VEG3 ist ein KI-unterstützter Marketingassistent, der speziell für vegane Geschäftsinhaber und Tierschutzorganisationen entwickelt wurde. Es hilft ihnen, ihre Marketingtexte zu verbessern, indem es Unterstützung und Vorschläge bietet.
Um VEG3 zu nutzen, melde dich einfach auf der Website an und gib einige grundlegende Informationen über dein Unternehmen oder deine Organisation ein. Anschließend kannst du deine Marketingtexte oder Entwürfe eingeben und VEG3 wird sie analysieren und Rückmeldungen und Verbesserungsvorschläge geben.
Weitere Informationen zu VEG3 finden Sie auf der Über uns-Seite ( .
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Von Sebastian am Juni 20 2024
Entfesseln Sie Ihr Geschäftspotenzial: 14 KI-Marketing-Tipps, um Ihren Erfolg in die Höhe zu treiben!
Social Media Listening
Mastering AI for Vegans - A Step-by-Step Guide to Using VEG3
This step-by-step tutorial takes you through the essentials of using VEG3, your ultimate vegan AI companion: Learn how to harness the power of VEG3, from crafting engaging content to addressing social challenges, writing vegan recipes, promoting vegan-friendly businesses and nonprofits, meeting your health and fitness goals and more. Whether you're an advocate, a business owner, or simply seeking to champion the cause of veganism, this instructional guide is designed to empower you with the knowledge and skills to navigate the world of AI for your vegan journey. 00:00 Introducing VEG3 00:16 Setting Custom Instructions 03:30 Editing Custom Instructions 04:25 Chatting with VEG3 06:40 Using the Notepad 08:10 Creating Content with VEG3 11:07 Requesting New Features 12:32 Joining VEG3's Affiliate Program 12:47 Editing Account Settings 13:14 Business Plan vs Personal Plan 13:54 Gaining Marketing Insights 14:24 Predicting Marketing Performance 15:21 Business Plan Bonus Tips
🤯 Before you die, you want to see this VEGAN AI Marketing Tool!🤯 [ VEG3.AI]
In this video, we're introducing you to VEG3.AI, a new AI marketing tool you need to try. VEG3.AI is a powerful tool that can help you automate your marketing efforts, saving you time and money. #aimarketing #chatgpt #aitools If you love AI tools, then check out our favorites here: 📹 Fliki, our most favorite AI video editor: ♻️ Repurpose, to repurpose lager videos into shorter social media versions: 🎥 Pictory, to create epic vides with ai: 👨🏼💻 Elaito, to use turn powerpoint into video: 🤖 ArticleForge, to get content in one click: 🧠 Epic AI Tools is dedicated to find the greatest 🤖 AI Tools for you! To keep on track with the fast new developments of AI Software follow us on TikTok, Instagram and on 📺 YouTube! Here we post longer review videos and guides for you! 🥰 Instagram: TikTok: Disclaimer: If you use the link above to buy a subscription we will earn a small fee as support for our channel. This can considered an unpaid ad, but is meant as a review and guide.