Synthace ist eine Plattform für lebenswissenschaftliche Experimente, die es Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteams ermöglicht, leistungsstarke Experimente zu entwerfen, im Labor durchzuführen und automatisch strukturierte Datensätze zu sammeln. Es eliminiert die Notwendigkeit für das Programmieren.
Um Synthace zu verwenden, entwerfen Sie einfach Ihr Experiment mit der intuitiven Benutzeroberfläche der Plattform. Sobald es entworfen ist, können Sie das Experiment in Ihrem Labor durchführen, wobei die Plattform automatisch die Experimentdaten sammelt und organisiert. Programmierung ist nicht erforderlich.
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Synthace Firmenname: Synthace .
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Von Samyak Goswami am Mai 22 2024
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Social Media Listening
Synthace Digital Experiments: 1 Minute Platform Overview
Have you ever spent tons of time calculating all of the liquids you need for your experiment just to change one thing and redo all the calculations? Synthace's Digital Experiment platform automatically calculates all of your liquids, mixes them, dilutes them, and then preview how it distributes onto your plates. If you want to change anything about your workflow, it automatically recalculates the entire experiment and shows you a preview without even setting foot into the lab. It'll save you a bunch of time, effort, and dollars on your biological experiments. Every experiment gives you more useful data is fully reproducible and even makes it easy to run multifactorial experiments like DOEs. Visit to learn more! ---- More from Synthace Visit our Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: DOE Masterclass for Biologists: Synthace helps scientists get faster, smarter insights from their R&D experiments. The Synthace digital experiment platform lets you design powerful experiments, run them in your lab, then automatically build structured data. No code necessary. #lifesciences #designofexperiments #digitalexperiments
Synthace + ChatGPT: First Step Toward a True AI Scientist
Synthace, creators of the world’s first digital experiment platform for life science R&D, announce the successful integration of their platform with OpenAI’s ChatGPT. This revolutionary development lets scientists use a natural language interface to describe their intent, use the AI to design complex experiments, and then run those experiments on lab equipment. Want to find out what Synthace did, and how they did it? Find out more here: Read the press release here: More from Synthace Visit our Website: LinkedIn: Twitter: DOE Masterclass for Biologists: Synthace helps scientists get faster, smarter insights from their R&D experiments. The Synthace digital experiment platform lets you design powerful experiments, run them in your lab, then automatically build structured data. No code necessary. #chatgpt #chatgptbiology #lifesciences #digitalexperiments
Lab Automation for Biologists
Everyone says automation is the future, but automation in a lab is tricky. Experiments are run by scientists, but we're not trained in automation or coding. We spend years learning how to run experiments manually, then expected to automate them without proper training. Automation specialists help, but can easily become a bottleneck. So how do you automate your experiment without needing to code? Synthace allows a scientist to define the generic steps of their experiment, instantly generating automation instructions for your robot. Tell Synthace what samples you have and what you want to do with them, and Synthace will translate for your device. Let's say you need to make a dilution series. Synthace handles all your calculations, generates a robot script, and shows you a simulated preview of your experiment before you even step foot in the lab. 00:00 Introduction to Lab Automation Challenges 00:06 The Traditional Approach to Experiments 00:19 Introducing Synthace: A New Way to Automate Experiments 00:24 How Synthace Works 00:55 Running Your Experiment with Synthace 01:03 Conclusion: Synthace, Automation for Biologists -------- More from Synthace Visit our Website: LinkedIn: X: DOE Masterclass for Biologists: DOE Fundamentals Course (just 6 minutes a day): Synthace helps scientists get faster, smarter insights from their R&D experiments. The Synthace digital experiment platform lets you design powerful experiments, run them in your lab, then automatically build structured data. No code necessary. #LabAutomation
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