Unveiling the Madness: 5 Intriguing Facts About Cicero in Skyrim
Table of Contents
- Introduction
- Cicero's Slow Descent into Madness
- The Influence of the Jester
- Cicero's Notable Assassination
- The Connection to Cicero the Philosopher
- Cicero's Value to the Dark Brotherhood
Cicero's Slow Descent into Madness
The Influence of the Jester
Cicero's Notable Assassination
The Connection to Cicero the Philosopher
Cicero's Value to the Dark Brotherhood
5 Interesting Facts About Cicero in Skyrim
In the world of Skyrim, there are many fascinating characters that players encounter throughout their Journey. One such character is Cicero, a member of the Dark Brotherhood and a jester known for his eccentric personality and unpredictable behavior. In this article, we will explore five interesting facts about Cicero that shed light on his background, personality, and significance within the game.
Cicero's Slow Descent into Madness
Cicero's level of madness is something that the player witnesses throughout their interactions with him. However, what is intriguing is the fact that his madness was not always so apparent. In his journals, which can be found in his room at the Dark Brotherhood sanctuary, Cicero reveals that he started out as a normal assassin. He joined the Brotherhood as a "lowly assassin" and his writing during that time was clear and lucid. It was only after years of isolation and solitude in the sanctuary that his descent into madness began. The constant lack of human interaction and the absence of light drove him to the brink of insanity.
The Influence of the Jester
Cicero's eccentric personality and distinctive gestures are not entirely his own creation. In fact, they are Based on another individual – a jester whom Cicero had been tasked to kill. While observing this jester, Cicero became enamored with his distinctive laughter. This laughter became ingrained in Cicero's mind during his years of isolation in the sanctuary, and eventually, he embraced it as his own. Cicero took on the jester's entire personality, hopping around and being silly, as a way to protect himself from his own loneliness. This transformation into the jester we encounter in the game is a result of a deep psychological attachment to the laughter that had become his only connection to the outside world.
Cicero's Notable Assassination
Cicero's list of kills is long and varied, but one assassination stands out among the rest – the killing of the grand champion of the arena in the Imperial City. In his journal, Cicero details how he posed as a starstruck fan to get close to the grand champion. He followed him around, pretending to be a squire, until he found the perfect moment to strike. Cicero's ability to Blend in and deceive his target allowed him to carry out this contract successfully. While there have been speculations that Cicero was involved in your character's death, given the time difference between Oblivion and Skyrim, it seems highly improbable. However, it is believed that he may have killed the grand champion during the gap between the two games.
The Connection to Cicero the Philosopher
Cicero's name in Skyrim is derived from the famous Roman philosopher and orator, Cicero. The Roman Cicero is known for his influential contributions to European literature and his mastery of rhetorical style. There are notable similarities between the two Ciceros. Both possess a grand way of speaking, employing passionate and eloquent rhetoric to convey their messages. Additionally, the Roman Cicero was a prominent politician who played a significant role in preventing a conspiracy aimed at overthrowing the Roman government. This political connection mirrors the actions of the Skyrim Cicero, who was willing to betray and assassinate high-ranking members of the Dark Brotherhood to maintain its unity and adherence to its founding principles.
Cicero's Value to the Dark Brotherhood
Considering Cicero's unpredictable and manic behavior, one might assume that he is more of a liability than an asset to the Dark Brotherhood. However, his commitment and loyalty to the cause make him an invaluable member of the organization. During the Quest to cure madness, the player learns from Lucien Lachance that the "dread father," Sithis, does not wish for Cicero to be killed. This decision is not solely based on avoiding internal strife within the group but also indicates Cicero's value to the Brotherhood. He upholds the old ways and is willing to commit acts of madness for the sake of the organization's survival. This unwavering commitment and dedication to the cause solidifies his significance within the Dark Brotherhood.
In conclusion, Cicero is a complex and intriguing character in Skyrim, with a backstory and personality that set him apart from the other NPCs in the game. His slow descent into madness, the influence of the jester, his notable assassinations, the connection to Cicero the philosopher, and his value to the Dark Brotherhood all contribute to his depth as a character. Whether players love him or find him annoying, Cicero undeniably adds a unique and captivating element to the world of Skyrim.
- Cicero's gradual descent into madness is explored through his journal entries.
- The influence of a jester on Cicero's personality and gestures is revealed.
- Cicero's notable assassination of the grand champion of the arena is discussed.
- The connection between Cicero in Skyrim and the famous Roman philosopher, Cicero, is examined.
- Cicero's value to the Dark Brotherhood and his unwavering commitment to the cause are highlighted.
Q: Is Cicero's madness a result of his isolation?
A: Yes, Cicero's years of loneliness and being cut off from the outside world contributed to his descent into madness.
Q: Did Cicero kill the player's character in Oblivion?
A: While there have been speculations, it seems unlikely given the time difference between Oblivion and Skyrim. However, he may have killed the grand champion during that period.
Q: Why does Cicero take on the personality of the jester he was tasked to kill?
A: The jester's laughter became the only connection Cicero had to the outside world during his days in isolation. He embraced the jester's personality as a coping mechanism for his loneliness.
Q: What is Cicero's value to the Dark Brotherhood?
A: Despite his unpredictable behavior, Cicero's unwavering commitment to the Brotherhood and his adherence to the organization's founding principles make him an essential member of the group.