Unveiling the Amazing Walking Star Wars Droid Prototype

Unveiling the Amazing Walking Star Wars Droid Prototype

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The New Star Wars Droids at Disney's Galaxy's Edge Theme Park
    • Appearance and Features
    • Advanced Robotics by Disney Imagineering
    • Comparison with Other Bipedal Robots
  3. Building a Bipedal Robot: Challenges and Limitations
    • The Walking Star Wars Gonk Droid
    • Budget and Constraints
    • Designing a New Bipedal Robot
  4. The Structure of the Bipedal Robot
    • Leg Design and Simplifications
    • Motor Selection and Servo Mounting
    • Printing the Body and Feet
  5. Controlling the Bipedal Robot
    • Inverse Kinematics and Interpolation
    • Using an Inertial Measurement Unit
    • Adjusting the Step Sequence
  6. Fine-Tuning and Stability Issues
    • Regulating the Steps with IMU Data
    • Challenges with Wobbly Table
    • Areas for Improvement
  7. Future Plans and Rebuilding
    • Incorporating Hip Joints for Translation
    • Adding a Head and Expanding Functionality
    • Open Source Cad Files and Support

🤖 The New Star Wars Droids at Disney's Galaxy's Edge Theme Park

The Star Wars franchise has captured the hearts of millions around the world. From movies to merchandise, the Universe created by George Lucas has become a cultural phenomenon. At Disney's Galaxy's Edge theme park, fans can now witness the magic come to life with the introduction of new Star Wars droids. These bipedal characters, reminiscent of the beloved BD1, have caught the attention of enthusiasts everywhere. Let's take a closer look at these dynamic robots and the advanced technology used to bring them to existence.

Appearance and Features

The new Star Wars droids at Galaxy's Edge are a sight to behold. They are larger than the BD1 droid and possess more articulated joints, allowing for a wider range of motion. These robots have the ability to walk on uneven terrain with ease, maintaining their upright position even when pushed. Their emotive characteristics add a touch of realism, making them interact with their surroundings. While they exhibit signs of artificial intelligence, it is interesting to note that they are also puppeteered.

Advanced Robotics by Disney Imagineering

The development of these droids is a testament to the ingenuity of the Disney Imagineering team. Known for their innovation and creativity, the team behind the Star Wars droids has also worked on other groundbreaking projects, such as the baby Groot robot. With meticulous attention to detail, Disney Imagineering has brought to life robots that not only capture the essence of the Star Wars universe but also push the boundaries of humanoid robotics.

Comparison with Other Bipedal Robots

Many individuals have expressed interest in replicating the Star Wars droids, but it's important to acknowledge the challenges involved. Building a bipedal robot is no small feat, especially for an individual working alone. However, there have been previous attempts at creating walking robots, such as the walking Star Wars gonk droid. While these early endeavors were commendable, they lacked certain elements, like inverse kinematics and interpolation, which are crucial for stability and smooth movement.

🛠️ Building a Bipedal Robot: Challenges and Limitations

Before diving into the intricacies of building a bipedal robot, it's essential to understand the challenges and limitations associated with such a project. Budget constraints, design considerations, and technological limitations all play a significant role in shaping the final outcome of the robot. Let's explore these aspects and how they influenced the development of the walking Star Wars robot.

The Walking Star Wars Gonk Droid

One of the noteworthy attempts at creating a walking robot is the walking Star Wars gonk droid. Built on a tight budget and utilizing affordable motors, this robot achieved dynamic stability without the use of advanced techniques like inverse kinematics. However, it lacked the sophistication and range of motion required to replicate the functionality of the Disney droids.

Budget and Constraints

Working within limitations is a common reality for individual creators. The cost of components and materials, as well as access to advanced technologies, can greatly impact the scope of a robotics project. In the case of the walking Star Wars robot, the limited budget necessitated the use of cost-effective motors and extensive 3D printing. Despite these constraints, the initial results were promising.

Designing a New Bipedal Robot

Inspired by the Disney droids, the creator embarked on a new project to build a bipedal robot. This time, the aim was to simplify the design and focus on the core functionalities. The robot would have four motors, with the hip joints being ignored initially. By leveraging a leg structure similar to the walking AT-AT project, the creator aimed to achieve stability and controlled movement without the need for extensive joints or complex mechanics.

🤖 The Structure of the Bipedal Robot

With a clear vision in mind, the creator began working on the structure of the bipedal robot. The leg design followed a parallelogram configuration, utilizing one motor for each half of the leg. By simplifying the leg structure and reducing the number of motors, the creator aimed to create a stable walking mechanism. The legs were 3D printed, and the feet featured edges that allowed for pivoting in a sideways direction.

Leg Design and Simplifications

The legs of the bipedal robot comprised two parallelograms, each controlled by a servo motor. This design choice significantly reduced the complexity of the leg structure by eliminating the need for separate ankle, knee, and hip motors. By ensuring that all segments of the leg moved in parallel, the creator aimed to achieve coordinated and stable movement.

Motor Selection and Servo Mounting

The choice of motors was crucial to the functionality of the bipedal robot. Dynamic servos, specifically the XM 540 W 270t servos, were selected for their power and precision. Mounted in specially designed housings with bearings, these servos allowed for double-hinged joints, enhancing stability and durability. The servos were connected via a dynamixel interface shield, simplifying the control process.

Printing the Body and Feet

3D printing played a vital role in bringing the bipedal robot to life. The body and feet were meticulously designed and printed using high-quality filament, with color coding inspired by the Disney droids. The body was split into multiple parts to facilitate assembly, and the feet were equipped with TPU strips on the edges, enabling smooth walking motion. The design was optimized for the Taz long bed, ensuring compatibility and precise construction.

Stay tuned for Part 2 of the article, where we will delve into the control mechanisms and challenges faced in bringing the bipedal robot to life!


  1. The new Star Wars droids at Disney's Galaxy's Edge theme park exhibit advanced robotics and emotive characteristics.
  2. Building a bipedal robot poses challenges, such as budget constraints and design limitations.
  3. The walking Star Wars gonk droid was an early attempt at a walking robot but lacked advanced functionality.
  4. The new bipedal robot is designed with simplifications and a parallelogram leg structure for stability.
  5. Dynamic servos and 3D printing are used in crafting the robot's body and feet.


Q: Can the bipedal robot replicate the movement and features of the Disney droids? A: The bipedal robot aims to replicate the functionality of the Disney droids to a certain extent but may exhibit limitations due to its Simplified design.

Q: How does the robot maintain stability while walking? A: The robot incorporates inverse kinematics and an inertial measurement unit to regulate movement and balance.

Q: Is the bipedal robot open source? A: The cad files for the current version of the robot are available as open source on the creator's GitHub page.

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