WizzyGen ist ein KI-Content-Generator, der die Produktivität für Notion-Nutzer erhöht, indem er KI-generierte Inhalte innerhalb der Notion-Plattform erstellt.
WizzyGen ermöglicht es Ihnen, KI-Einstellungen festzulegen, eine Vorlage auszuwählen, Ihre Notion-URL hinzuzufügen und in vier Schritten mühelos Inhalte zu generieren.
Weitere Informationen zu Kontakt finden Sie auf der Kontaktseite (https://www.wizzygen.com/?utm_source=toolify#contact)
WizzyGen Firmenname: WizzyGen .
WizzyGen Anmeldelink: https://www.wizzygen.com/signin
WizzyGen Preislink: https://www.wizzygen.com/?utm_source=toolify#pricing
WizzyGen Twitter link: https://twitter.com/accountantguy21
39 $ einmalig
1000 Eingabeaufforderungen und mehrere KI-Engines
Erweitert, am beliebtesten
59 $ einmalig
1500 Eingabeaufforderungen und mehrere KI-Engines
79 $ einmalig
2000 Eingabeaufforderungen und mehrere KI-Engines
Die aktuellen Preise finden Sie unter diesem Link: https://www.wizzygen.com/?utm_source=toolify#pricing
Social Media Listening
Wizzygen Full Walkthrough Video | How to create AI Generated Content in @Notion
In this video, we take a quick walkthrough of using Wizzygen, an AI-content generator SaaS platform that helps you generate AI content with ease onto your @Notion workspace. This generates content both on your Notion Pages and Notion Databases. Wizzygen Link - https://www.wizzygen.com/ How to start using Wizzygen? 1. Simply head over to the wizzygen platform, signup to create an account and start generating ai content onto your notion workspace. 2. This requires use of of your own API Key which is stored in local storage of your browser during the run time. Thus the API Key provided is not stored anywhere in cloud storage or any other external storage. 3. Connect your notion workspace with Wizzygen through private integration key and start using Wizzygen to generate AI content. Note: Every new user registered will get 10 FREE AI prompts to start with 😀 #notion #ai #gemini #openai #saas #artificialintelligence #content #contentcreation #socialmedia #tutorial #notionapp #notiontutorial #wizzygen #software #contentgenerator #contentgeneration
Wizzygen | AI Content Generator for Notion
In this video, we take a quick walkthrough of using Wizzygen, an AI-content generator SaaS platform that helps you generate AI content with ease onto your @Notion workspace. This generates content both on your Notion Pages and Notion Databases. Wizzygen Link - https://www.wizzygen.com/ How to start using Wizzygen? 1. Simply head over to the wizzygen platform, signup to create an account and start generating ai content onto your notion workspace. 2. This requires use of of your own API Key which is stored in local storage of your browser during the run time. Thus the API Key provided is not stored anywhere in cloud storage or any other external storage. 3. Connect your notion workspace with Wizzygen through private integration key and start using Wizzygen to generate AI content. Note: Every new user registered will get 10 FREE AI prompts to start with 😀 #notion #ai #gemini #openai #saas #artificialintelligence #content #contentcreation #socialmedia #tutorial #notionapp #notiontutorial #wizzygen #software #contentgenerator #contentgeneration
I created an AI Chatbot for @Notion which creates AI content with ease
In this video we look at wizzygen.com an AI Chatbot which helps generate AI content onto @Notion with ease. It helps to create content easily with one prompt and generates content with desired formatting to save onto your workspace. Requires your AI API Key for usage. 🔗Wizzygen Link - https://www.wizzygen.com/ #notion #notionai #ai #howtouseai #tutorial #wizzygen