Unveiling the Truth: Edward Snowden on the Dangers of AI

Unveiling the Truth: Edward Snowden on the Dangers of AI

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Edward Snowden's Concerns About Artificial Intelligence 2.1. Lack of Openness in Open AI 2.2. Accountability of Artificial Intelligence 2.3. Concentration of Power in Fewer Hands
  3. Implications of AI Surveillance 3.1. Increased Observation by Corporations and Governments 3.2. Predictive Capabilities of AI
  4. Controlling AI Institutions 4.1. Declaring Models to be Open 4.2. Ensuring Compliance with Public Interest 4.3. Revolutionary Thinking for Exploitative Companies
  5. Government's Agile Response to AI 5.1. Catching Up with Resources 5.2. Balancing Secrecy and Public Value
  6. Conclusion

Edward Snowden's Concerns About Artificial Intelligence

Edward Snowden, the renowned computer intelligence consultant, recently voiced his concerns about the state of artificial intelligence (AI). In a talk at the Consensus conference, Snowden highlighted the issues surrounding AI development and its implications for society. While AI, particularly GPT (Generative Pre-trained Transformer), has gained popularity, Snowden believes that there are certain problems that need to be addressed for AI to truly benefit humanity.

  • Lack of Openness in Open AI: Snowden expressed his concerns that Open AI, despite its name, is not truly open. He criticized the organization for refusing to provide public access to their training data, models, and weights. Snowden argues that true openness is necessary for accountability and preventing potential misuse of AI technologies.

  • Accountability of Artificial Intelligence: Snowden raises the question of accountability when AI surpasses human intelligence but still makes mistakes. He emphasizes the need for mechanisms to correct these mistakes and ensure that AI serves the best interests of the people rather than private entities or the government.

  • Concentration of Power: Snowden warns about the increasing concentration of power in the hands of a few companies, corporations, and states. While these entities may not have had access to such technologies a decade ago, they are now seeking to adopt similar capabilities. This raises concerns about their potential misuse and the lack of regulatory measures to prevent anti-social behaviors.

Implications of AI Surveillance

The development of AI has led to increased surveillance by both corporations and governments. Snowden points out the growing observance of individuals, making them more legible and malleable. This observation, combined with advanced AI models, allows for the prediction of human behavior.

  • Increased Observation: Corporations and governments are collecting more data on individuals, making them increasingly legible. This includes monitoring online activities, social media posts, and even personal behaviors. As AI models become more advanced, the level of observance and prediction of individual behavior is also increasing.

  • Predictive Capabilities: AI models, especially those fueled by large sets of data, possess the ability to predict human behavior with a high degree of accuracy. Unique behavioral Patterns, such as browsing habits or preferences, can be identified, allowing for personalized targeting and manipulation.

Controlling AI Institutions

In order to ensure the responsible and ethical use of AI, Snowden proposes certain measures for controlling AI institutions.

  • Declaring Models to be Open: Snowden suggests that AI models should be declared open, allowing for transparency and accountability. Companies could still be granted exclusive commercial usage rights, similar to copyright or pharmaceutical protection, as long as they follow the rules and freely publish their models for non-commercial and academic purposes.

  • Ensuring Compliance with Public Interest: Companies that decide to exploit AI models in secret, against the public interest, may face consequences. If they refuse to act responsibly, there could be a movement to invalidate their commercial monopolies and compel the release of their models for public benefit.

  • Revolutionary Thinking: While Snowden does not fully endorse revolutionary thinking, he acknowledges that there might be a demand for a more drastic approach. This could involve the declaration of models as public assets, allowing for their dissemination through various means, including theft or political intervention, if companies refuse to comply with public interest.

Government's Agile Response to AI

Governments, despite their perceived lack of agility in adopting new technologies, can catch up quickly when it comes to AI. Snowden argues that if the public knew the capabilities of intelligence agencies and had access to similar tools, the institutions could shift their focus from spying on the public to mining data for public benefit.

  • Catching Up with Resources: Government agencies, due to their vast resources and secrecy, can quickly adapt and develop advanced AI capabilities. Although they may be behind initially, the technology gap can be bridged in a relatively short period of time.

  • Balancing Secrecy and Public Value: If there is greater transparency and public knowledge about the capabilities of intelligence agencies, there could be a shift in their focus. Instead of solely spying on individuals, these agencies could leverage AI to provide public value and improve societal well-being.


Edward Snowden's concerns about the state of artificial intelligence highlight the need for transparent and accountable AI institutions. The concentration of power, lack of openness, and potential misuse of AI technologies underscore the importance of establishing regulations and ethical guidelines. Snowden's thoughts prompt a vital discussion about the future of AI and its impact on society. By addressing these concerns, we can ensure that AI serves the best interests of the people and contributes positively to our world.


  • Edward Snowden expresses concerns about the lack of openness and accountability in artificial intelligence, particularly in organizations like Open AI.
  • Snowden warns about the concentration of power in the hands of a few entities, including companies and governments, as they adopt AI capabilities.
  • The implications of AI surveillance include increased observation by corporations and governments, leading to greater predictability of human behavior.
  • Snowden proposes measures such as declaring AI models to be open and ensuring compliance with public interest to control AI institutions.
  • Snowden believes that governments, despite their perceived sluggishness, can quickly catch up in AI development and use it for public benefit.
  • The future of AI calls for transparency, accountability, and responsible use to ensure its positive impact on society.

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