Unveiling the Secrets: Zeri's Overlooked Potential

Unveiling the Secrets: Zeri's Overlooked Potential

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. The Problem with Champion Balance
  3. The Compromises of Overloaded Champions
  4. The Case of Akali
  5. The Infamous Aatrox Example
  6. The Power of Abilities: The Case of Pyke
  7. Champion Transformations: The Case of Tahm Kench
  8. Zoe and the Problem of Teleportation
  9. The Troublesome Case of Seraphine
  10. The Dichotomy of Champion Design: Lilia vs. Seraphine
  11. The Success of Lilia's Design
  12. The Lack of Changes for Lilia
  13. Zery: A Champion in Need of Fixing
  14. The Overload Problem of Zery
  15. The Patch Notes and Changes to Zery
  16. The Importance of Counterplay
  17. Understanding Zery's Ultimate
  18. The Hope for Zery's Future
  19. Conclusion

The Problem with League of Legends Champion Balance

League of Legends is a game that revolves around the balance of its champions. However, there has always been a touchy subject when it comes to champion balance. Many videos and Reddit posts have criticized Riot's ability to balance the game effectively. While Riot has made some compromises in the past by removing abilities and mechanics that lack counterplay or make a champion too overloaded, there are still champions that remain problematic. This article will explore the issues with champion balance, focusing on the cases of Akali, Aatrox, Pyke, Tahm Kench, Zoe, Seraphine, Lilia, and Zery. We will analyze the design and changes made to these champions, discussing the need for counterplay and the importance of finding a balance between power and fair play.

The Compromises of Overloaded Champions

When a champion becomes overloaded with powerful abilities and mechanics, Riot has been known to make compromises and adjustments. This is often done to ensure that the champion has enough counterplay and does not dominate the game. One such example is Akali. In the past, Akali had true stealth, making her invisible even under turrets. She also had skill shot ult charges, providing her with even more mobility. Her Q also had a healing effect, and she could cast it during her E-flight. These abilities were later removed to reduce her overwhelming power and provide more opportunities for counterplay.

The Infamous Aatrox Example

Aatrox is another example of a champion that had to undergo significant changes due to being overloaded. Riot removed several aspects of his kit to address the lack of counterplay and balance issues. For instance, his passive ability, Head Mutilator, used to reduce healing and shielding. His E-dash had two charges, and the passive healing worked on minions, not just champions. These changes were necessary to ensure a fair and balanced gameplay experience.

The Power of Abilities: The Case of Pyke

Pyke is an example of how even a single ability can cause balance issues. Initially, Pyke's ultimate allowed him to give himself additional cuts, making him incredibly strong in the mid lane. This imbalance prompted Riot to make adjustments to his kit, ensuring that his power was more evenly distributed and easier to play against.

Champion Transformations: The Case of Tahm Kench

Tahm Kench went through significant transformations over the years due to the power and lack of balance in his abilities. One of his basic abilities had to be turned into his ultimate because of its overwhelming strength and difficulty to balance. These adjustments were crucial in maintaining fair gameplay and preventing one champion from dominating the game.

Zoe and the Problem of Teleportation

Zoe's ability to pick up teleport from lane minions was a contentious mechanic that showcased the challenges of champion balance. While the concept was interesting and unique, it caused significant problems in terms of creating a fair and balanced gameplay experience. Riot had to remove this ability to address the imbalance it created.

The Troublesome Case of Seraphine

One of the newest champions, Seraphine, has been a topic of controversy due to her lack of balance and fair play. In the final stretch of the 2022 season, she had the lowest win rate in the game, indicating significant issues with her design. Riot acknowledged that Seraphine lacked counterplay, leading to her receiving additional changes in 2023. The patch history of Seraphine is extensive, highlighting the struggles in finding a balanced design for this champion.

The Dichotomy of Champion Design: Lilia vs. Seraphine

The stark contrast between Lilia and Seraphine exemplifies the difference between well-designed and poorly-designed champions. Lilia, upon her release, demonstrated a balanced and smooth gameplay experience. She required minimal changes and was strong yet fair in terms of counterplay. On the other HAND, Seraphine's constant alterations and struggles with balance showcased the challenges faced by Riot's design team.

The Success of Lilia's Design

Lilia's design is a testament to what makes a champion great. Her gameplay is smooth, and every ability feels satisfying to use. She is easy to learn but offers plenty of opportunities for mechanical mastery. The key to Lilia's success lies in the Meaningful amount of counterplay incorporated into her kit. While she may lack the burst damage of other champions, she compensates with mobility, self-peel, and consistent Wave clear.

The Lack of Changes for Lilia

Unlike Seraphine, Lilia did not require extensive changes since her release. She remained a strong and well-rounded champion, playable in both top lane and jungle roles. Her success in professional play also highlighted her fair and balanced design. While other champions receive frequent adjustments, Lilia has maintained her balance over the years.

Zery: A Champion in Need of Fixing

Zery, on the other hand, is a champion that requires immediate Attention and fixing. She is an example of a champion with overwhelming power and a lack of counterplay. Zery possesses more range, mobility, and self-peel compared to other champions, making her difficult to punish. Her abilities allow her to hit opponents while remaining untouchable. This imbalance has resulted in a low win rate in solo queue.

The Patch Notes and Changes to Zery

Riot has recognized the issues with Zery and has implemented changes to address her imbalance. One significant change is the removal of 75 range from her Q ability, limiting her ability to contest push and encouraging more interactive gameplay. Her ultimate has also undergone adjustments, offering a stat buff for a limited duration and an infinite overcharge with bonus movement speed. These changes aim to Create more counterplay and incentivize Zery to engage in fights rather than passively farming.

The Importance of Counterplay

Counterplay is a vital aspect of champion balance. Champions should have strengths and weaknesses, allowing opponents to exploit vulnerabilities and provide a fair and challenging gameplay experience. Removing overloaded abilities, reducing range, and promoting interactive engagement are necessary steps in achieving a balanced champion design.

Understanding Zery's Ultimate

Zery's ultimate has been a contentious ability due to its powerful impact and frustrating gameplay experiences. Riot's changes to her ultimate Seek to introduce limitations and opportunities for counterplay. By capping the duration of stat buffs and requiring active engagement to maintain stacks, the ultimate becomes more balanced and less overwhelming. Players can now mitigate the impact of Zery's ultimate by dodging or interrupting her abilities.

The Hope for Zery's Future

While Zery's Current state may seem problematic, there is hope for her future. Riot's commitment to fixing her demonstrates their dedication to creating a healthy and enjoyable gameplay experience. By reevaluating her kit and making necessary adjustments, Zery can be transformed into a champion that is both strong and balanced. It may require further changes, such as the removal of certain abilities or mechanics, but with careful consideration and testing, Zery can find her place in the game.


The issue of champion balance in League of Legends is a complex one. While Riot has made compromises in the past and achieved success with well-designed champions like Lilia, there are still champions that require attention and fixing. Zery serves as an example of a champion in need of adjustment due to her overwhelming power and lack of counterplay. By implementing changes, such as reducing range and introducing limitations to her ultimate, Riot aims to create a more balanced and enjoyable gameplay experience. It is crucial for champions to have clearly defined strengths and weaknesses to provide fair and engaging matches. Through careful consideration, testing, and player feedback, Riot can Continue to refine and improve the balance of League of Legends.

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