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11 Gespeicherte
Taplio ist ein KI-gesteuertes LinkedIn-Tool zur Verbesserung der persönlichen Markenbildung, der Content-Erstellung und Engagement.
Hinzugefügt am:
Mar 07 2023
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Soziale Netzwerke und E-Mail:
Taplio Produktinformationen

Was ist Taplio?

Taplio ist ein All-in-One, KI-gesteuertes LinkedIn-Tool, das Einzelpersonen und Teams dabei hilft, ihre persönliche Marke auf LinkedIn zu stärken. Es nutzt KI, um bessere LinkedIn-Inhalte zu erstellen, Posts zur richtigen Zeit zu planen, mit relevanten Accounts zu interagieren und Ergebnisse zu messen.

Wie benutzt man Taplio?

1. Registrieren Sie sich für Taplio und verbinden Sie Ihr LinkedIn-Konto. 2. Nutzen Sie Taplio's KI-gesteuerte Content-Inspiration, um frische Ideen für Ihre LinkedIn-Beiträge zu generieren. 3. Planen Sie Ihre Beiträge zur optimalen Zeit mit Taplio's Postplanungsfunktion. 4. Interagieren Sie mit bestimmten Personen, indem Sie Listen von Personen importieren, die mit Ihren Beiträgen interagiert haben, oder LinkedIn Sales Navigator verwenden. 5. Analysieren Sie Ihre LinkedIn-KPIs und treffen Sie datenbasierte Entscheidungen zur Verbesserung Ihrer Strategie.

Taplio's Hauptmerkmale

LinkedIn Content-Inspiration: Erhalten Sie KI-gesteuerte Inhaltsideen für Ihre LinkedIn-Beiträge.

LinkedIn Postplanung: Einfache Planung und Verwaltung Ihrer LinkedIn-Inhalte.

LinkedIn Outreach: Importieren Sie Listen von Personen, die sich für Ihre Themen interessieren, und interagieren Sie mit ihnen.

LinkedIn Analytics: Sehen und analysieren Sie Ihre LinkedIn-KPIs, um fundierte Entscheidungen zu treffen.

LinkedIn Chrome-Erweiterung: Greifen Sie direkt über LinkedIn.com auf Taplio zu, um schnelle Leistungseinblicke zu erhalten.

Taplio's Anwendungsfälle


Einzelpersonen: Bauen Sie Ihre persönliche Marke auf LinkedIn auf und lassen Sie sich von KI-generierten Inhalten, optimierter Planung und Engagement unterstützen.


Teams: Ermöglichen Sie Ihren Teammitgliedern, auf LinkedIn zu glänzen und durch Content-Erstellung, Zusammenarbeit und Beziehungsaufbau Geschäftsergebnisse zu erzielen.


Personal Branding- und Social Media Management-Agenturen: Nutzen Sie Taplio, um mehrere LinkedIn-Konten zu verwalten, an Content zusammenzuarbeiten und Ergebnisse für Ihre Kunden zu erzielen.

FAQ von Taplio

Was ist Taplio?

Wie funktioniert Taplio?

Wer kann von Taplio profitieren?

Hat Taplio eine Chrome-Erweiterung?

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Analyse von Taplio

Taplio Website-Traffic-Analyse

Aktueller Website-Verkehr

Monatliche Besuche
Durchschnittliche Dauer des Besuchs
Seiten pro Besuch
Dec 2022 - Feb 2025 Gesamter Website-Verkehr

Geografischer Verkehr

Top 5 Regionen

United States
United Kingdom
Dec 2022 - Feb 2025 Nur Desktop-Geräte

Quellen des Website-Verkehrs

Organische Suche
Dec 2022 - Feb 2025 Weltweit nur Desktop-Geräte


Kosten pro Klick
$ 3.16
linkedin video downloader
$ 0.13
download linkedin video
$ 0.41
linkedin video download
$ 0.36
linkedin post formatter
$ 2.45

Social Media Listening


How to start a MONETIZED faceless YouTube channel with AI (FULL COURSE)

