BrainstormGPT ist eine KI-gesteuerte Lösung, die Unternehmen dabei unterstützt, fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen. Sie nutzt fortschrittliche Künstliche Intelligenz-Technologie, um wertvolle Einblicke und Empfehlungen für verschiedene Geschäftsszenarien bereitzustellen.
Um BrainstormGPT zu verwenden, geben Sie einfach relevante Daten ein und geben Sie das Problem oder die Entscheidung an, bei der Sie Unterstützung benötigen. Der KI-Algorithmus analysiert die bereitgestellten Informationen und generiert genaue Einblicke, Vorhersagen und Empfehlungen, um Ihren Entscheidungsprozess zu unterstützen.
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Introducing BrainstormGPT- Convert topics to meeting reports by AI multi-agent technology
What is BrainstormGPT? It's a platform that combines multi-agent technology, powerful language models, and automatic search to simplify the process of transforming topics into meeting reports. What can you do with BrainstormGPT? 💡Custom topics. Personalized meeting reports based on your topic of interest. 👥User-defined roles. Choose from existing roles or create new ones with background information. 🤖AI agents discuss automatically, giving you full access to follow the meeting discussions. 📋Generate meeting reports in 20 minutes, equivalent to 300 searches, 10 hours of discussions, and 100,000 text analyses How does BrainstormGPT help? ⏰Simplifies and saves time for repetitive searches and information gathering using AI. 📚Breaks limitations by enabling AI agent collaboration, surpassing individual knowledge and experience. 🔎Ensures timeliness and relevance with automatic search, providing up-to-date insights. We are committed to providing a simple and efficient solution that not only saves you time but also broadens your perspective and ignites creativity, all within a user-friendly platform. This sets us apart from fragmented searches or single-agent ChatGPT responses. --- We're embarking on a new journey and we understand that it may not be perfect. To involve users in shaping the product, we're offering a free trial. Your feedback is valuable to us and will guide our future updates. We sincerely appreciate your experiential feedback, ideas, and criticisms as we strive to improve. Discord: Twitter: YouTube: Join us as Quality Experience Officers! As a member, you'll receive extra credits and unlock full Freedom Mode for topic selection. Contact us at ( We're eager to hear from you!