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Kiriko Guide | The Best Comprehensive Guide To KIRIKO in Overwatch 2
Amongst the various supports Overwatch 2 has to offer, Kiriko's dynamic kit sets her apart from the others, allowing her to be a strong pick in every single meta we have experienced thus far. Great skill and discipline is required however to get the maximum value out of Kiriko as a flex support in Overwatch 2. Within this Comprehensive Guide to Kiriko, there is something for everyone trying to learn Kiriko, from beginners to advanced players. Hope you enjoy this tips and tricks guide and best of luck carrying your teams in Overwatch 2 with confidence and keeping your team alive with your powerful swift step, protection suzu, and kitsune rush abilities! This is the Kiriko Guide | The Best Comprehensive Guide To Kiriko in Overwatch 2! - - - Chapter Markers Intro - 0:00 Why This Guide - 0:39 Credentials - 1:08 Thank You Poketude! (Links In Description) - 1:26 Roadmap - 1:44 Disclaimer - 2:01 Subscribe! - 2:11 Kunai - 2:24 Healing Ofuda - 4:19 Swift Step - 6:59 Protection Suzu - 8:44 Kitsune Rush - 10:56 Wall Climb (Passive) - 12:51 Win Conditions- 13:08 Positioning - 16:44 Synergies - 17:36 Takeaways - 18:40 Conclusion - 19:23 Outro - 19:52 - - - Important Resources! Aim Trainer Code: VAXTA Tryhard FFA: D9977 Support Guides: Referenced Marblr Video: - - - Thank you to Poketude for the immense help for not only this guide, but all of the guides on the channel! Poke's Twitter: Poke's Private Coaching: - - - 📽️ Don't forget to Subscribe! - - - Kiriko Streamers Kayjii: Myself: - - - 😄 Join Our Discord Community! 🎮 Catch My Streams! ✅ Get Your VOD Reviewed! 💸 Support the Community on Patreon! 👕 Check Out the Merch! 📱 Follow for Quick Tips! 📸 Follow my Instagram! 👽 Join our Reddit Community!