Die Midjourney KI-Stile-Bibliothek von Andrei Kovalev ist eine umfassende Sammlung von künstlerischen Stilen, Genres, Techniken und Bewegungen für Midjourney KI. Sie bietet über 4000 Stile in V5, V4, V3 und niji sowie einen Midjourney-Leitfaden und wöchentliche Style Tops.
Erkunde verschiedene Stile, Genres, Künstlerwerke und künstlerische Techniken auf der Website. Verwende Such- und Klassifizierungswerkzeuge, um spezifische Stile zu finden oder stöbere durch Kategorien und Funktionen.
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Midjourney AI Styles Library Instagram link: https://www.instagram.com/midlibrary.io/
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Basics of AI - ChatGPT Masterclass & Midjourney | Ansh Mehra at IIM Bangalore
The video by Ansh Mehra is divided into two segments centered around ChatGPT and Midjourney. A masterclass originally conducted at IIM Bangalore discusses these topics in depth and provides practical advice on how to use them to their best. From getting started with ChatGPT, learning about the basic features of ChatGPT, creating a ChatGPT agent so that you can interact and generate apt results more easily, to discussing how to use the Voxscript and Code interpreter plugins, I have also provided a 15-day upskilling plan to help beginners use AI tools effectively. To conclude, this video covers both ChatGPT and Midjourney in two segments. It is evident that these AI tools can increase productivity, reduce costs, and automate mundane tasks. With a strategic approach, these tools can be leveraged to create value over time. ➡️ Link to the PDF (No password): https://drive.google.com/file/d/1M6CQtCvRA6xVtsVqkxZiMymreFSfbJ0E/view?usp=drive_link 🔗 Free platform for prompting resources: https://www.howtoprompt.in/ Free ChatGPT Alternatives: 🔗 https://bard.google.com/ 🔗 https://www.perplexity.ai/ 🔗 https://pi.ai/talk 📌 Link to the Resources Mentioned: 🔗 https://www.futurepedia.io/ 🔗 https://aivalley.ai/ 🔗 https://supertools.therundown.ai/ 🔗 https://saasprompts.com/ 🔗 https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/parameter-list 🔗 https://midlibrary.io/ 🔗 https://www.midjourney.com/showcase/recent/ 🔗 https://theresanaiforthat.com/ 🔗 https://vectorizer.ai/ Thank you, IIM Bangalore, for making me a part of Eximius’23! 🔗 https://www.linkedin.com/school/eximius-iim-bangalore/ 🔗 https://instagram.com/iimbeximius?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA== 🔗 https://www.facebook.com/iimbeximius/ 🔗 https://eximius-iimb.com/ 🌏 Keep up with Design and AI: 🔗 https://www.instagram.com/anshmehra.in/ 🔗 https://www.anshmehra.com/ 🔗 https://medium.com/ansh-mehra 🚀 Complete Roadmap to a UX Design Career: → https://learnuiux.in/ 🏆 Learn about Prompting and AI Tools: → https://www.howtoprompt.in/ ▶️ Recommended Videos → Free Hindi UX/UI Design Course (for Designers): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlHtucAD9KT2VKBwCZooIvDAiJQZ0Hrur → Free English UX/UI Design Course (for Designers): https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLlHtucAD9KT33e6ScNCtgVPS5kXlLOu0O → UI Redesign Playlist for practical hands-on learning https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FWjG3yJsn08&list=PLlHtucAD9KT2oO9i0UkAIfmFErOH_ccbn → Writing UX Design Case Study: Step-by-Step Process (for Designers): https://youtu.be/bH-tB-qxypI ⚡️ Checkout Zuddl (Events hosting platform for Conferences and Marketers) → https://www.zuddl.com/ Comment your reviews here or on Twitter (@AnshMehraaa) or share a story on Instagram (@anshmehra.in) 0:00 Introduction 0:50 Accessibility Check 1:51 a Prototype for a better 2:09 minimal, futuristic design for electronic rickshaw for indian streets 5:18 COMMUNITIES 7:09 First Principles & Reality Checks 7:20 cliched basic stuff 8:08 Message Prompt 11:04 misconception in the market about Al 19:43 You are making Al do time-consuming tasks 24:40 Checklist 34:13 Code Interpreter? 