Unmasking the Truth: Debunking 20 Pet Simulator 99 Myths

Unmasking the Truth: Debunking 20 Pet Simulator 99 Myths

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Myth 1: Glitching Out of the Map
  3. Myth 2: Secret Pet at the Top of the Stairway
  4. Myth 3: Naming a Pet "Joe"
  5. Myth 4: Enchant Stacking
  6. Myth 5: Free Pet for Subscribing
  7. Myth 6: Secret Room at the End of the Pyramid Obby
  8. Myth 7: Secret at the End of the Jungle Lobby
  9. Myth 8: Secret Corridor in the Reward Room
  10. Myth 9: Shiny Relics for Exclusive Pet
  11. Myth 10: Infinite Gems Glitch
  12. Myth 11: Opening the Door with a Passcode
  13. Myth 12: Guaranteed Fusion of Rainbow Cyborg Dominus
  14. Myth 13: Catching the Huge Poseidon Corgi
  15. Myth 14: Getting the Big Gamees Mascot Pet
  16. Myth 15: Upgrading Potions on Yellow
  17. Myth 16: Server Hopping to Get More Potions
  18. Myth 17: Stacking Luck Bonuses for Instant Huge Pet
  19. Myth 18: Opening the Gate Early with a Code
  20. Myth 19: Free Camp Mode to See Inside the Dojo
  21. Conclusion


The world of pet simulation games is full of myths and legends, and today We Are here to uncover the truth behind some of the most popular ones in Pet Sim 99. Whether You're a seasoned player or just starting out, these myths may have piqued your Curiosity. So, join us as we embark on a Journey to bust myths, confirm legends, and discover the Hidden secrets of this virtual pet world.

Myth 1: Glitching Out of the Map

Rumors have been circulating about a secret area in Pet Sim 99 that can only be accessed by glitching out of the map. According to the myth, players must kill themselves on the first obstacle and then teleport home to find themselves outside the boundaries of the game world. Is there any truth to this myth? Well, after some daring exploration, we can confirm that glitching out of the map is indeed possible. However, while it may be an exciting adventure for some, it is important to note that this is not an intended feature of the game and may result in unintended consequences.

Myth 2: Secret Pet at the Top of the Stairway

Another popular myth in Pet Sim 99 revolves around a secret pet that can be obtained by reaching the top of a mysterious stairway. Players have been tirelessly climbing the staircase in search of this elusive pet. After hours of investigation, we can say that while there is no concrete evidence of a secret pet at the top, the possibility cannot be completely ruled out. It is plausible that there might be something hidden, waiting to be discovered. So, if you're up for the challenge, keep climbing and see if you can unravel this mystery.

Myth 3: Naming a Pet "Joe"

Here's an intriguing myth that suggests something special will happen if you name a pet "Joe" against the name tag's advice. To put this myth to the test, we named a huge Nightfall Pegasus "Joe." Lo and behold, something extraordinary did happen! The pet transformed into the legendary Joe, a spectacle that stunned us all. This myth is confirmed, and naming your pet "Joe" might just unlock hidden wonders within the game.

Myth 4: Enchant Stacking

Enchant stacking is a myth that claims you can achieve a higher damage boost by using multiple enchanted pets of the same Type. To investigate this, we equipped our dog with two strong pets. The damage indeed increased from 29 to 41, confirming that enchant stacking does work. This opens up new possibilities for optimizing damage output in battles. However, it is important to note that the effectiveness of enchant stacking may vary depending on the pets and enchantments used.

Myth 5: Free Pet for Subscribing

Is it true that subscribing to Pet Sim 99 will reward you with a free huge pet? Excited to put this myth to the test, we hit that subscribe button, but alas, no pet materialized. This myth has been busted, and while subscribing may have its own benefits, a free pet is not one of them.

Myth 6: Secret Room at the End of the Pyramid Obby

Players have been buzzing about a secret room hidden at the end of the Pyramid Obby. Determined to uncover the truth, we embarked on a Quest through the treacherous obstacles of the obby. After much exploration and perseverance, we reached the end, only to find disappointment. There was no secret room. This myth has been debunked, and the search for hidden sanctuaries continues.

Myth 7: Secret at the End of the Jungle Lobby

Similar to the previous myth, rumors suggest a secret awaits at the end of the Jungle Lobby. We delved deep into the dense jungle, navigating various hurdles, hoping to stumble upon this hidden secret. Alas, our efforts were in vain, as we found no Trace of any hidden surprises. This myth has also been busted, leaving us to wonder if any secrets truly lie within the confines of the Jungle Lobby.

Myth 8: Secret Corridor in the Reward Room

In our quest for secrets, we stumbled upon whispers of a secret corridor hidden within the Reward Room. Eager to uncover this mystery, we scoured every inch of the room until we stumbled upon a hidden passage on the right side. Excitement filled the air as we cautiously ventured into the secret corridor, which led us to a shiny relic. This myth is confirmed, and it seems that secrets do exist within the Reward Room.

