YM Market: How to Make Profits with AI Trading Bot

YM Market: How to Make Profits with AI Trading Bot

Table of Contents

  1. Introduction
  2. Trading in YM
  3. The Importance of Clean Market Legs
  4. Trading Strategy and Goals
  5. Successful Trades in YM
  6. Trending Market
  7. Comparison with Other Markets
  8. Patience in Slow Markets
  9. Benefits of Trading in NQ
  10. Conclusion


Good morning friends! This is Monty from Sniper Auto Trailer. Today, on December 21st, we find ourselves in YM Market. Since 8:30 AM, the Chart has shown clean legs, which prompted me to start trading in YM. Currently, I am trading with four contracts in this smaller market. The bar size I'm using is 4/8, and my profit target is set at $1,000. I have a runner on and one explosion on. Yesterday afternoon, the market was really good, with two back-to-back successful pullback trades. However, if you missed yesterday's opportunity, don't worry. Today, the market is also trending well. So far, I've had three trades, all of which were successful, resulting in a profit of $37. Though my goal is $1,000, my strategy is programmed to turn off automatically once I reach this goal. YM and RTY are known for being slow markets with smaller bar sizes and the same tick value as NQ. While trading four contracts in NQ, my goal should be around $1,500 to $2,000. However, in YM or RTY, the goal reduces to $1,100 for four contracts. My total trading time for today was 45 minutes, but I have compressed this video to 5 minutes, giving it the appearance of a fast-moving market. However, it is essential to note that these markets are generally slow-paced, requiring patience. By employing our bot, you can sit back and wait for trades to come your way. If you wish to learn more about our trading strategies and techniques, please subscribe to our YouTube Channel by searching for "Sniper Auto Trader." Additionally, you can visit our website, sniperautotrader.com, to book a call with us and get all your questions answered.

Trading in YM

YM, also known as the E-mini Dow Future, is a smaller market compared to others. It is crucial to understand the dynamics and characteristics of YM before diving into trading. The smaller bar size and slower pace require traders to exercise patience and wait for ideal trading opportunities. By setiing a realistic profit target and combining it with a well-defined trading strategy, one can navigate the YM market more effectively.

The Importance of Clean Market Legs

Clean market legs are a crucial indicator for initiating trades. When the chart shows clean legs, it suggests that the market is relatively stable and has the potential for successful trades. These legs indicate smoother price movement and allow traders to enter and exit positions with reduced risk. Clean market legs provide a solid foundation for traders to execute their strategies effectively and achieve their profit targets.

Trading Strategy and Goals

Having a well-defined trading strategy is vital for success in any market, including YM. It is essential to set specific profit targets, such as the $1,000 goal Mentioned earlier. By setting clear goals, traders can focus their efforts and stay disciplined throughout the trading process. Additionally, employing automated trading bots can help execute the strategy and manage positions effectively. Traders should strive to Align their trading strategies with their goals to maximize profitability and minimize risks.

Successful Trades in YM

Yesterday afternoon proved to be a profitable trading session. The market conditions were favorable, allowing traders to make substantial profits. Two consecutive successful pullback trades in YM provided an excellent opportunity for traders to capitalize on the market's positive movement. However, it is crucial to be aware of missed opportunities since the market's dynamics can change quickly. Staying updated with market trends and Patterns can enhance the chances of identifying profitable trades in real-time.

Trending Market

Today, the YM market continues to trend well. With three successful trades already executed, it is evident that the market is in a favorable state for trading. Trending markets provide opportunities for traders to ride the Momentum and achieve their profit targets more efficiently. By analyzing the market's current trends and patterns, traders can make informed decisions and take advantage of profitable trading opportunities within YM.

Comparison with Other Markets

When comparing YM with other markets such as NQ, RTY, gold, or crude oil, it is essential to note the differences in pace and potential profits. YM and RTY are slower markets, requiring traders to be more patient and diligent. The bar size in these markets is smaller, impacting the profit potential per contract. On the other HAND, NQ offers more significant profit potential due to its larger bar size. Traders should consider these factors when choosing which market to focus on based on their trading goals and risk tolerance.

Patience in Slow Markets

Trading in slower markets, such as YM or RTY, requires patience. Unlike the fast-paced NQ market, where a few trades can yield significant daily profits, slow markets demand a more patient approach. Traders need to wait for favorable setups and allow their automated trading bots to do the work. The key is to remain disciplined and avoid impulsive trading decisions. However, slow markets also provide opportunities for consistent profits when approached with the right mindset and strategies in place.

Benefits of Trading in NQ

While slow markets like YM and RTY demand patience, NQ offers several advantages. With its larger bar size and higher profit potential, NQ attracts many traders. A few well-executed trades in NQ can lead to substantial gains, allowing traders to achieve their profit targets relatively quickly. However, it is important to remember that NQ also carries higher risks due to its faster pace. Traders should assess their risk tolerance and trading capabilities before deciding to focus primarily on NQ.


In conclusion, trading in YM requires an understanding of its unique characteristics and dynamics. Despite the slower pace, YM offers profitable trading opportunities, as demonstrated by recent successful trades. By employing a well-defined trading strategy, setting realistic goals, and exercising patience, traders can navigate YM effectively. Moreover, comparing YM to other markets like NQ allows traders to align their trading preferences with their profit goals. Remember, consistency and discipline are essential for long-term profitability and success in YM or any other market. Happy trading!


  • YM is a smaller market with its own unique characteristics and pace.
  • Clean market legs indicate stability and provide an ideal foundation for profitable trades.
  • Having a well-defined trading strategy and clear profit targets is crucial for success in YM.
  • Recent trades in YM have been successful, making it an attractive market for traders.
  • The YM market is currently trending well, providing ample opportunities for profitable trades.
  • Comparing YM with other markets like NQ highlights the differences in profit potential and pace.
  • Patience is key when trading in slower markets like YM, requiring traders to wait for the right setups.
  • NQ offers higher profit potential but also carries higher risks due to its faster pace.
  • Consistency, discipline, and patience are vital for long-term success in YM trading.


Q: What is YM? A: YM, also known as the E-mini Dow Future, is a smaller market with its own unique characteristics and pace.

Q: How important are clean market legs in trading? A: Clean market legs indicate stability and provide a solid foundation for executing profitable trades with reduced risk.

Q: What is the profit target in YM trading? A: The profit target in YM trading is typically set at a specific dollar amount, such as $1,000, depending on the trader's goals and strategy.

Q: Are there any risks associated with trading in slower markets like YM? A: While slower markets like YM offer opportunities for consistent profits, there is always a risk involved in trading. Traders should carefully assess their risk tolerance and take appropriate measures to manage their positions effectively.

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