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Plataforma de automatización de pruebas de software impulsada por IA
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Jul 21 2024
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Autify Información del producto

¿Qué es Autify?

Autify es una plataforma de automatización de pruebas de software impulsada por IA que está revolucionando las pruebas de software con capacidades avanzadas de IA, diseñada para equipos de QA, permitiendo ciclos de lanzamiento más rápidos, sin perder tiempo en pruebas manuales y facilitando la creación y mantenimiento de pruebas automatizadas.

¿Cómo usar Autify?

Usar Autify es sencillo. Simplemente regístrese para obtener una prueba gratuita o solicite una sesión de demostración. Comience creando un Escenario de Prueba interactuando con la aplicación como lo haría un usuario, luego permita que la IA de Autify mantenga los Escenarios de Prueba para detectar y actualizar automáticamente cualquier cambio en la interfaz de usuario.

Características principales de Autify

Plataforma de Automatización de Pruebas impulsada por IA

Crear Escenarios de Prueba sin necesidad de código, con una interfaz intuitiva

Ejecutar múltiples pruebas multinueve simultáneamente

La IA mantiene los Escenarios de Prueba para actualizaciones automáticas

Incluye características como Pruebas de Correo Electrónico, Paso de JavaScript, Ejecución Paralela e Integración de Servicios

Casos de uso de Autify


Logró un proceso de QA escalable con Autify para más de 10 implementaciones diarias


La startup de comercio electrónico en línea ahorró tiempo y dinero con pruebas automatizadas de extremo a extremo


Coconala automatizó 1,000 elementos de prueba para un proceso de QA ideal


El socio comercial se benefició de la automatización de pruebas con Autify


Nulab simplificó el mantenimiento de pruebas de QA con Autify


MiiTel utilizó la automatización de pruebas para su visión de expansión global


LayerX construyó un proceso de QA sólido con Autify


Coincheck automatizó el mantenimiento de pruebas con la IA de Autify


ANDPAD automatizó el 88% de las pruebas multiplataforma con Autify


mediba realizó pruebas móviles en el navegador con Autify

FAQ de Autify

¿Qué hace que Autify sea diferente de otras herramientas de pruebas?

¿Autify puede integrarse con los pipelines de CI/CD existentes?

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Integrate Postman with Generative AI for Effective API Testing | Valentin Despa | TestFlix 2023

API testing is a crucial skill in today's ever-evolving landscape of software testing. While you're mastering this essential area, why not expand your expertise further? To be career-safe in future, only knowledge of API testing won’t help. Strong testing foundations, Solid automation knowledge, being multi faceted by understanding Performance Testing, Security Testing, etc., making AI your friend, having solid soft skills, all this will be needed to not just survive but Thrive in future. With Finer Circle, you can learn all this and Thrive in your career. Discover more about Finer Circle and how it can boost your career: https://www.thetesttribe.com/finer-circle/ ========================================================================= In this groundbreaking video, Valentin Despa introduces a revolutionary fusion of generative AI with Postman, a leading API testing platform. Valentin explores how this innovative integration is transforming API testing into a smarter and more efficient process, catering to developers, QA teams, and even those with limited coding experience. With a focus on four key takeaways, Valentin demonstrates the seamless generation of intelligent tests across entire API collections, enhancing the testing experience for both experts and beginners. Viewers will witness how this dynamic synergy allows for rapid error identification and correction, with user-friendly AI prompts to tailor test adjustments. Whether you're a seasoned developer, a novice tester, or simply intrigued by the latest advancements in API testing, this video offers a glimpse into the future of API testing. Valentin's expertise and the potential of AI integration in Postman will leave you inspired and excited about the possibilities this transformation brings to the API landscape. Become an API Testing Expert - https://bit.ly/3RXBlxR Use Code "WALT25" and get an exclusive 25% Discount. #api #apitesting #generativeai #postman This video is of one of the Talks presented at #TestFlix - Biggest Virtual Software #Testing Conference, 2023. About Speaker: Valentin Despa is a software developer and educator with deep expertise in APIs, API testing, DevOps, and Agile. He is recognized as a Postman Supernova, and he has made significant contributions to both enterprise projects and the open-source community. Through online courses, conference talks, and YouTube tutorials, Valentin is a guiding force in the tech community. Connect with Valentin on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/vdespa/ TestFlix 2023 Proud Sponsors: BrowserStack - https://www.browserstack.com/ Element 34 - https://www.element34.com/ UiPath - https://www.uipath.com/ Avo Automation - https://avoautomation.ai/ Autify - https://autify.com/ Launchable - https://www.launchableinc.com/ GSPANN - https://www.gspann.com/ Katalon - https://katalon.com/ Reflect - https://reflect.run/ Yethi - https://yethi.in/ PractiTest - https://www.practitest.com/ TestGuild - https://testguild.com/ Functionize - https://www.functionize.com/ Learn from industry experts with Thrive.now courses, grow your network with software testers at The Test Tribe events, and become a member of Asia's largest testing community on Discord. Upskill yourself with Thrive.now courses: https://bit.ly/thrivettt Grow your network with software testers with the events at The Test Tribe: https://bit.ly/tttevents Become a member of Asia's largest testing community: https://bit.ly/tttdiscord About The Test Tribe: The Test Tribe is a leading global Software Testing Community (proudly Asia’s Largest) turned EdTech Startup. Started in 2018 with a mission to give Testing Craft the glory it deserves while we co-create Smarter, Prouder, and Confident Testers. We take pride in creating unique global Events, Online Community spaces, and eLearning platforms where software testers collaborate, learn, and grow globally. With around 230+ Software Testing Events like Conferences, Hackathons, Meetups, Webinars, etc., and with other Community initiatives, we have reached a global footprint of over 80K+ Testers. We intend to be the top destination of choice for Testers across the globe for their upskilling and community needs.

