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2 Gespeicherte
KI-gesteuertes Tool zur Erstellung von LinkedIn-Beiträgen mit über 100 Vorlagen.
Hinzugefügt am:
Nov 23 2023
Monatliche Besucher:
Soziale Netzwerke und E-Mail:
Postli Produktinformationen

Was ist Postli?

Postli ist ein KI-gesteuertes Tool zur Erstellung von Beiträgen, mit dem Benutzer LinkedIn-Beiträge mit über 100 Vorlagen erstellen können.

Wie benutzt man Postli?

Um Postli zu verwenden, loggen Sie sich einfach auf der Website ein und wählen Sie eine Vorlage aus den verfügbaren Optionen aus. Passen Sie den Inhalt nach Belieben an und generieren Sie mit nur einem Klick einen Beitrag.

Postli's Hauptmerkmale

KI-gesteuerte Beitragserstellung

100+ Vorlagen für LinkedIn-Beiträge

Generierung von professionellem und ansprechendem Inhalt

Ideal für Vermarkter, Influencer und Fachleute

Postli's Anwendungsfälle


Postli kann von Vermarktern, Influencern und Fachleuten genutzt werden, um ihre Präsenz auf LinkedIn zu verbessern und neue Kunden zu erreichen.

FAQ von Postli

Wie viele Vorlagen sind in Postli verfügbar?

Wer kann Postli nutzen?

Ist Postli kostenlos?

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Analyse von Postli

Postli Website-Traffic-Analyse

Aktueller Website-Verkehr

Monatliche Besuche
Durchschnittliche Dauer des Besuchs
Seiten pro Besuch
Aug 2023 - Feb 2025 Gesamter Website-Verkehr

Geografischer Verkehr

Top 5 Regionen

United States
Aug 2023 - Feb 2025 Nur Desktop-Geräte

Quellen des Website-Verkehrs

Organische Suche
Aug 2023 - Feb 2025 Weltweit nur Desktop-Geräte


Kosten pro Klick
linkedin post preview generator
$ 1.70
linkedin hook generator
linkedin post egnerator ideas

Social Media Listening


How to code a viral AI app in 45 minutes | Iuliia Shnai

Iuliia Shnai is a serial maker and content creator. She founded an investor-backed EdTech startup as a non-technical founder, then she learned how to code and now she is indie-hacking and growing 2 products: Postli and Papermark. And she is quite successful on LinkedIn! Before startups Iuliia was a researcher in the university for 5+ years. Igor met with Iuliia to learn how to go viral on LinkedIn and how to code fast even if you're not technical. 0:00 Cinematic Trailer 0:30 Iuliia’s background: university, startups and indie-hacking 6:30 How Iuliia learned coding by doing 13:38 Screenshare: First Iuliia’s app — LinkedIn Post Generator 16:20 Screenshare: How to write a viral LinkedIn post 23:20 Screenshare: How a micro-tool transformed to the full-scale SaaS Postli -- Start Building -- 33:30 Screenshare: Finding an app idea with SEO research via SemRush 39:05 Screenshare: Coding the Linkedin Hashtag Generator app 51:11 Screenshare: Improving the app with AI 1:08:49 Screenshare: Deploying the app with GitHub and Vercel 1:13:05 Screenshare: Testing the deployed app and hot-fixing -- End Building -- 1:17:35 How to use code as no-code or why Iuliia gets haters on dev.to 1:23:00 The struggles when learning to code 1:26:20 Iuliia's current projects 1:28:30 How to start coding today even if you're not technical Iuliia's links: Twitter: https://twitter.com/shnai0 LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iuliia-shnai  Postli: https://postli.co Papermark: https://www.papermark.io GitHub repo: https://github.com/shnai0/linkedin-po... Igor's links: Twitter:  https://twitter.com/that_igor_ Momentum: https://momentum.page Paralect: https://paralect.com #linkedin #ai #coding #seo

Do It In Public | Startups & Marketing
Apr 23 2024

Elon Musk Has Made LinkedIn More Popular Than X (Twitter) | Iuliia Shnai

She tried her 1st business at the age of 16. Also, nine months ago, she didn't have a clue how to code. 👩‍💻 Now, she is building a tool for @LinkedIn that generates posts – Postli. This post templates from top creators, and the AI-writing assistant is making her decent monthly revenue and is still growing. 🤑 Iuliia Shnai shared her experiences and lessons learned during her #buildinpublic journey. What were we talking about? – Who inspired her to run businesses. – What Postli is and how this tool works? – Differences between LinkedIn and X. – The indie maker worth following. – Tips on how to learn coding in under 9 months (and turn it into a business). – Monetizing tips. – Marketing channels bringing paying customers. In the premium part, we were talking about: – Reasons why LinkedIn is more relevant for Iuliia than X (Twitter). – The combination of studying, working, and digital nomading. – Tips on how to reach out to investors. – Tips on public speaking and pitching at conferences. 🦄 The premium part is available for my HeroHero community: https://herohero.co/businessmarketingwithnika/post/buwcqtgcbhumbhdwgswlikfutzkpbg Iuliia's Twitter (X): https://twitter.com/shnai0 Iuliia's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/iuliia-shnai/ Iuliia's GitHub: https://github.com/shnai0 Postli: https://www.postli.co/ Papermark: https://www.papermark.io/ ---------- Timestamps: 00:00 – Intro 00:50 – Introduction of Iuliia Shnai 03:15 – How to manage running a startup and PhD studies? 04:25 – Comming up with new business ideas 06:20 – First attempts to run business 07:00 – Iuliia's background – who from her family runs the business? 07:55 – Postli – LinkedIn generator post tool 09:08 – How Iuliia learned to code? 11:05 – People involved in the project (Postli) 11:55 – Differences between X (Twitter) and LinkedIn 13:18 – Job offers that Iuliia was offered during building Postli 15:05 – Side projects 17:25 – Time dedicated to work (How many hours Iuliia works?) 18:45 – Monetization strategies for startups 21:17 – The target audience of Postli 23:12 – The plans with Postli 23:45 – Revenue (How much Iuliia earns?) 24:35 – Marketing channels that bring the most paying users 25:55 – Resources used for learning to code 28:30 – Building in public approach – Where to share your entrepreneur journey? 30:10 – Favorite Building in public creators – Who to follow? 31:10 – Learnings from building in public journey 32:35 – Motivational thoughts: A message for people 34:18 – Invitation to watch premium content ---------- 👤 Become a member of a UNIQUE COMMUNITY: 🦄 https://herohero.co/businessmarketingwithnika 🦄 💰 Support me here: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/businessmarketingwithnika 🪙 Support me with Bitcoin: https://bit.ly/support-me-with-bitcoin (Lightning Network needed) ---------- 📱 Follow me on: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/business_marketing_with_nika/ LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/nika-kotlarikova/ Product Hunt: https://www.producthunt.com/@busmark_w_nika Twitter: https://twitter.com/intent/user?screen_name=busmark_w_nika ---------- 📨 Subscribe to my newsletter: https://substack.com/@businessmarketingwithnika/ ---------- My gear: Rode Wireless Go II Sony Alpha A7 III + SONY FE 28–70 mm f/3.5 MacBook Pro Software: CapCut DaVinci Resolve Imaging Edge Desktop OBS

Business & Marketing | Nika Kotláriková
Mar 11 2024

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Postli: KI-gesteuertes Tool zur Erstellung von LinkedIn-Beiträgen mit über 100 Vorlagen.
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