This is how you create a viral faceless YouTube automation channel in less than 15 minutes. 🔥 Claim my FREE YouTube Automation blueprint: https://go.howtoai.pro/youtubeblueprint How I get MONETIZED on YouTube instantly ✅ https://tikaccounts.com/products/youtube This video will show you everything from an untapped niche to creating monetized videos with AI. Chat GPT, Canva, Midjourney & CapCut will be used. 🔗 LINKS 🔗 📢 100% FREE Discord community: https://whop.com/howtoai/ 🚀 Viral TikTok Background Footage: https://howtoai.pro/products/viral-tiktok-gameplay 🔥 Trending TikTok Sound Effects Pack: https://howtoai.pro/products/trending-tiktok-sound-effects 👑 Best ChatGPT Prompts Bundle: https://howtoai.pro/products/the-chatgpt-masterclass ✉️ Email newsletter on how to leverage AI (100% free): https://aiexplained.beehiiv.com/subscribe 👇 CHECK OUT THE TOOLS USED IN THE VIDEO 👇 1. ChatGPT - https://chat.openai.com/ 2. ElevenLabs - https://try.elevenlabs.io/rdwun2gcsw87 3. Midjourney - https://www.midjourney.com/ 4. Canva - https://partner.canva.com/ZQ5b4K 5. CapCut - https://capcutaffiliateprogram.pxf.io/75Pdr3 ----------------------------------------------------------- 🤖 ChatGPT prompt used in the video: "You are a firm believer of the ancient philosophy called Stoicism. You are on a mission to write an educational, innerly motivating and deeply touching text about Stoicism, without revealing you are a firm believer of it. The topic of the text is: 7 things you should do every morning The text should only be based on how a true believer of Stoicism behaves. The reader of the script should get a deep inner lust to strive after self-control and fortitude after reading the script. Overcoming destructive emotions is one of the central messages. Include citations of Stoic researchers, legends and philosophers. The text should have the following tone of a dark, deep and innerly motivating philosopher. Write in a clear way so that the reader won't have any problem understanding the core messages. Also make the text portray a "we" feeling. The end goal is to create a motivational and captivating YouTube video of the text. Make sure the text consists of a red thread and captivating storytelling. Do not make the philosophic approach less advanced to make it easier for a viewer to understand the text." ----------------------------------------------------------- 🤖 Midjourney prompt used in the video: "A dark landscape image of an ancient greek society deeply connected to stoicism, black and white, ancient greek architecture, include one single big statue of a stereotypical strong greek man, marcus aurelius --ar 16:9 --style G4JuqKlERum6vZGYhO9USsL" ----------------------------------------------------------- 🛠️ AI TOOLS I USE DAILY 🛠️ 📈 Taskade: https://www.taskade.com/?via=howtoai (PRODUCTIVITY) 🌐 Taplio: https://taplio.com/?via=howtoai (SOCIAL MEDIA) ✍️ Jasper: https://jasper.ai/free-trial?fpr=howtoai (COPYWRITING) 🧠 VidIQ: https://vidiq.com/howtoai (YOUTUBE GROWTH) 🎯 Grammarly: https://grammarly.go2cloud.org/aff_c?offer_id=209&aff_id=133956 (WRITING) 👨‍💻 SEMRUSH: https://semrush.sjv.io/k0MgLd (SEO) 💸 AdCreative: https://free-trial.adcreative.ai/howtoai (AD CREATION) 🎥 invideo: https://invideo.sjv.io/howtoai (VIDEO EDITING/GENERATION) 🌐 CONNECT WITH ME 🌐 ► Twitter / X: https://twitter.com/howtoaiyt ► Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/howtoaiyt/ ► Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/howtoaiyt/ Welcome to howtoai, your ultimate destination for learning how to use AI tools like ChatGPT and Midjourney. Our channel provides high-quality tutorials and guides covering topics such as natural language processing, machine learning, and computer vision. Our goal is to make complex AI concepts easy to understand and accessible to all, whether you're a beginner or an experienced user. For extra clarification, this video shows how you can generate unlimited viral AI videos using ChatGPT and Canva. You'll also get a great insight on how to pick your future video ideas, and a great unknown niche to start creating in. CHAPTERS: 0:00 - Intro 1:00 - How to Find Video Topics 1:19 - Generating the Scripts 2:36 - Creating the Voice Overs 4:29 - Midjourney Visuals 5:35 - Assembling the Video 8:53 - Applying Captions 10:50 - Final Product Sponsorships or other business inquiries? Email us at: business@howtoai.pro #facelessyoutubechannel #howtoai

