Die KI-gesteuerte Lernplattform von Skillsoft hilft Unternehmen dabei, Kompetenzlücken zu identifizieren und zu schließen, um die Transformation der Belegschaft voranzutreiben.
Die Online-Lernplattform von Skillsoft bietet eine Mischung aus selbstgesteuerten Online-Kursen, praktischer Übung, virtuellen Live-Online-Klassen und Coaching, um Einzelpersonen bei der Schließung von Kompetenzlücken zu unterstützen. Sie ist jederzeit, überall und auf jedem Gerät zugänglich.
Weitere Informationen zu Kontakt finden Sie auf der Kontaktseite (https://www.skillsoft.com/about/contact-us)
Skillsoft Percipio Firmenname: Skillsoft .
Weitere Informationen zu Skillsoft Percipio finden Sie auf der Über uns-Seite (https://www.skillsoft.com/about) .
Skillsoft Percipio Anmeldelink: https://www.skillsoft.com/login-skillsoft
Skillsoft Percipio Facebook link: https://www.facebook.com/skillsoft
Skillsoft Percipio Youtube link: https://www.youtube.com/user/skillsoft
Skillsoft Percipio Linkedin link: https://www.linkedin.com/company/skillsoft
Social Media Listening
disABLEDperson, Inc. Abilities to Careers Technical Virtual Learning Demonstration
Abilities to Careers Technical Virtual Learning Platform is a video-based, instructor lead, and supported learning environment through a private-public sector partnership that includes State VR agencies, disABLEDperson Inc., CSAVR The NET, and SkillSoft. The ACT-VLP offers on-demand, online video instructor-led training focused on high-demand skill sets that support candidates in their career path in Technology and Business. The platform will provide candidates access to a variety of career tracks in Technology and Business through a series of stackable credentials. This will enable self-motivated students to pursue and obtain the skill sets and credentials aligned with their area of interest and skills. Suppliers may update and or remove old courses at their discretion. Mentoring is offered directly through the platform The learning platform www.disABLEDperson.percipio.com has received high praise for its accessibility. The platform is also multi-lingual in its closed captions. Offering on-demand, instructor-led video-based learning preparing students to sit for industry-specific IT and Business certifications. The annual cost of our learning is $500. Note: Exam vouchers are NOT paid for by disABLEDperson Inc. AI Interactive learning in many IT courses is also available. Should consumers wish to utilize this interactive functionality there will be an additional annual cost of $38. The student simply needs a computer and an Internet connection to participate. Although no specific computer specifications are needed for the best user experience we would suggest a computer with an Intel 5 chip 7300 or higher with at least 8GM of RAM and 256 SSD “In Demand” courses leading to Certifications that will stand out to employers TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS CAREER TRACKS FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Badges and Certificates of Completion from ACT-VLP If you have questions, please contact us at info@disabledperson.com or phone us at 760-420-1269
Selangor Kerjaya Digital Academy
Selangor Kerjaya provides free online training for 12 months to successfully hired candidates as a part of the benefits of the programme. Log in to selangorkerjaya.percipio.com and starts learning now! Contact us for more info: Email: kerjaya@selangorkerjaya.com.my Social Media: Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SelangorKerjaya Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/selangorkerjaya LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/company/selangor-kerjaya #YourCareerOurAspiration #KerjayaAndaAspirasiKami #SelangorKerjaya
disABLEDperson, Inc. Abilities to Careers Technical Virtual Learning Platform
disABLEDperson, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 Public Charit whose mission is to reduce the high unemployment rate amongst individuals and veterans with disabilities. A video based, instructor lead and supported learning environment through a private-public sector partnership that includes State VR agencies, disABLEDperson Inc., CSAVR and The NET and SkillSoft. The ACT-VLP offers on-demand, online video instructor lead training focused on high demand skill sets that support candidates in their career path in Technology and Business. The platform will provide candidates access to a variety of career tracks in Technology and Business through a series of stackable credentials. This will enable self-motivated students to pursue and obtain the skill sets and credentials aligned with in their area of interest and skills. Suppliers may update and or remove old courses at their discretion. Mentoring is offered directly through the platform. The learning platform www.disABLEDperson.percipio.com has received high praise for its accessibility. The platform is also multi-lingual in its closed captions. Offering on-demand, instructor-led video-based learning preparing students to sit for industry-specific IT and Business certifications. Annual cost to our learning is $500. Note: Exam vouchers are NOT paid for by disABLEDperson Inc. AI Interactive learning in many IT courses will be available by November 1, 23. Should consumers wish to utilize this interactive functionality there will be an additional annual cost of $38. The student simply needs a computer and an Internet connection to participate. Although no specific computer specifications are needed for best user experience we would suggest a computer with an Intel 5 chip 7300 or higher with at least 8GM of RAM and 256 SSD “In Demand” courses leading to Certifications that will stand out to employers TECHNOLOGY AND BUSINESS CAREER TRACKS FOR PEOPLE WITH DISABILITIES Badges and Certificates of Completion from ACT-VLP If you have questions, please contact us at info@disabledperson.com or phone us at 760-420-1269