Kula AI ist eine Outbound-Recruiting-Automatisierungsplattform, die Personalvermittlern hilft, hochpersonalisierte und automatisierte Nachrichten zu generieren, um erstklassige Kandidaten anzuziehen und zu konvertieren.
Um Kula AI zu nutzen, können Personalvermittler eine kostenlose Testversion beantragen und beginnen, personalisierte Nachrichtenflüsse zur Ansprache passiver Kandidaten zu erstellen. Sie können auch automatisierte Mitarbeiterempfehlungen nutzen, Analysen des Recruitment-Funnels durchführen und verschiedene Lösungen für Personalvermittler und Personalverantwortliche erkunden.
Hier ist die Support-E-Mail von Kula AI für den Kundendienst: sales@kula.ai .
Kula AI Firmenname: Kula .
Weitere Informationen zu Kula AI finden Sie auf der Über uns-Seite (https://www.kula.ai/story) .
Kula AI Anmeldelink: https://www.kula.ai/signup
Kula AI Preislink: https://www.kula.ai/pricing
Kula AI Linkedin link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/recruitwithkula/
Kula AI Twitter link: https://twitter.com/recruitwithkula
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Social Media Listening
Kula AI, your AI-powered assistant to hire top talent
Top candidates are already employed so getting their attention boils down to how good your message is. Enter Kula AI! Generate highly personalised, researched, and thoughtful messages within seconds and automate your touchpoints, to convert 4X more candidates. Get Connected: Website - https://www.kula.ai/ LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/recruitwithkula/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/recruitwithkula
Welcome to Kula AI
Kula streamlines sourcing, engaging, and hiring top tier talent, making recruiting easy, sleek and powerful. Think 4 times the responses, 6 times quicker hires, and 8 times more referrals. From discovering candidates to sending personalised messages through various channels, across multi-step flows, ensuring prime inbox placement, AI generated personalised content, automated referrals by centralised employee networks, one-click analytics tracking, and more – Kula provides everything that outbound recruiters require. Use Kula to enjoy building an outstanding candidate pipeline. Get Connected: Website - https://www.kula.ai/ LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/recruitwithkula/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/recruitwithkula
Climbing the Career Ladder as a Recruiter - Pradeep Desu on Recruiters on Record by Kula
As recruiters, we get people to the best jobs that propel their careers forward. But do we do that for ourselves? How should recruiters think about getting to the top levels of the career ladder and achieving their full potential. In a 45-minute deep dive session on climbing the corporate ladder, we uncover the earned and learned secrets of Pradeep as we uncover his journey of growing to the top within the recruitment function. Key Takeaways: 1. How to make your work as a recruiter more visible? 2. How to network within (and outside) your company? 3. How to upskill while being A+ in your job? 4. How to decide, spot, and crack your next stint? 5. How to think about your career in decades, rather than months? Get Connected: Website - https://www.kula.ai/ LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/company/recruitwithkula/ Twitter - https://twitter.com/recruitwithkula
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