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Production-scale RAG for Real-Time News Distillation - Robert Caulk | Vector Space Talks #015

🎤 Meet our guest speaker: - Robert Caulk, Founder at Emergent Methods Title: "Production-scale Retrieval Augmented Generation for Real-Time News Distillation" Abstract: This talk aims to map out the cluster architecture at Emergent Methods for our AskNews.app deployment. We aim to explain how we process over 1 million news articles per day for fast real-time RAG consumption. In particular, we will discuss the roles and interactions of four open-source software packages, including a cluster orchestration software (Flowdapt), a vector database (Qdrant), an LLM server (vLLM), and an embedding server (TEI). This combination of services allows us to infuse a mixture of LLMs with the latest news, and to deploy an enriched chat to thousands of users simultaneously in a public-facing application. We will highlight the role of Qdrant for some of its indispensable features, including efficient batch upserting, fast search on millions of vectors, easy filtering, and multi-node scaling. Finally, we will discuss the key roles that Flowdapt plays for orchestrating production-scale RAG across a variety of services in real-time, including the importance of configurability, scheduling, and resource management. We will conclude with our thoughts on why we believe the incorporation of these tools at the foundation level of a start-up is a huge advantage in comparison to the big tech companies from the 2010s. Talk Takeaways: How we process over 1 million news articles by combining Flowdapt, Qdrant, vLLM, and TEI. Why Qdrant is indispensable for production-scale RAG. How Flowdapt improves deployability, configurability, scaling, scheduling, and resource management. Why new start-ups have a huge tech-stack advantage over 2010 era tech companies. Robert's Bio: Robert is a scientist by trade, dedicating his career to a variety of open-source projects that range from large-scale artificial intelligence to discrete element modeling. He is currently working with a team at Emergent Methods to adaptively model over 1 million news articles per day, with a goal of reducing media bias and improving news-awareness. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect with Robert and Emergent Methods: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rcaulk/ https://emergentmethods.ai https://asknews.app Connect with Demetrios: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dpbrinkm/ Follow Qdrant: https://www.linkedin.com/company/qdrant/ https://twitter.com/qdrant_engine Join the Qdrant Discord server: https://discord.gg/W4PejyMMKu

Qdrant - Vector Database & Search Engine
Feb 23 2024

Catching Bad Guys using Graph Entity Resolution with Paco Nathan

Our guest is Paco Nathan, a Principal Developer Relations Engineer at Senzing.com (and listed as an “evil mad scientist” on LinkedIn). Paco works a lot within developer communities and tech events, and tries to provide many pointers to learning materials, industry analysis, and connect with many people. He presents talks, workshops, and hands-on tutorials about entity-resolved knowledge graph practices, and the related AI use cases which are downstream. Episode Notes Speaker Resources: * Neo4j+Senzing Tutorial: https://bit.ly/3AvKneU * When GraphRAG Goes Bad: A Study in Why you Cannot Afford to Ignore Entity Resolution (Dr. Clair Sullivan): https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/when-graphrag-goesbad-study-why-you-cannot-afford-ignore-sullivan-7ymnc/ * Paco’s NODES 2024 session: https://bit.ly/48sCSlD * Graph Power Hour: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9-tchmsp1WMnZKYti-tMnt_wyk4nwcbH T* omaz Bratanic on GraphReader: https://towardsdatascience.com/implementing-graphreader-with-neo4j-and-langgraph-e4c73826a8b7 Tools of the Month: * Neo4j GraphRAG Python package: https://pypi.org/project/neo4j-graphrag/ * Spring Data Neo4j: https://spring.io/projects/spring-data-neo4j * Entity Linking based on Entity Resolution tutorial: https://github.com/louisguitton/spacy-lancedb-linker https://github.com/DerwenAI/strwythura * AskNews (build news datasets) https://asknews.app/ * The Sentry https://atlas.thesentry.org/azerbaijan-aliyev-empire/ Announcements / News: Articles: * Neo4j Developer Blog https://bit.ly/3LcYx6q Videos: * NODES 2023 playlist https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Hl4pk2FsvUu4hzyhWed8Avu5nSUXYrb&si=8_0sYVRYz8CqqdIc Events * All Neo4j events: https://bit.ly/3Lb1Kn3 * (Nov 5) Conference (virtual): XtremeJ https://xtremej.dev/2024/schedule/ * (Nov 7) Conference (virtual): NODES 2024 https://bit.ly/47VqQkp * (Nov 8) Conference (Austin, TX, USA): MLOps World https://mlopsworld.com/ * (Nov 12) Conference (Baltimore, MD, USA): ISWC https://iswc2024.semanticweb.org/event/3715c6fc-e2d7-47eb-8c01-5fe4ac589a52/summary * (Nov 13) Meetup (Seattle, WA, USA): Puget Sound Programming Python (PuPPY) - Talk night Rover https://www.meetup.com/psppython/events/303896335/?eventOrigin=group_events_list * (Nov 14) Meetup (Seattle, WA, USA): AI Workflow Essentials (with Pinecone, Neo4J, Boundary, Union) https://lu.ma/75nv6dd3 * (Nov 14) Conference (Reston, VA, USA): Senzing User Conference https://senzing.com/senzing-event-calendar/ * (Nov 18) Meetup (Cleveland, OH, USA): Cleveland Big Data mega-meetup https://www.meetup.com/Cleveland-Hadoop/ * (Nov 19) Chicago Java User Group (Chicago, IL, USA): https://cjug.org/cjug-meeting-intro/#/ * (Dec 3) Conference (London, UK): Linkurious Days https://resources.linkurious.com/linkurious-days-london * (Dec 10) Meetup (London, UK): ESR meetup in London by Neural Alpha * (Dec 11-13) Conference (London, UK): Connected Data London https://2024.connected-data.london/

Nov 01 2024

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