Myth 9: Shiny Relics for Exclusive Pet

Collecting shiny relics is said to unlock a special exclusive pet. Intrigued by this myth, we set out to Gather all 50 shiny relics scattered throughout the game. With relentless determination, we scoured every nook and cranny, discovering hidden relics hidden behind buildings, inside windows, and even within volcanoes. Finally, after collecting all 50 shiny relics, we expected a legendary pet to be bestowed upon us. However, our hopes were dashed, as no exclusive pet was unlocked. This myth has been busted, leaving us to question the true purpose behind these shiny relics.

Myth 10: Infinite Gems Glitch

Who doesn't desire infinite wealth in the virtual world? The myth suggests that by buying a large quantity of pets and reselling them, players can amass vast amounts of gems. Intrigued, we purchased 1,000 Ninja Turtles and set up shop next to the seller, upselling each turtle for a profit. The results were astounding as we witnessed the infinite money glitch in action. This myth is confirmed, providing players with a way to accumulate substantial wealth.

Myth 11: Opening the Door with a Passcode

A peculiar myth claims that uttering the passcode "1 2 3 4 5" will open a locked door. Intrigued, we put this myth to the test, but to no avail. The door remained firmly shut, debunking the myth. It seems that some secrets are guarded by more than just a simple passcode.

Myth 12: Guaranteed Fusion of Rainbow Cyborg Dominus

Want to obtain the coveted Rainbow Cyborg Dominus? According to the myth, fusing around 25 rainbow ninja mascots will guarantee the creation of this powerful pet. Excited to witness this legendary fusion, we gathered the necessary mascots and attempted the fusion. To our dismay, we received a message stating that fusing was disabled. This myth has been put on hold, as fusing is currently not possible. It appears that patience is key when seeking the legendary Rainbow Cyborg Dominus.

Myth 13: Catching the Huge Poseidon Corgi

The myth suggests that players can catch the legendary Huge Poseidon Corgi by hitting a shark head-on in the fishing zone. In our pursuit of this majestic creature, we cast our line and aimed for a direct hit. While we did manage to reel in some valuable gems, the Huge Poseidon Corgi remained elusive. This myth has been busted, but the allure of the fishing zone continues to captivate players.

Myth 14: Getting the Big Gamees Mascot Pet

Rumors have spread that obtaining the Big Gamees mascot pet has become impossible in Pet Sim 99. Undeterred, we tried to replicate Preston's drip, hoping it would grant us the revered mascot. Despite our best efforts, we were met with disappointment as the pet eluded us. This myth has been confirmed, and it seems that the Big Gamees mascot pet is no longer obtainable.

Myth 15: Upgrading Potions on Yellow

In the pursuit of efficiency, players have debated whether upgrading potions on yellow is beneficial. To test this myth, we upgraded potions while they were still on the yellow bar. To our delight, the potions did not lose their extra effects, debunking the myth. Players can now confidently upgrade their potions without fear of losing the extra bonuses.

Myth 16: Server Hopping to Get More Potions

Is it possible to acquire more potions by server hopping in Pet Sim 99? We tested this myth by buying out a vending machine in one server and then joining a different server to check if the vending machine would be restocked. To our surprise, the vending machines are server-specific, and we were unable to find restocked potions. This myth has been busted, proving that potion availability is limited to the server you are in.

Myth 17: Stacking Luck Bonuses for Instant Huge Pet

Are you ready to push your luck to the limit? The myth proclaims that by stacking all possible luck bonuses, players can increase their chances of rolling an instant huge pet. We meticulously gathered every luck bonus available, including lucky eggs, lucky potions, ultra lucky, and huge Hunter. Nevertheless, despite our immense luck, an instant huge pet eluded us. This myth has been debunked, reminding us that luck can be a fickle mistress.

Myth 18: Opening the Gate Early with a Code

The myth suggests that players can gain early access to a locked gate by entering a specific code. To test this myth, we entered the code "Dodo code" followed by a series of letters from Discord. Our hopes were high, but alas, the gate remained firmly shut. This myth has been busted, leaving us to wonder what lies behind the impassable gate.

Myth 19: Free Camp Mode to See Inside the Dojo

Curiosity led us to a myth that claims entering free camp mode allows players to see inside the dojo. Skeptical but eager, we activated free camp mode and ventured into the dojo. To our surprise, the myth proved true as the mysterious dojo revealed its secrets. This sneak peek into the future of the game left us awestruck. The myth of free camp mode revealing hidden areas has been confirmed.

In conclusion, the world of Pet Sim 99 is filled with countless myths and legends, some true and others nothing more than rumors. Through our exploration, we have debunked several myths while confirming others. As players Continue to uncover secrets and share their findings, the world of Pet Sim 99 will Never cease to captivate and surprise us.

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