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Don’t Start a Business, Buy a Business (FREE COURSE) | MONEY TALKS with Jesse #26
James Camp, owner of the popular newsletter Nano Flips, joins MONEY TALKS with Jesse to give a step-by-step guide on how to buy, improve, and sell online businesses. James reveals the best online resources & tools needed to acquire businesses with a low budget, and exact numbers of how much money you can make doing it. TIMESTAMP: [00:03:10] Buying a business versus starting a business. [00:06:30] The biggest misconception of buying a business. [00:11:10] There’s a level of business for everyone. [00:14:26] Entrepreneurship is not passive income. [00:17:09] Types of businesses to acquire with a low budget. [00:22:00] Use this framework when buying a business. [00:25:12] Mindset and entrepreneurship. [00:27:00] The trough of despair. [00:28:15] Where to buy online businesses. [00:31:00] Questions to ask yourself before buying a business. [00:36:15] Bolt-on acquisitions. [00:39:07] Finding your point of leverage. [00:41:20] Newsletters and monetization strategies. [00:45:18] Newsletter due diligence. [00:51:18] Questions to ask an online business owner. [00:55:05] Newsletters and niche audiences. [00:59:09] Buying distressed properties. [01:01:28] Focus on core business strengths. [01:04:55] Thinking in terms of enterprise value. Check out the websites mentioned in this episode below: flippa.com acquire.com motioninvest.com withkumo.com microns.io duuce.com MONEY TALKS with Jesse | The Coolest Ways To Get Rich SUBSCRIBE! youtube.com/moneytalkswithjesse Stream MONEY TALKS: https://hoo.be/moneytalks Follow MONEY TALKS: https://www.instagram.com/moneytalks/ https://www.tiktok.com/@MONEYTALKSwithJesse https://twitter.com/MONEYTALKSwithJ Follow Jesse: https://www.instagram.com/frontpage https://twitter.com/frontpage__ Follow Guest: https://www.youtube.com/@realjamesoncamp https://www.tiktok.com/@jamesoncamp https://www.instagram.com/thejamescamp https://twitter.com/JamesonCamp