Funktionen von Platonizer auf ChatGPT
Für wen ist Platonizer auf ChatGPT geeignet?
Platonizer on ChatGPT is a website designed for scholarly philosophers and scientists. It provides a formal way of summarizing articles.
Wie verwende ich Platonizer Quickstart auf ChatGPT?
To quickly get started with Platonizer on ChatGPT, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Platonizer website.
2. Input the article you want to summarize.
3. Click on the 'Summarize' button.
4. Read the formal summary generated by the website.
Wie benutzt man Platonizer auf ChatGPT?
To use Platonizer on ChatGPT, simply input the article you want to summarize and click on the 'Summarize' button. The website will generate a formal summary of the article.
Platonizer auf ChatGPT's Tags
article summarization
formal summary
Mehr von Daniel Piecka