Unmasking the AI Scammer: The Truth Behind Tsubajashi's Deception

Unmasking the AI Scammer: The Truth Behind Tsubajashi's Deception

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Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Tsubajashi's Fake Research and Scam
  3. Building a Cult-like Community
  4. The Stolen Models and Outrageous Claims
  5. The Truth Revealed
  6. Tsubajashi's Lack of Experience
  7. The Role of Hubert and CAIN
  8. Mafiosnik's Involvement and Unpaid Work
  9. Tsubajashi's Pathological Lies
  10. The Delay of Beta 8 and Ghosting Incident
  11. The Rise of Enhancr: A Better Alternative
  12. Lessons Learned and Conclusion


In recent times, a video frame interpolation project called TVP has gained significant attention and followers. However, it has now been revealed that the entire project was built on a massive lie and was nothing more than a scam. This article will delve into the disturbing truth behind Tsubajashi, the developer behind TVP, and how he manipulated his community while stealing the work of others.

Tsubajashi's Fake Research and Scam

Tsubajashi, a self-proclaimed developer from Germany, claimed to have created a revolutionary architecture for video frame interpolation, specifically made for anime. He spent years creating a cult-like community around TVP, making outrageous claims to boost his ego and deceive potential investors. However, it was later discovered that Tsubajashi's research never existed, and he had scammed his community into supporting him while doing little actual work.

Building a Cult-like Community

Tsubajashi's manipulation tactics allowed him to create a community that treated him as some sort of god. He gained the trust of his followers by presenting himself as a knowledgeable and helpful person. However, this was all part of his scheme to spread the growth of TVP and further his own agenda.

The Stolen Models and Outrageous Claims

One of the most shocking revelations about Tsubajashi was his habit of stealing models from others and claiming them as his own. He even stole models from a 14-year-old without giving credit. Additionally, Tsubajashi made false claims about collaborating with animation studios and amassing terabytes of anime frames. These claims were all meant to boost his reputation and fool his supporters.

The Truth Revealed

As more evidence came to light, it became clear that Tsubajashi's claims were baseless and his entire project was built on deception. His lies and scams started to unravel, leaving his community in disbelief and betrayal. This article will provide a detailed account of the evidence that exposed Tsubajashi's true nature.

Tsubajashi's Lack of Experience

Despite presenting himself as an experienced developer, Tsubajashi had no prior reputation in the industry. His only claim to fame was an MPV configuration that had numerous issues he couldn't fix. He used his position as a moderator on NMKD's server to gain trust, but in reality, he had very limited knowledge and expertise.

The Role of Hubert and CAIN

During his time on NMKD's server, Tsubajashi befriended Hubert, the developer of the CAIN app. Tsubajashi stole Hubert's CAIN app UI and models, claiming them as his own. Hubert's reluctance to speak out against Tsubajashi was due to the threats of legal action. The evidence clearly showed that Tsubajashi was nothing more than a scammer.

Mafiosnik's Involvement and Unpaid Work

Another key figure in this scandal was Mafiosnik, who offered to assist Tsubajashi in adding AI-related features to his portfolio. However, Tsubajashi never paid Mafiosnik for his work, and the responsibility fell on Mafiosnik to do the majority of the development. This led to Mafiosnik questioning TVP's legitimacy and eventually starting his own project called Enhancr.

Tsubajashi's Pathological Lies

Tsubajashi's lies knew no bounds. He claimed to have a job at Valve, previously worked for Topaz Labs, and had connections to famous individuals. All of these claims were proven to be false, exposing Tsubajashi as a compulsive liar. His online CV contradicted his claims, further highlighting his deceitful nature.

The Delay of Beta 8 and Ghosting Incident

Tsubajashi constantly delayed the release of Beta 8, using excuses like packaging problems and being in contact with Package maintainers. In reality, he was lazy and did not put in any effort to complete the work. He even ghosted Mafiosnik and others, pretending to be in meetings with animation companies. Mafiosnik took matters into his own hands and packaged the project himself.

The Rise of Enhancr: A Better Alternative

After being fed up with Tsubajashi's lies and lack of payment, Mafiosnik decided to create Enhancr, a project that offered superior AI Tools for upscaling and interpolation. Enhancr provided a better GUI and faster speed, attracting those disappointed by TVP. This alternative served as a much-needed escape from Tsubajashi's manipulations.

Lessons Learned and Conclusion

The deception and manipulation orchestrated by Tsubajashi serve as a reminder to always look for credible sources and reproducible results. This unfortunate incident highlights the need for caution when supporting projects that make bold claims without proper evidence. It is important for both content creators and audiences to remain vigilant and demand transparency in the AI community.

Please note that this article is a summary and does not cover all details of the situation. More information can be found in the resources listed below.


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