The Test Tribe
Oct 18 2023

Testing Strategies for Generative AI Applications | Sumit Mundhada | #TestFlix 2023 #GenerativeAI

In this enlightening session, Sumit Mundhada explores the dynamic landscape of Generative AI applications, a powerful technology with immense potential across various business domains. With the rise of Largest Language Models (LLM), numerous innovative applications are emerging, presenting both opportunities and challenges. As businesses embrace this cutting-edge technology, it becomes imperative to understand the development process and implement effective testing strategies to ensure accuracy and an optimal customer experience. Sumit takes us through the intricacies of testing Generative AI applications, unraveling the testing process and crucial strategies for ensuring the reliability of these innovative products. The session sheds light on the associated risks with Generative AI and provides insights into effective mitigation planning. Attendees will gain valuable takeaways, including an understanding of how Generative AI works, comprehensive testing strategies, key testing perspectives, and essential factors to consider for testing Generative AI applications. Whether you're a testing professional, developer, or someone intrigued by the advancements in AI technology, Sumit Mundhada's talk offers a comprehensive guide to navigating the testing challenges and opportunities presented by Generative AI applications. This video is of one of the Talks presented at #TestFlix - Biggest Virtual Software #Testing Conference, 2023. #chatgpt #bardai #testflix #testflix2023 #softwaretesting #automationtesting #testautomation #testingstrategy About Speaker: Sumit Mundhada is a test automation professional and AI ML practitioner with more than a decade of experience in test automation, automation framework development, and quality assurance for cutting-edge technology products. He is a Tech Speaker and blogger. He has represented many conferences, and forums and published several white papers concerning test automation, data analytics, and artificial intelligence benefiting test automation & QA community. Connect with Sumit on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/sumit-mundhada-14829217/ TestFlix 2023 Proud Sponsors: BrowserStack - https://www.browserstack.com/ Element 34 - https://www.element34.com/ UiPath - https://www.uipath.com/ Avo Automation - https://avoautomation.ai/ Autify - https://autify.com/ Launchable - https://www.launchableinc.com/ GSPANN - https://www.gspann.com/ Katalon - https://katalon.com/ Reflect - https://reflect.run/ Yethi - https://yethi.in/ PractiTest - https://www.practitest.com/ TestGuild - https://testguild.com/ Functionize - https://www.functionize.com/ Learn from industry experts with Thrive.now courses, grow your network with software testers at The Test Tribe events, and become a member of Asia's largest testing community on Discord. Upskill yourself with Thrive.now courses: https://bit.ly/thrivettt Grow your network with software testers with the events at The Test Tribe: https://bit.ly/tttevents Become a member of Asia's largest testing community: https://bit.ly/tttdiscord About The Test Tribe: The Test Tribe is a leading global Software Testing Community (proudly Asia’s Largest) turned EdTech Startup. Started in 2018 with a mission to give Testing Craft the glory it deserves while we co-create Smarter, Prouder, and Confident Testers. We take pride in creating unique global Events, Online Community spaces, and eLearning platforms where software testers collaborate, learn, and grow globally. With around 230+ Software Testing Events like Conferences, Hackathons, Meetups, Webinars, etc., and with other Community initiatives, we have reached a global footprint of over 80K+ Testers. We intend to be the top destination of choice for Testers across the globe for their upskilling and community needs.

