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21 Useful Digital Marketing Tools To Grow Your Business
⭐ Start your website and get 3 months free + FREE domain + Extra 10% off with code "AURELIUS". Sign up here: https://aurelius.link/hostinger Alternate link: https://www.hostg.xyz/SHB0h A big thanks to Hostinger for sponsoring this video and supporting this channel. In this video, you'll learn 21 useful digital marketing tools help you be more productive and make your day to day workflow smoother. I've compiled some of the best digital marketing tools I've come across as well as some which I think are underrated. You'll find digital marketing tools to help you edit videos faster using AI, make websites with ease, and design like a pro without any tech skills. Whether you're a startup, solopreneur or someone who's looking for some useful online business tools, I'm sure you'll find at least one tool that'll help you today. Check it out and comment below what your favorite is from this list! *▼ ▽ JOIN THE COMMUNITY - THE PRODUCTIVE DIGITAL CREATOR* Join 20,000+ email subscribers who receive the latest tips and tutorials directly from me. ✉️ Signup is free: https://aureliustjin.com/newsletter *🌟 SOCIALS* INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/aureliustjin TWITTER: https://twitter.com/aureliustjin WEBSITE: https://AureliusTjin.com 🧰 TOOLS & GEAR I USE: https://www.aureliustjin.com/tools 🛒 SHOP MY PRODUCTS: https://www.aureliustjin.com/shop 📅 MY YOUTUBE CONTENT PLANNER: https://aurelius.link/master ☕ BUY ME A COFFEE and get 5 BONUSES: https://aureliustjin.com/coffee *▼ ▽ MY RECOMMENDED TOOLS* 🌐 Hostinger - Affordable web hosting to build your website: https://aurelius.link/hostinger (Coupon: AURELIUS) 🎨 Canva Pro - Worth every penny all all your design needs: https://aurelius.link/canva 📘 Designrr - Ebook maker with dozens of templates: https://aurelius.link/designrr 🎵 Epidemic Sound - Where I get all my music for YouTube videos: https://aurelius.link/epidemicsound ................................................ *▼ ▽ TIMESTAMPS* 00:00 - Introduction 00:19 - 1. Vidyo 01:12 - 2. Hostinger 03:17 - 3. Ideas AI 04:22 - 4. WhatRuns 05:25 - 5. SmartMockups 06:28 - 6. Screely 07:13 - 7. Profile Pic Maker 08:11 - 8. Way Mark 09:37 - 9. Synthesia 10:05 - 10. Tella 11:23 - 11. Holler 13:05 - 12. Tally 13:45 - 13. Clipdrop 14:21 - 14. Clean Voice 15:07 - 15. Rev 15:57 - 16. ConvertKit 17:37 - 17. WriteSonic 18:48 - 18. UseChatGPT 19:37 - 19. SaaS Pages 20:35 - 20. Marketing Examples 21:27 - 21. Nira's Free Marketing Resources & Templates 22:07 - Conclusion *▼ ▽ LINKS MENTIONED IN VIDEO* EpidemicSound (Where I get my music): https://aurelius.link/epidemicsound 1. Vidyo - https://vidyo.ai/ 2. Hostinger - https://aurelius.link/hostinger (Coupon: AURELIUS) 3. IdeasAI.com - http://IdeasAI.com 4. Whatruns - https://www.whatruns.com/ 5. SmartMockups - https://smartmockups.com/ 6. Screely - https://screely.com 7. Profile Pic Maker - https://pfpmaker.com/ 8. Waymark - http://waymark.com/ 9. Synthesia - https://www.synthesia.io/ 10. Tella - https://tella.tv/?via=aurelius 11. Holler - https://goholler.ai 12. Tally - https://tally.so/ 13. Clickdrop - https://clipdrop.co 14. Cleanvoice - https://cleanvoice.ai/ 15. Rev - https://aurelius.link/rev 16. ConvertKit - https://aurelius.link/convertkit 17. WriteSonic - https://writesonic.com/ 18. UseChatGPT - https://www.usechatgpt.ai/ 19. SaaS Pages - https://saaspages.xyz/ 20. Marketing Examples - https://marketingexamples.com/ 21. Nira's Free Marketing Resources & Templates - https://nira.com/templates/marketing-templates/ ................................................ Disclaimer: Some of the links contain affiliate links, meaning I will earn a small commission when you purchase through my link at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. This video is supported by our sponsor, Hostinger. *▶ CONNECT WITH ME* INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/aureliustjin TWITTER: https://twitter.com/aureliustjin WEBSITE: https://AureliusTjin.com PARTNERSHIPS & SPONSORSHIPS: https://aureliustjin.com/contact
