RPRP KI ist eine virtuelle Freundschafts- und Rollenspielfläche, die es Benutzern ermöglicht, KI-Chatbots zu erstellen und mit ihnen zu interagieren, um immersive Rollenspielerlebnisse basierend auf beliebten Charakteren zu fördern.
Um RPRP KI zu nutzen, erstellen Sie einen Charakter oder wählen Sie aus vorgefertigten Chatbots, um ein Rollenspielgespräch zu beginnen.
Hier ist der RPRP AI Discord: https://discord.gg/TtVbx8wm8f. Für weitere Discord-Nachrichten klicken Sie bitte hier(/de/discord/ttvbx8wm8f).
Hier ist die Support-E-Mail von RPRP AI für den Kundendienst: rprpai.contact@gmail.com .
RPRP AI Firmenname: RPRP AI .
RPRP AI Anmeldelink: https://rprp.ai/auth
RPRP AI Preislink: https://rprp.ai/pricing
Social Media Listening
The fall of Nordfel!
Help me achieve my goal of 5K Subscribers by joining my channel. ➡️ Hit the [Subscribe] button to join my Phoenix Kingdom! *** ⭐ Newest Subscriber: Bálint Trexler ⭐ *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out Thronefall for $12.99 (made in 2023): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2239150/Thronefall/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out RPRP AI at https://rprp.ai/?affiliate=676e01fbadeb040e995866bd and use invite code: 676e01fbadeb040e995866bd in the daily credits section for a one use only to get 20 free credits to be used for fast and free chat messaging. RPRP AI is completely free with 20 daily credits to be earned or a daily chat share for 50 credits, each daily credit expires the next day, every free credit for completing Certain tasks like using invite code also expire so make sure to use any of those credit's before they expire! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add me to any of the following to keep up to date with my channel. Discord: PhoenixKing#7530 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/collinic000/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/NicholasKing Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005976134974
Started a new Dungeon! (Update 1.1)
Help me achieve my goal of 5K Subscribers by joining my channel. ➡️ Hit the [Subscribe] button to join my Phoenix Kingdom! *** ⭐ Newest Subscriber: Bálint Trexler ⭐ *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out Dungeon Tycoon for $14.99 (made in 2024): https://store.steampowered.com/app/2400770/Dungeon_Tycoon/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out RPRP AI at https://rprp.ai/?affiliate=676e01fbadeb040e995866bd and use invite code: 676e01fbadeb040e995866bd in the daily credits section for a one use only to get 20 free credits to be used for fast and free chat messaging. RPRP AI is completely free with 20 daily credits to be earned or a daily chat share for 50 credits, each daily credit expires the next day, every free credit for completing Certain tasks like using invite code also expire so make sure to use any of those credit's before they expire! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add me to any of the following to keep up to date with my channel. Discord: PhoenixKing#7530 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/collinic000/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/NicholasKing Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005976134974
Built a Mega Bridge!
Help me achieve my goal of 5K Subscribers by joining my channel. ➡️ Phoenix Punch the [Subscribe] button to join my Phoenix Kingdom! *** ⭐ Newest Subscriber: Bálint Trexler ⭐ *** --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out Timberborn for $34.99 (made in 2021): https://store.steampowered.com/app/1062090/Timberborn/ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Check out RPRP AI at https://rprp.ai/?affiliate=676e01fbadeb040e995866bd and use invite code: 676e01fbadeb040e995866bd in the daily credits section for a one use only to get 20 free credits to be used for fast and free chat messaging. RPRP AI is completely free with 20 daily credits to be earned or a daily chat share for 50 credits, each daily credit expires the next day, every free credit for completing Certain tasks like using invite code also expire so make sure to use any of those credit's before they expire! --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Add me to any of the following to keep up to date with my channel. Discord: PhoenixKing#7530 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/collinic000/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/NicholasKing Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100005976134974