37:20 Free Alternatives? 40:51 Important as Googling 45:49 A look into the future.. 45:56 Midjourney Prompt 47:31 Basic parameters 47:50 imagine a sci-fi background 50:52 Specific Render Engines 58:15 BIG HACK FOR STARTUP IDEAS
MidJourney MASTERY Beginner's Guide - EVERYTHING You Need to Know! (AI Art Tutorial 2023)
😍 PDF WITH ALL TEXT PROMPTS READY TO COPY: https://eposvox.gumroad.com/l/midjourney-beginners-guide-prompts-april23 🎸 Background Music by Backing Track: https://backingtrack.gg/ This is the ULTIMATE beginner's guide to generating AI Art with MidJourney. In this lengthy, free course I'm sharing EVERYTHING you need to know to make amazing images, automate your creative process, and create awesome stuff. MidJourney: https://midjourney.com Discord: https://discord.com/ Follow me on MidJourney: https://www.midjourney.com/app/users/f10f34de-8f59-44cb-8e16-47dd0497effb/ My Discord server: https://discord.gg/eposvox 😍 FOLLOW THESE ARTISTS: josh_tep - https://twitter.com/josh_tep Nick St. Pierre - https://twitter.com/nickfloats 📃 RESOURCES: Photopea: https://photopea.com Envato Elements (affiliate): https://1.envato.market/4PGPjr Seamless Texture Checker: https://www.pycheung.com/checker/ 📃 MidJourney "AI ART MASTER" reference guide: https://eposvox.gg/MJGuide ✅ MidJourney Beginner's Guide Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FcRFQTMW_bo&list=PLgrJUN7TszTFNO9P6pNnXlS28Sw9rrg9W ▶️ Train ChatGPT with MidJourney - https://youtu.be/NzpsLYyig-8 Midjourney Docs - https://docs.midjourney.com/docs/quick-start BigJPG free upscaler - https://bigjpg.com/ MidJourney Style Guide (Github) - https://github.com/willwulfken/MidJourney-Styles-and-Keywords-Reference MidJourney Prompt Helper - https://prompt.noonshot.com/ MidLibrary - https://www.midlibrary.io Vectorize your AI Art: https://vectorizer.ai/ TIMECODES: 00:00:00 MidJourney Noob to Pro Beginner's Guide 00:00:43 What even IS MidJourney? 00:01:42 How to use MidJourney via Discord 00:05:58 Writing your first prompt 00:07:13 Finding your MidJourney generations 00:07:55 MidJourney's Grid & Upscaling/Variations 00:11:56 Viewing your images on MidJourney Website 00:17:27 Copying prompts from Community Feed 00:21:02 Anatomy of a Prompt 00:35:24 Additional styles & prompt flavor 00:42:39 MidJourney Organization Tips! 01:00:20 Reference Images 01:15:09 Aspect Ratios 01:22:01 Default Settings 01:29:20 Tile & Seamless Patterns 01:34:26 The power of SEEDS 01:49:18 Chaos & Stylize 01:57:44 BEST resources for prompt improvement! 02:03:38 Different MidJourney Versions 02:06:06 Making anime with NijiJourney 02:13:21 Secrets of /describe 02:18:10 Awesome prompt assist tool 02:21:32 Prompt & Image Weight 02:24:27 Permutations & --repeat 02:30:57 Unlocking the potential of BLEND 02:34:53 Mastering MultiPrompts 02:39:17 Versus? 