Upgrade Your Dive Equipment: VTX vs Encore vs Perdix AI

Upgrade Your Dive Equipment: VTX vs Encore vs Perdix AI

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Upgrading Dive Equipment: VTX vs Encore vs Perdix AI
  3. The Diversity Issue in Scuba Diving
  4. Side Mount vs Twin Tanks: Which is Right for You?
  5. Conclusion


Welcome to today's Ask Mark episode! In this episode, we will be discussing a range of scuba diving-related topics. We will start by exploring the pros and cons of upgrading dive equipment, specifically the Oceanic VTX, Encore, and Shearwater Perdix AI. Then, we will address the diversity issue within the scuba diving community and discuss ways to promote inclusivity. Next, we will delve into the debate between side mount and twin tanks, weighing the advantages and disadvantages of each. Finally, we will wrap up with a summary of our key findings.

Upgrading Dive Equipment: VTX vs Encore vs Perdix AI

If you're looking to upgrade your dive computer, you may be torn between the Oceanic VTX, Encore, and Shearwater Perdix AI. Each of these dive computers has its own unique features and benefits. Let's take a closer look at what each one has to offer.

Oceanic VTX

The Oceanic VTX dive computer boasts a large color screen and a user-friendly interface. It is equipped with a rechargeable battery, making it convenient for frequent divers. The VTX uses the fused RGBM algorithm, which has received positive feedback for its accuracy and reliability. Furthermore, the VTX allows for the customization of different screens, providing divers with easy access to the information that matters most to them.

Shearwater Perdix AI

The Shearwater Perdix AI is known for its durability and user-friendly design. It features a two-button interface and a user-changeable battery, providing divers with flexibility and convenience. The Perdix AI runs on the Buehlmann ZHL-16C algorithm, which is highly customizable thanks to the inclusion of gradient factors. Although the Perdix AI does not offer the same level of screen customization as the VTX, it compensates with its robust build and reliable performance.

When choosing between the VTX and the Perdix AI, consider the following factors:

  1. Battery Preference: If you prefer a rechargeable battery, the VTX is the way to go. If user-replaceable batteries are more your style, opt for the Perdix AI.
  2. Interface Preference: The VTX features a three-button interface, while the Perdix AI has a two-button interface. Consider which option feels more comfortable and intuitive to you.
  3. Screen Customization: If having full control over your screen layout is essential to you, the VTX offers a higher degree of customization. However, if you prioritize durability and performance, the Perdix AI is a worthy choice.

In conclusion, both the Oceanic VTX and the Shearwater Perdix AI are excellent dive computers. Your choice ultimately depends on your personal preferences and diving requirements. Consider factors such as battery preference, interface design, and screen customization when making your decision.

The Diversity Issue in Scuba Diving

One prominent issue within the scuba diving community is the lack of diversity. While training agencies often promote an image of a diverse group of divers, the reality at dive sites can paint a different picture. Many dive sites are predominantly composed of white, middle-aged men. This lack of diversity can create barriers for individuals who wish to join the scuba diving community.

Addressing the diversity issue in scuba diving requires a collective effort from the industry and the diving community as a whole. Here are some possible steps to encourage inclusivity:

  1. Promote Representation: Highlight the achievements and contributions of divers from diverse backgrounds. Share their stories and experiences to inspire others.
  2. Create Welcoming Environments: Foster an inclusive atmosphere at dive sites and within dive clubs. Encourage diversity among instructors, staff, and leadership positions.
  3. Equipment Accessibility: Ensure that diving equipment is tailored to meet the needs of divers from all backgrounds. Consider factors such as fit, comfort, and specialized gear options.
  4. Outreach Programs: Develop programs aimed at reaching out to underrepresented groups. Offer scholarships, mentorship opportunities, and reduced-cost training to make scuba diving more accessible to all.
  5. Education and Awareness: Promote diversity awareness campaigns and initiatives within the diving community. Provide resources and training to combat unconscious bias and discrimination.

By actively working towards a more inclusive and diverse scuba diving community, we can create a welcoming space for all individuals, regardless of their race, gender, age, or background. Together, we can make scuba diving an activity that truly reflects the beauty of our diverse world.

Side Mount vs Twin Tanks: Which is Right for You?

When it comes to choosing between side mount and twin tanks, divers often find themselves faced with a tough decision. Both configurations have their unique advantages and characteristics. Let's explore the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision.

Side Mount Tanks

Side mount tanks refer to the placement of individual cylinders on each side of the diver's body. This configuration offers several benefits:

  1. Enhanced Flexibility: Side mount tanks provide greater maneuverability and freedom of movement, making them popular among cave divers and technical divers.
  2. Easier Entry and Exit: With side mount tanks, divers can enter and exit the water without the added bulk of cylinders on their backs. This can be particularly advantageous in challenging conditions or when diving from boats.
  3. Redundancy: Side mount diving offers redundancy in the event of equipment failure. Divers have two separate air supplies, minimizing the risk of running out of air during a dive.

However, side mount diving also has its considerations:

  1. Equipment Complexity: Side mount diving requires additional training and familiarity with the configuration. Proper gear setup and tank management are crucial for a safe and enjoyable dive.
  2. Buoyancy Control: Divers need to master their buoyancy control skills, as the side mount configuration can affect weight distribution and trim.

Twin Tanks

Twin tanks involve mounting two cylinders on your back, connected by a manifold. This configuration has its advantages:

  1. Simplicity: Twin tanks offer a straightforward setup. Once in place, the cylinders stay securely on your back throughout the dive, requiring minimal adjustments.
  2. Increased Gas Supply: Twin tanks provide a larger gas supply, allowing for longer dives without the need for decompression stops.
  3. Reduced Equipment Complexity: Twin tank setups are generally simpler to manage and require less time for pre-dive preparation.

Consider the following aspects when choosing twin tanks:

  1. Weight and Bulk: Twin tanks can be HEAVIER and bulkier to transport and handle, particularly when exiting the water or climbing on board a boat.
  2. Buoyancy Control: Maintaining neutral buoyancy can be more challenging with twin tanks due to the added weight and bulkiness.

Ultimately, the decision between side mount and twin tanks depends on your personal preferences, diving goals, and experience level. Both configurations offer unique opportunities and challenges, so explore and discuss with experienced divers to determine which option suits you best.


In this Ask Mark episode, we explored various topics related to scuba diving, including upgrading dive equipment, the diversity issue in the diving community, and the debate between side mount and twin tanks. We discussed the features and benefits of the Oceanic VTX, Encore, and Shearwater Perdix AI dive computers, addressing individual preferences and diving requirements. Additionally, we acknowledged the lack of diversity in scuba diving and proposed steps to foster a more inclusive community. Lastly, we weighed the pros and cons of side mount and twin tanks, shedding light on their characteristics and considerations.

Remember, scuba diving is a personal journey, and the choices you make should Align with your preferences and needs. So whether you're upgrading your gear, promoting diversity, or deciding between tank configurations, make choices that enhance your diving experience and allow you to explore the underwater world safely and joyfully.

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