Unveiling Dark Secrets: The Truth about the Reapers and Citadel

Unveiling Dark Secrets: The Truth about the Reapers and Citadel

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Meeting Vigil
  3. The Dark Secret of the Citadel
  4. The Reapers' Strategy
  5. The Survivors on Ilos
  6. The Power of the Conduit
  7. The Keepers and the Citadel
  8. The Beacon's Message
  9. The Evolution of the Keepers
  10. The Fate of the Conduit Project
  11. Seizing the Data and Taking Action

🌟 Highlights

  • The mysterious entity known as Vigil emerges as an ally against the Reapers.
  • The Citadel's true nature is revealed as a trap that links to dark space.
  • The Keepers play a crucial role in maintaining the Reapers' control over the Citadel.
  • The survivors of the Conduit Project paid a heavy price, but their sacrifice was not in vain.
  • The Protheans' secrets and knowledge offer hope in the fight against the Reapers.


The galaxy stands on the brink of annihilation as the ancient and relentless race known as the Reapers prepares to launch their devastating invasion. In the midst of this dire situation, a Glimmer of hope emerges in the form of Vigil, a Prothean VI. With his assistance, a small group of individuals discover the dark secrets of the Citadel and the true intentions of the Reapers. Armed with this knowledge, they embark on a mission to stop the cycle of extinction and save all organic life from destruction.

Meeting Vigil

Upon arriving at a Hidden facility on Ilos, the main protagonist encounters Vigil, an advanced non-organic analysis system with personality imprints from the Prothean overseer, Quesadilla. Vigil explains that their arrival was anticipated and that there is still hope for a victory against the Reapers. Vigil, having monitored their communication since their arrival, introduces them to the translated output of his findings, providing a glimmer of understanding amidst the chaos.

The Dark Secret of the Citadel

Vigil reveals the true nature of the Citadel, explaining that it is an enormous mass relay that links to dark space, the void beyond the galaxy's horizon. When activated, the Citadel relay becomes a gateway through which the Reapers can pour in and annihilate all life. The Reapers, in their meticulous planning, ensured that the true purpose of the Citadel remained hidden from other species. They created the seemingly benign organic caretakers known as the Keepers, who maintain the station's basic functions and enable any species that discovers the Citadel to use it without fully understanding its technology.

The Reapers' Strategy

Curious about the motivations of the Reapers, the protagonist questions Vigil about their purpose. Vigil reveals that the Reapers are driven by alien motives and goals that organic beings cannot comprehend. Their pattern of genocide and destruction is part of a larger design that serves their needs, whether it be sourcing slaves or acquiring resources. However, understanding the Reapers is not critical to survival; what matters is putting an end to their cycle of destruction.

The Survivors on Ilos

Vigil recounts the tragic fate of the Protheans, his own ancient civilization. When the Reapers invaded, they systematically obliterated every Prothean world, leaving no survivors. The Reapers used indoctrination to turn captured Protheans into sleeper agents who betrayed their own kind. The survivors on Ilos, a top-secret facility, managed to escape Notice by severing all communication with the outside world and entering cryogenic stasis. Vigil's contingency programming allowed him to preserve the top researchers and monitor the facility until the danger had passed.

The Power of the Conduit

Vigil reveals that the Conduit, a prototype mass relay created by the Protheans, is the key to stopping the Reapers. The Conduit serves as a backdoor onto the Citadel, allowing access to its systems and control. The researchers on Ilos used the Conduit to modify the Citadel signals, breaking the Reapers' hold over the Keepers and trapping them in dark space. However, the Conduit only allows travel in one direction, meaning those who used it to gain access to the Citadel were trapped there.

The Keepers and the Citadel

The Keepers, once under the direct control of the Reapers, evolved in an unforeseen direction. They now only respond to the signals emitted by the Citadel, effectively rendering them harmless to the cause of the Reapers. The Prothean alteration of the Citadel signals disrupted the Reapers' control over the Keepers and allowed for the possibility of resistance.

The Beacon's Message

The protagonist inquires about the Beacons found on Eden Prime and Vermeier and their purpose. Vigil explains that the beacons once spanned the Prothean empire, serving as a network for data and communication. Although most beacons were destroyed during the invasion, the survivors on Ilos sent out a coded message to give hope to any other surviving Protheans. Unfortunately, the message also led Saren, an agent of the Reapers, to Ilos.

The Evolution of the Keepers

The protagonist questions the origins of the Keepers and their role in maintaining the Citadel. Vigil speculates that the Keepers were most likely one of the early harvested civilizations, bred by the Reapers to be obedient. However, over time, they evolved and now only respond to the Citadel's signal. The Reapers, realizing organic races were more difficult to control, turned to creating obedient non-organic servants like the Geth.

The Fate of the Conduit Project

The survivors who used the Conduit to gain access to the Citadel were trapped there and faced a grim fate. With no food or water on the station, they most likely starved or died of exposure. However, their sacrifice was not in vain, as their actions successfully sealed the relay and disrupted the Reapers' plans.

Seizing the Data and Taking Action

Vigil urges the protagonist to seize a vital data file and upload it to the Citadel's master control unit. This will corrupt the Citadel's security protocols and give them temporary control of the station. Armed with this newfound power, they will have a chance to confront Saren and Sovereign, potentially altering the Course of the impending Reaper invasion.


Q: Can the Keepers be influenced or turned against the Reapers? A: No, the Keepers now only respond to the signals emitted by the Citadel itself, effectively making them harmless in the fight against the Reapers.

Q: What are the Reapers' motives and goals? A: The motives and goals of the Reapers remain incomprehensible to organic beings. They are driven by an alien logic that defies understanding.

Q: How did the Reapers keep the true purpose of the Citadel hidden? A: The Reapers created the Keepers, seemingly benign organic caretakers, to maintain the Citadel's functions. By relying on the Keepers instead of direct control, they ensured that no other species would discover the Citadel's true nature until it was too late.

Q: What happened to the survivors who used the Conduit to gain access to the Citadel? A: The survivors were trapped on the Citadel with no access to food or water. Their fate remains unknown, but it is likely they perished during their time on the station.

Q: How can the protagonist gain temporary control of the Citadel? A: By uploading a data file to the Citadel's master control unit, the security protocols will be corrupted, providing the protagonist with a brief window of control to confront Saren and Sovereign.


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