Unlocking the Research Powerhouse: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Unlocking the Research Powerhouse: IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Overview of the Journal
  3. Indexing and Ranking
  4. Scope of the Journal
  5. Peer Review Process
  6. Author Resources
  7. Publication Fees and Charges
  8. Frequency of Publication
  9. Early Access and Current Issues
  10. Journal Ranking and Impact Factor
  11. Alternatives and Similar Journals
  12. Citations and Collaboration
  13. Conclusion


In this article, we will be discussing a reputable journal called "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence." This journal is known for its high impact factor and focus on pattern analysis and machine intelligence research. We will delve into various aspects of this journal, including its indexing and ranking, scope, peer review process, author resources, publication fees, frequency of publication, early access and current issues, impact factor, alternative journals, citations, and collaboration. By the end of this article, you will have a comprehensive understanding of the journal and its significance in the field of pattern analysis and machine intelligence.

Overview of the Journal

The "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" is an esteemed journal that publishes articles related to various traditional areas of computer vision, image understanding, and machine intelligence. It is a highly regarded IEEE transaction that ensures the delivery of high-quality research in these domains. With an impressive impact factor of 16.389, this journal stands as one of the top niche journals in the IEEE community. However, it is essential to consider more than just the impact factor when assessing the quality of a journal or transaction.

Indexing and Ranking

When evaluating the quality of a journal, indexing plays a crucial role. Unfortunately, the indexing information for this particular transaction is not readily available on its homepage. This can be compared to the presentation of information on other websites, such as Elsevier, where accessibility and presentability are more user-friendly. To determine the indexing of the "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence," one would need to search for it separately using platforms like Web of Science or Clarivate. However, it is worth mentioning that this transaction is indexed in the Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI-E), indicating its high status in the field.

Scope of the Journal

The scope of the "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" encompasses a wide range of topics related to computer vision, image processing, pattern analysis, recognition, and machine intelligence. It focuses on both traditional areas of research in computer vision and emerging sub-domains within machine intelligence. If your research aligns with any of these areas, this journal could be a suitable choice for you. Additionally, topics such as Handwriting analysis, medical image analysis, content-based image and video retrieval, gesture and face recognition, and more fall under the scope of this transaction.

Peer Review Process

Maintaining the quality of research is paramount for the "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence." To ensure this, each article submitted undergoes a rigorous peer review process. According to the IEEE's operation manual, a minimum of two independent reviewers evaluates each article. The review process follows a single-blind approach, where the identities of the reviewers are unknown to the authors. However, the reviewers are aware of the authors' identities. This process aims to maintain objectivity and fairness in the evaluation of submissions.

Author Resources

For authors interested in submitting their work to this journal, the "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" offers various resources. The journal's homepage provides author guidelines, information on manuscript submission, author central resources, and details on becoming a reviewer. These resources can assist authors in understanding the submission process, formatting requirements, and additional information related to publishing in this journal.

Publication Fees and Charges

To support the publication of high-quality research, the "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" imposes publication fees and applicable article processing charges. These charges ensure the sustainability and accessibility of the journal. The exact fees depend on factors such as the length of the manuscript. It is advisable to review the author guidelines to understand the specific charges that may apply to your submission.

Frequency of Publication

The "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" follows a monthly publication frequency. This means that the journal publishes articles approximately 12 times per year. If you are looking for a quick publication turnaround, targeting this journal can be advantageous due to its frequent release schedule.

Early Access and Current Issues

For readers interested in accessing the latest research, the "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" offers early access to recently accepted articles. Early access allows readers to get a glimpse of forthcoming publications, even though the formatting may differ slightly from the final versions. It provides valuable insights into trending topics and key domains within the journal's scope. Additionally, the journal's website provides information on current issues, allowing readers to stay up to date with the latest research advancements.

Journal Ranking and Impact Factor

The "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" holds an impressive impact factor of 16.389. The impact factor measures the average number of citations received by articles published in a journal, indicating its influence and importance within the field. With such a high impact factor, this journal is considered prestigious and attracts significant attention from researchers worldwide. However, it is essential to note that the impact factor should not be the sole criterion for judging the quality of a journal.

Alternatives and Similar Journals

While the "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" is undoubtedly a remarkable journal, the acceptance rate may be low due to its high reputation and stringent standards. It is always advisable to have alternative journals in mind where you can consider submitting your research if it doesn't get accepted in this particular journal. Some alternative journals in the field of computer vision, image processing, and machine learning include the "International Journal of Computer Vision," "Computer Vision and Image Understanding," "Image and Vision Computing," and "Computational Visual Media."

Citations and Collaboration

Citations play a significant role in indicating the impact and relevance of research. The "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" has a robust h-index of 372, highlighting the influential nature of the journal and the research it publishes. The journal has consistently maintained a high h-index, further solidifying its position as a reputable source of scientific knowledge. Furthermore, collaborations within the journal, both international and non-international, contribute to the research community's growth and knowledge dissemination.


In conclusion, the "IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence" is a prestigious journal that focuses on pattern analysis and machine intelligence research. With its high impact factor, frequent publication, and adherence to a rigorous peer review process, this journal stands as a valuable platform for researchers in the field. While it may be challenging to get accepted into this journal due to its stringent standards, alternative journals provide viable options. By considering various factors such as indexing, scope, and collaboration opportunities, researchers can make informed decisions about Where To publish their work.

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