Unveiling the Power of Libraries in the Reddit Learning Talkbot

Unveiling the Power of Libraries in the Reddit Learning Talkbot

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Power of Libraries in the Reddit Learning Talkbot
  3. Creating and Setting Up the Reddit API
  4. Building the Bot: Importing the Brain and Database Creation
  5. The Learning Process: Gathering Information and Generating Replies
  6. Storing Data in a Graph Database
  7. Talking: Reposting and Generating Replies
  8. The Logic Behind the Reddit Pi script
  9. Running the Bot: Comments and Post Karma
  10. Conclusion


In this article, we will take a closer look at the code that powers the Reddit Learning Talkbot. This talkbot utilizes two main libraries in Python and interacts with the Reddit API to learn and generate responses. We'll explore the process of setting up the bot, the learning algorithm it employs, and how it interacts with Reddit to post comments and gain karma.

The Power of Libraries in the Reddit Learning Talkbot

The Reddit Learning Talkbot relies on two essential libraries: Cove and Pro. Cove is a Markov chain-based text generation library that functions as a style chatbot. It handles the logic for the bot, allowing it to generate replies based on the text it has learned. Pro, on the other hand, is the Python Reddit API wrapper, making it effortless to fetch and send information to the Reddit API.

Creating and Setting Up the Reddit API

To start using the Reddit API, we first need to create an app. This involves logging into Reddit, accessing the preferences, and creating a new app. Once the app is created, we gain access to the client ID and client secret, which are crucial for interacting with the API. These pieces of information, along with the account credentials, need to be provided in the settings.py file.

Building the Bot: Importing the Brain and Database Creation

The core component of the Reddit Learning Talkbot is the brain, which is imported from the Cove library. The brain is responsible for learning and generating responses based on the comments it encounters. The bot creates and uses a database to store all the information it learns. By passing a STRING, which serves as the name of the database, to the brain, the bot can utilize the brain object throughout the script.

The Learning Process: Gathering Information and Generating Replies

The bot's learning script operates in an endless loop. It starts by selecting a random subreddit and retrieving the top 25 hottest posts from that subreddit. It then iterates through each post, gathering all the comments associated with it. The bot feeds each comment to the brain, which breaks it down and stores the information in the database. This stored information is later used to generate replies. The process of learning and gathering data repeats every 15 seconds with a new subreddit.

Storing Data in a Graph Database

All the words fed to the bot are broken down and stored in a graph database, specifically in the tokens table. This table contains a vast list of approximately 150,000 different tokens. The database itself is stored as file writes in the Talkbot directory, ensuring everything remains contained within the bot's environment.

Talking: Reposting and Generating Replies

Once the bot has acquired a substantial amount of knowledge, it can start generating replies. The talk script comes into play here. Every 10 minutes, the bot selects a random post from a random subreddit, specifically from one year ago, and reposts it to the same subreddit. This strategy aims to earn some post karma. Additionally, the script retrieves a random comment from that post and requests a response from the bot, utilizing the brain's reply method. The bot then posts the generated reply as a response to the comment. This process repeats every 10 minutes.

The Logic Behind the Reddit Pi Script

The Reddit Pi script contains all the logic for the bot's functions. It includes the random_submission function, which fetches a random post from a year ago and reposts it to the original subreddit. The script also incorporates the random_reply function, which retrieves a random post from the subreddit r/all and feeds it to the brain's reply method to generate a response. Pro is then used to reply directly to the original comment.

Running the Bot: Comments and Post Karma

By running both the learning and talking scripts simultaneously, the bot becomes fully functional. It begins making comments on people's posts and accumulating post karma and comment karma. As the bot learns from its interactions, it continues to generate replies and gain more karma. Currently, the bot has approximately 5,300 post karma and 416 comment karma.


The Reddit Learning Talkbot is an interesting application that utilizes powerful libraries and the Reddit API to learn from and engage with users. By learning from comments and posts, the bot generates responses and actively participates in discussions within the Reddit community. The bot's ability to Gather knowledge and accumulate karma highlights its successful integration into the platform.


  • How the Reddit Learning Talkbot utilizes libraries to generate responses
  • Setting up the Reddit API and creating an app
  • Importing the brain and creating the bot's database
  • The process of learning and generating replies
  • Storing data in a graph database
  • Reposting and generating replies using the talk script
  • The logic behind the Reddit Pi script
  • Accumulating comment and post karma while running the bot


Q: How does the Reddit Learning Talkbot generate responses? A: The bot uses the Cove library's brain to learn from comments and generate replies based on the information stored in its database.

Q: Can the bot only interact with one subreddit at a time? A: No, the bot randomly selects subreddits and learns from posts and comments across various communities.

Q: How does the bot earn post karma? A: The talk script reposts a random post from a year ago to the same subreddit, aiming to accumulate post karma through user interactions.

Q: How frequently does the bot generate replies? A: The bot generates replies every 15 seconds after learning from new comments. It actively participates in discussions within the Reddit community.

Q: Can the bot be configured to post in different languages? A: Yes, by modifying the settings and training data, the bot can be adapted to learn and generate responses in different languages.


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