5 USEFUL AI Tools You Probably Didn't Know Exist!
In this video, you'll learn 5 best AI tools to help you in your business or creative process. From AI Video editing to YouTube video summaries, these tools offer useful features that can help you streamline your work, help you learn faster, edit videos faster and achieve your goals faster. Enjoy! ▼ ▽ JOIN THE COMMUNITY - THE PRODUCTIVE DIGITAL CREATOR Join 20,000+ email subscribers who receive the latest tips and tutorials directly from me. ✉️ Sign up is free: https://aureliustjin.com/newsletter 🌟 SOCIALS INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/aureliustjin TWITTER: https://twitter.com/aureliustjin WEBSITE: https://AureliusTjin.com 🧰 TOOLS & GEAR I USE: https://www.aureliustjin.com/tools 🛒 SHOP MY PRODUCTS: https://www.aureliustjin.com/shop 📅 MY YOUTUBE CONTENT PLANNER: https://aurelius.link/master ☕ BUY ME A COFFEE and get 5 BONUSES: https://aureliustjin.com/coffee ▼ ▽ MY RECOMMENDED TOOLS: 🌐 Hostinger - Affordable web hosting to build your website: https://aurelius.link/hostinger (Coupon: AURELIUS) 🎨 Canva Pro - Worth every penny all all your design needs: https://aurelius.link/canva 📘 Designrr - Ebook maker with dozens of templates: https://aurelius.link/designrr 🎵 Epidemic Sound - Where I get all my music for YouTube videos: https://aurelius.link/epidemicsound ................................................ ▼ ▽ TIMESTAMPS 0:00 - Introduction 0:05 - AI Tool 1: Mokker: 0:58 - AI Tool 2: YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: 1:47 - AI Tool 3: Wisecut 3:32 - AI Tool 4: Holler 5:05 - AI Tool 5: Tweetify It 6:20 - Summary And Conclusion ▼ ▽ LINKS MENTIONED IN VIDEO 1. Mokker: https://mokker.ai 2. YouTube Summary with ChatGPT: https://glasp.co/youtube-summary 3. Wisecut: https://www.wisecut.video 4. Holler: https://goholler.ai 5. Tweetify It: https://tweetify.it ................................................ ▼ ▽ WATCH THESE NEXT 8 Mind-Blowing Websites - Part 1: https://youtu.be/PiYS3PMXOjc 8 FREE Websites You Probably Didn’t Know Existed: https://youtu.be/N8g4eO2gp0s 8 Crazy AI Websites You Probably Didn't Know Existed: https://youtu.be/SPsuVmCiwVQ 8 INSANELY USEFUL Design Tools You Need To Try: https://youtu.be/wzoSI3XGqsg 8 Chrome Extensions You Probably Didn't Know Existed: https://youtu.be/tyL0OwAgc_I ................................................ Disclaimer: Some of the links contain affiliate links, meaning I will earn a small commission when you purchase through my link at no additional cost to you. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. ▶ CONNECT WITH ME INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/aureliustjin TWITTER: https://twitter.com/aureliustjin WEBSITE: https://AureliusTjin.com PARTNERSHIPS & SPONSORSHIPS: partnerships@aureliustjin.com
5 insane AI tools you must know!
5 insane AI tools you must know! AI Tools: https://goholler.ai https://thegigabrain.com https://hidola.ai/en https://pika.art https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/face-swap-facevary/pkobedcbihoddpicglmdcikhkfgoonem For collabs email at - nomi137 (at) gmail Website : http://www.isocialyou.com Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/isocialyou Subscribe To YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/iSocialYou
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