Dec 08 2023

AI Won't Be AGI, Until It Can At Least Do This (plus 6 key ways LLMs are being upgraded)

The clearest demonstration yet of why current LLMs are not just ‘scale’ away from general intelligence. First, I’ll go over the dozen ways AI is getting murky, from dodgy marketing to tragedy-of-the-commons slop, Recall privacy violations to bad or delayed demos. But then I’ll touch on over a dozen papers - and real-life deployments, of LLMs, CNNs and more - making the case that we shouldn't throw out the baby with the bathwater. Crucially, I'll cover 6 key approaches that are being developed to drag LLMs toward AGI. this video will hopefully, at the very least, leave you much better informed on the current landscape of AI. AI Insiders: https://www.patreon.com/AIExplained ARC-prize: https://arcprize.org/?task=3aa6fb7a ChatGPT is Bullshit: https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10676-024-09775-5 Apple Cook Interview: https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2024/06/11/tim-cook-apple-interview/ AI Slop: https://taplio.com/generate-linkedin-posts https://www.npr.org/2024/05/14/1251072726/ai-spam-images-facebook-linkedin-threads-meta OpenAI Erotica: https://www.theguardian.com/technology/article/2024/may/09/openai-considers-allowing-users-to-create-ai-generated-pornography AI Toothbrush: https://www.oralb.co.uk/en-gb/product-collections/genius-x Recall Hackable: https://www.wired.com/story/microsoft-windows-recall-privilege-escalation/ Murati: ‘Few Weeks’: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQacCB9tDaw&t=35s Medical Studies: https://x.com/JeremyNguyenPhD/status/1774021645709295840 BeMyEyes Demo: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KwNUJ69RbwY BrainoMix: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7296572/ https://www.gov.uk/government/news/artificial-intelligence-revolutionising-nhs-stroke-care Chollet Clips and Interview: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q96eFrtLB8U https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqMcfdzqedE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UakqL6Pj9xo Gartner Hype Cycle: https://s7280.pcdn.co/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/hype-1024x682.png Jack Cole: https://x.com/Jcole75Cole/status/1787191212144754707 Methods: https://lab42.global/community-interview-jack-cole/ https://lab42.global/community-model-efficiency/ Ending Animal Testing - GAN: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41467-023-42933-9 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd110l61r3go Virtual Rodent: https://x.com/GoogleDeepMind/status/1801210428673892496 Google AI Overviews: https://www.nytimes.com/2024/06/01/technology/google-ai-overviews-rollback.html Noam Brown Optimism: https://x.com/polynoamial/status/1801050467381723506 MLC Human-like Reasoning: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41586-023-06668-3 Many Shot Google Deepmind: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2404.11018 Automated Process Supervision: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.06592 No Zero-shot Without Exponential Data: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2404.04125 Prof. Rao Paper 1: https://openreview.net/pdf?id=X6dEqXIsEW DrEureka: https://eureka-research.github.io/dr-eureka/ AlphaGeometry: https://deepmind.google/discover/blog/alphageometry-an-olympiad-level-ai-system-for-geometry/ Graph Neural Networks Joint: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2406.09308 Terence Tao: Tacit Data: https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/ai-will-become-mathematicians-co-pilot/ Mira Murati on Models: https://x.com/tsarnick/status/1801022339162800336 Chollet Tweet: https://x.com/fchollet/status/1801780352316518552 Non-hype Newsletter: https://signaltonoise.beehiiv.com/ GenAI Hourly Consulting: https://www.theinsiders.ai/ Need an GenAI app built for your business (any scale), in 4-8 weeks? My SF-based colleague Michael Lin, ex-Netflix + Amazon Senior Software Engineer - is now available for a free 30 min consultation: hello@allinengineeringconsulting.com AI Insiders: https://www.patreon.com/AIExplained

AI Explained
Jun 17 2024

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Taplio: Taplio ist ein KI-gesteuertes LinkedIn-Tool zur Verbesserung der persönlichen Markenbildung, der Content-Erstellung und Engagement.
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