The Email Marketing Platform for Influencers
1. Starte eine Kampagne. 2. Schreibe deine E-Mail. 3. Klicke auf senden.
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August 30 2024
Von Eira am Mai 17 2024
Entsperren Sie Ihren E-Mail-Erfolg: 10 bewährte Strategien!
Social Media Listening
Mailvio - RFM basics explained
Does your Email Marketing Platform have RFM analysis built-in? Mailvio does! RFM is a super powerful segmentation method that analyzes your saying customers and segments them. Before Mailvio released easy RFM analysis, this was one of the power tools only available to big enterprises. In this video we explain the basics of RFM. This video is part of a small training series we are releasing of 5 videos. Stay tuned for the next 4!
Mailvio - RFM segments explained
This is the 2nd video in our Mailvio training series about RFM segmentation. In this video, we will explain all the segments the RFM analysis gives you and how to communicate with that segment using your email sequences. Does your Email Marketing platform have RFM analysis? We do! Don't like writing email sequences? Don't have an in-house copywriter, and hiring one is too expensive? Our AutomationAI module will write them for you. Sure, you can have AI write a simple single email for you anywhere, but only Mailvio offers a high-quality email sequence with a coherent overarching storyline, with all emails pointed at achieving one more goal for the sequence. Oh, and we'll make sure they sound human and not like an AI. Based on your emails, you can even train the AI to sound more like you!
Natalie Eastman - Mailvio Testimonial
Mailvio Testimonial.
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