Unveiling Oobabooga Textgen WebUI for Apple M1/M2

Unveiling Oobabooga Textgen WebUI for Apple M1/M2

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Step 1: Clone the Repository
  3. Step 2: Create a Virtual Environment
  4. Step 3: Install Required Packages
  5. Step 4: Install a Specific PyTorch Version
  6. Step 5: Start the Server
  7. Step 6: Download the Model
  8. Step 7: Model Options and Parameters
  9. Step 8: Fine-tuning Models
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will guide You through the step-by-step process of installing and setting up the Kuba Booger Text Generation web UI locally on your own machine. This tool is essential for running open source language models and supports a wide range of LLMS out of the box. We will specifically focus on the installation process for Mac OS with Apple Silicon, providing detailed instructions along the way. By the end of this article, you will have the Kuba Booger Text Generation web UI up and running on your machine, ready to generate text using the latest models.

Step 1: Clone the Repository

The first step in the installation process is to clone the Kuba Booger Text Generation web UI repository. You can do this by navigating to the top of the repo and clicking on the "Code" button. Copy the provided link and open a new terminal. Use the "git clone" command followed by the repo link to clone the repository. By default, a folder with the name "text generation-web UI" will be created, but you can customize the folder name if desired.

Step 2: Create a Virtual Environment

To ensure a clean and isolated installation, it is recommended to create a virtual environment. We will be using Conda for this. Use the "conda create" command followed by the virtual environment name to create a new virtual environment. Additionally, specify the desired Python version. In this case, we will use Python 3.10.10. If you encounter any issues, make sure you have the correct Python version and virtual environment activated.

Step 3: Install Required Packages

Next, we need to install all the required packages listed in the "requirements.txt" file. Use the "pip install -r requirements.txt" command to install the packages. Ensure that you are using the corresponding virtual environment Python for the installation.

Step 4: Install a Specific PyTorch Version

In order to run on Apple Silicon M1 and M2 processors, we need to install a specific PyTorch version. Check the provided command from the installation instructions and run it in your terminal. If you are using a different virtual environment manager, adjust the installation accordingly.

Step 5: Start the Server

To start the Kuba Booger Text Generation web UI server, use the "python server.py --Threads 8" command. Adjust the number of threads according to your hardware specifications. After running the command, you will receive a localhost web address that you can access in your browser.

Step 6: Download the Model

To generate text, you will need to download a model. Visit the Hugging Face Website, search for the desired model, and copy the model link. Back in the web UI, paste the model link and click on "Download". The download progress will be displayed in the terminal.

Step 7: Model Options and Parameters

Once the model is downloaded, you have various options to customize its behavior. The "Parameters" tab allows you to adjust parameters such as temperature, top P, top K, and repetition penalty. Experiment with these settings to fine-tune the output according to your requirements.

Step 8: Fine-tuning Models

The Kuba Booger Text Generation web UI also supports fine-tuning of models. Within the web interface, you can upload your own dataset and fine-tune models using the Instruct fine-tuning interface or create a chat interface for interactive conversations with your model.


By following the step-by-step installation and setup process outlined in this article, you are now equipped with the Kuba Booger Text Generation web UI running on your local machine. You can generate text using the latest language models, customize parameters for desired outputs, and even fine-tune models for your specific needs. Enjoy exploring the possibilities of text generation with this powerful tool.


  • Install and set up the Kuba Booger Text Generation web UI locally
  • Support for a wide range of language models
  • Step-by-step installation process for Mac OS with Apple Silicon
  • Customization options for model behavior through parameters
  • Fine-tuning models for specific requirements


Q: Can I install the Kuba Booger Text Generation web UI on Windows or Linux? A: Yes, the installation instructions provided in this article are specific to Mac OS with Apple Silicon. However, the web UI can be installed on Windows and Linux as well. Please refer to the official documentation or watch the recommended video for installation instructions on those platforms.

Q: Are there any other options for downloading models? A: Yes, in addition to downloading models from Hugging Face, there are two other options available within the web UI. You can load models using the Model Loader feature, which supports various model types. You can also use the Chat interface for interactive conversations with your model using your own dataset.

Q: Can I adjust the output length of the generated text? A: Yes, you can set the maximum number of tokens the model should generate through the "Max New Tokens" parameter. Increase or decrease the value according to the desired output length.

Q: Can I fine-tune the models within the Kuba Booger Text Generation web UI? A: Yes, you can fine-tune models within the web UI. The "Fine-tuning Models" section of this article provides an overview of the process. Stay tuned for future videos that explore this feature in detail.

Q: Is the Kuba Booger Text Generation web UI compatible with different Python versions? A: Yes, you can specify the desired Python version during the virtual environment creation step. Make sure to use a compatible Python version for a smooth installation process.

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