliminate the need for tasks like taxonomy creation, digitization, OCR, and field definitions. This revolutionary approach allows for the development of document understanding processes using plain English, revolutionizing the industry.

The Revolutionary Nature of this Approach

The Fusion of generative AI and UiPath in document understanding brings forth a revolutionary approach to information extraction and categorization. Traditionally, achieving accurate document understanding involved complex models and tedious configuration steps. With generative AI, developers can now define document types and their attributes using simple prompts and receive accurate results with high confidence. This approach empowers developers and citizen developers to quickly and efficiently build document understanding processes, greatly enhancing their productivity.


In conclusion, the combination of UiPath and generative AI is a Game-changer in the field of document understanding. The integration of these technologies simplifies the creation of document understanding projects, enabling developers and citizen developers to effortlessly classify and organize documents. With impressive accuracy and ease of use, this approach revolutionizes the way information is extracted from documents. Embracing this powerful combination opens up a world of possibilities for improving document processing workflows and increasing overall efficiency.


  • The fusion of generative AI and UiPath in document understanding
  • Simplified creation of document understanding projects
  • Accurate classification of various document types
  • The power of generative AI combined with UiPath Studio
  • Installing the Document Understanding package
  • Retrieving the path of documents
  • Utilizing the "path exists" activity
  • Classifying documents with the generative classifier
  • Defining prompts for different document types
  • Storing definitions obtained from ChatGPT
  • Saving the project and creating a classification variable
  • Displaying document classifications
  • Switching based on document types
  • Copying files to corresponding folders
  • Running the classification process
  • The impressive simplicity of UiPath and generative AI
  • The revolutionary nature of this approach


Q: Can generative AI handle different file types, such as PDF, JPEG, and PNG? A: Yes, generative AI can classify documents of various file types, including PDF, JPEG, and PNG. It analyzes the content within the documents, regardless of their format, and accurately assigns document types based on that information.

Q: How does UiPath simplify the creation of document understanding projects? A: UiPath provides a user-friendly interface and intuitive activities that streamline the process of creating document understanding projects. With UiPath Studio, developers and citizen developers can easily install the necessary packages, retrieve document paths, classify documents, and organize them into their respective folders.

Q: Can the generative classifier be trained on custom document types? A: Yes, the generative classifier can be trained to classify custom document types. By providing appropriate prompts and definitions for each document type, the classifier can learn to accurately categorize documents according to user-defined criteria.

Q: What is the benefit of using generative AI in document understanding projects? A: Generative AI simplifies the document understanding process by eliminating the need for complicated taxonomy creation, OCR, and field definitions. It allows developers to define document types using plain English prompts, making the classification process more accessible to both technical and non-technical users.

Q: Are there any limitations to using generative AI in document understanding? A: While generative AI is highly effective in classifying documents, its accuracy may vary depending on the quality and clarity of the prompts provided. It is important to ensure that the definitions and prompts accurately capture the essence of each document type to achieve optimal results.


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