Was ist EzMail.AI? EzMail.AI ist eine kostenlose Chrome-Erweiterung für Gmail, die ChatGPT, ein leistungsstarkes Sprachmodell, verwendet, um komplette E-Mails und Nachrichten zu generieren. Es integriert sich nahtlos in Ihr Gmail-Konto und bietet eine einfache Möglichkeit, personalisierte E-Mail-Antworten zu verfassen.
Anleitung zur Verwendung von EzMail.AI in Gmail Installieren Sie die EzMail Chrome-Erweiterung. Öffnen Sie Gmail und antworten Sie auf eine E-Mail. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche der EzMail-Erweiterung im Gmail-Textfeld. Geben Sie kurz an, wie Sie antworten möchten, und klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Generieren. ChatGPT generiert einen personalisierten E-Mail-Antwurfsentwurf. Falls gewünscht, verfeinern Sie den generierten Entwurf, indem Sie das Gespräch fortsetzen. Klicken Sie auf die Schaltfläche Einfügen, um den Entwurf in das Gmail-Textfeld einzufügen.
Hier ist die Support-E-Mail von EzMail.AI für den Kundendienst: hello@ezmail.ai .
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ChatGPT-powered free Chrome extension for Gmail that generates entire emails & messages | EzMail.AI
https://www.ezmail.ai/chrome-extension EzMail.AI Chrome extension is the ChatGPT powered free Chrome extension for Gmail that generates entire emails and messages. What you'll get with the EzMail.AI Chrome extension: - Email context fed into prompt automatically - One-click insertion of generated draft into Gmail text box - Chat to refine the generated draft - Robust connection to your ChatGPT account - All languages are supported - Absolutely free - 100% privacy friendly How to use: 1. Install the EzMail Chrome extension. 2. Go to Gmail, open an email, and reply to it. 3. Click on the EzMail extension button in the Gmail text box. 4. Briefly describe how you'd like to reply, and then click on the Generate button. 5. ChatGPT will generate a personalized email reply draft. 6. If you'd like, you can refine the generated draft by continuing the conversation until you are happy with the result. 7. Click on the Insert button to insert the generated draft into the Gmail text box.
EzMail.AI | What is it? | How it works? | ChatGPT-based Gmail AI drafting tool
https://www.ezmail.ai/ EzMail is an email drafting tool that pre-fills responses for Gmail users. This feature saves time for users who frequently write similar responses by automatically generating personalized drafts in their own writing style. With EzMail, users can easily reply to emails 10X faster, avoiding the hassle of typing out the same responses repeatedly. EzMail users can continue using Gmail as they normally would, without changing any of their habits, on both their mobile and desktop devices. Once they connect their Gmail account to EzMail, automatically generated drafts will appear in their inbox in advance. Users can then simply approve the pre-filled drafts and send them out with one click, which saves them a lot of time.
EzMail.AI | How to use | ChatGPT powered Gmail productivity tool
https://www.ezmail.ai/ EzMail.AI is the AI-powered Gmail drafting tool that pre-fills personalized responses in your own writing style, enabling you to reply to emails 10X faster. It's a big time saver if you frequently write similar responses. It works on both mobile and desktop. How to use: 1. Sign in with your Gmail account. 2. AI does all the hard work automatically. 3. Drafts magically appear in your inbox ready to go. How it works: 1. Ingest all your emails 2. Train Al model with your emails 3. Use Al to reply to emails as "you"