DHTMLX ChatBot ist ein Widget mit MIT-Lizenz zur Erstellung einer Chatbot-Benutzeroberfläche für KI-Support-Agenten. Es bietet eine flexible, konfigurierbare und zuverlässige Lösung zum Gestalten nahtloser Benutzeroberflächen, die von KI-Technologien unterstützt werden.
Um mit DHTMLX ChatBot zu beginnen, laden Sie das Widget herunter, konfigurieren Sie die Einstellungen und integrieren Sie es in Ihre Anwendung, um Benutzern KI-gesteuerte Chatbot-Interaktionen bereitzustellen.
Weitere Informationen zu Kontakt finden Sie auf der Kontaktseite (https://dhtmlx.com/docs/technical-support.shtml)
Weitere Informationen zu DHTMLX ChatBot finden Sie auf der Über uns-Seite (https://dhtmlx.com/docs/company.shtml) .
DHTMLX ChatBot Preislink: https://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/licenses.shtml
DHTMLX ChatBot Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/dhtmlx
DHTMLX ChatBot Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/user/dhtmlx
DHTMLX ChatBot Linkedin link: https://www.linkedin.com/groups/3345009/
DHTMLX ChatBot Instagram link: https://instagram.com/dhtmlx
DHTMLX ChatBot Github link: https://github.com/DHTMLX
Social Media Listening
How to Create a React Scheduler App - DHTMLX Tutorial
In this video tutorial we will create a basic React Scheduler app using DHTMLX Scheduler. We will build the application using React Class components. 0:00 Intro 0:16 Prerequisites 0:39 Adding DHTMLX Scheduler to React App 2:15 Configuring React Scheduler Component 4:02 Processing Changes Made in DHTMLX React Scheduler 5:58 Useful resources To create DHTMLX Scheduler React app on your own: 1) Download DHTMLX Scheduler free 30-day trial version: https://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxScheduler/download.shtml 2) Check a complete demo on GitHub: https://github.com/DHTMLX/react-scheduler-demo 3) Consult the tutorial on our blog: https://dhtmlx.com/blog/use-dhtmlx-scheduler-component-react-js-library-demo/ Note that DHTMLX Scheduler is not a React library, so to use it in the app, we'll need a wrapper component, which will connect the JavaScript Scheduler library to the rest of the app, as shown in the video. #dhx #dhtmlx
How to create a JavaScript Gantt chart in 30 seconds with DHTMLX
In this video, you will learn how to quickly create a JS/HTML Gantt chart with the help of DHTMLX. It will take you 30 seconds to initialize Gantt with basic features. To learn more about DHTMLX Gantt configuration, consult the blog post: https://dhtmlx.com/blog/create-javascript-gantt-chart-dhtmlx-tutorial/ To start working with DHTMLX Gantt, download a free 30-day trial version: https://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/dhtmlxGantt/download.shtml
What is DHTMLX JavaScript UI Library?
DHTMLX offers a set of various JavaScript widgets with clean Material-styled UI for building web and mobile apps of any complexity. For example, you can build a complete project management app from scratch using Gantt, Scheduler, Kanban, and To Do List widgets, or integrate them into an existing project. DHTMLX widgets support integration with modern frameworks and technologies, including Angular, React, Vue.js, and Salesforce. They can be exported to Excel, PDF, PNG, MS Project, and other formats. Each widget includes a feature-rich API so you can easily configure its look and feel. Moreover, we provide comprehensive documentation and constantly add interactive code samples to simplify and speed up your learning curve. See the full list of DHTMLX libraries: https://dhtmlx.com/docs/products/ Download a free trial of any of our widgets: https://dhtmlx.com/docs/download.shtml FOLLOW US ON Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dhtmlx/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/dhtmlx LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/dhtmlx-ltd-/ Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik #dhtmlx #dhx
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