02:40:28 Emoji (yes, really) 02:42:21 Logo Design & Vectorize 02:46:23 Follow awesome artists ------------------------- 📧 Biz Email: analogdreams@eposvox.com 📬 Shipping: 303 E Court Ave # 459 Jeffersonville, IN 47131 👕 Buy my art: https://analogdreams.threadless.com 📦 My Shop: https://glitch.mov 💻 Discord Server: https://eposvox.gg/discord 🌐 ALL my links: https://eposvox.com/ 📝 Tech Philosophy Blog: https://analogdreams.blog 🎶 Music by Backing Track: https://backingtrack.gg/ 💵 Direct Tips: http://paypal.me/eposvox 💾 Main tech/streaming education channel: https://youtube.com/eposvox 📼 EposVox Clips: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0n9X89gHg1kayykR6e3q8Q 🎮 Gaming channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-TRvAafLbCHVcszm7d8W-g 🎥 VODs Channel: https://youtube.com/eposvoxgaming 🐦 Mastodon: https://glitch.lgbt/@eposvox 📼 Twitch: https://twitch.tv/eposvox
Master Midjourney - Updated Beginner to Advanced Course
Download the free ChatGPT at Work PDFs: https://clickhubspot.com/keo Summary: A massive deep dive into Midjourney covering every parameter, prompting guides, organization, style references, consistent characters, Midjourney v6, personalization, every single aspect of Midjourney. Learn how to use Midjourney AI as a beginner or advanced user. The Midjourney website is a gigantic improvement from discord in every way. Midjourney Link: https://www.midjourney.com Resources: Parameters cheatsheet - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1i55EsfbkQZyZFtiFFUk2kyBGXXfVJyuJ/view?usp=sharing Midlibrary - https://midlibrary.io/ Alie Jules sref Index - https://aiiqportal.com/ Charlie Q’s sref Library - https://sites.google.com/charlottequinndesigns.com/cqs-sref-library/mj-6-codes Creator Impact sref Codes - https://creatorimpact.com/project/midjourney-v6-style-codes-for-sref/ Seamless Texture Checker - https://www.pycheung.com/checker/ Panorama viewer - https://renderstuff.com/tools/360-panorama-web-viewer/ More from Futurepedia: ⚒️ Get recommendations on the best AI tools for your work: https://www.futurepedia.io/ ✉️ Become the office AI-expert, 5min/week: https://futurepedia.beehiiv.com/ 🐦 Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/futurepedia_io 🖥️ Follow on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/futurepedia Chapters 0:00 Intro 1:22 Site Overview 2:58 Organization 3:52 One word prompts 5:02 Parameters / Main settings 5:38 Image Size 7:28 Stylization 9:06 Weirdness 10:53 Variety / Chaos 11:22 Aesthetics summary 11:49 Mode / style raw 12:23 Versions / personalization overview 13:24 Speed and pricing 14:35 No parameter 14:55 Seeds 15:48 Permutations 16:34 Prompting structure 17:17 Prompt example: Cinematic 18:54 Prompt example: Multiple characters 20:28 Power tokens 21:52 Resource: Midlibrary 23:52 Describe images 24:28 Prompting for logos 25:44 Prompting for vector art 26:42 Generating text 27:52 10 Prompting Tips 29:49 Actions - Vary and upscale 30:47 Reframe - pan and zoom 32:02 Remix 32:39 Repaint 33:21 References overview 34:07 Image prompts 34:17 Style references 38:08 Character references 39:35 Character repaint 40:16 Non-character character reference explorations 41:17 Prompting with images 41:38 Style reference codes 44:16 sref indexes and examples 45:57 Combining srefs 46:38 Personalization 49:35 Combining personalization, srefs, and parameters prompt example 50:20 Tile parameter / seamless patterns 50:46 Super tiling 51:37 360 photos with tile parameter 52:33 360 photos with generative fill 53:31 Stop parameter 54:38 Multi-prompting 55:17 video parameter 56:00 Combining sref, personalization, and parameters prompt example 56:48 Futurepedia
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