The Test Tribe
Nov 22 2023

How to Create an Effective Test Plan | Step-by-Step Tutorial | Kristin Jackvony | TestFlix 2023 |

In this informative video, Kristin Jackvony provides a step-by-step tutorial on creating a comprehensive test plan, addressing the challenges that often accompany testing complex features. Kristin offers practical insights and guidance on how to approach this critical aspect of software testing. Using her ten-step methodology, Kristin takes you on a journey from understanding the use case to conducting exploratory testing and combining parameters effectively. With her clear and organized approach, you'll learn how to structure your test plan, ensure thorough coverage, and gain confidence in your testing strategy. Whether you're a seasoned tester, a QA professional, or someone looking to enhance your testing skills, this presentation offers valuable techniques for developing a well-thought-out test plan. Kristin's expertise and step-by-step guidance will empower you to tackle complex feature testing with ease and precision. #softwaretesting #automationtesting #testautomation #testplan #stepbysteptutorial This video is of one of the Talks presented at #TestFlix - Biggest Virtual Software #Testing Conference, 2023. About Speaker: Kristin Jackvony is the author of the book "The Complete Software Tester", and the creator of the YouTube series "Monday Morning Automation". She discovered her love of software testing in 2009 and is now a Principal Engineer III for Software Testing at Paylocity. Connect with Kristin on LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/kristinjackvony/ TestFlix 2023 Proud Sponsors: BrowserStack - https://www.browserstack.com/ Element 34 - https://www.element34.com/ UiPath - https://www.uipath.com/ Avo Automation - https://avoautomation.ai/ Autify - https://autify.com/ Launchable - https://www.launchableinc.com/ GSPANN - https://www.gspann.com/ Katalon - https://katalon.com/ Reflect - https://reflect.run/ Yethi - https://yethi.in/ PractiTest - https://www.practitest.com/ TestGuild - https://testguild.com/ Functionize - https://www.functionize.com/ Learn from industry experts with Thrive.now courses, grow your network with software testers at The Test Tribe events, and become a member of Asia's largest testing community on Discord. Upskill yourself with Thrive.now courses: https://bit.ly/thrivettt Grow your network with software testers with the events at The Test Tribe: https://bit.ly/tttevents Become a member of Asia's largest testing community: https://bit.ly/tttdiscord About The Test Tribe: The Test Tribe is a leading global Software Testing Community (proudly Asia’s Largest) turned EdTech Startup. Started in 2018 with a mission to give Testing Craft the glory it deserves while we co-create Smarter, Prouder, and Confident Testers. We take pride in creating unique global Events, Online Community spaces, and eLearning platforms where software testers collaborate, learn, and grow globally. With around 230+ Software Testing Events like Conferences, Hackathons, Meetups, Webinars, etc., and with other Community initiatives, we have reached a global footprint of over 80K+ Testers. We intend to be the top destination of choice for Testers across the globe for their upskilling and community needs. . . . . . How to write a test plan, How to create a test plan Test plan template, Test plan example, Test plan best practices, Test plan tutorial, Test plan checklist, Test plan documentation, Test plan execution, Test plan review, Test plan management, Test plan strategies, Test Plan Templates, Test Plan Examples, Test Planning Techniques, Test Coverage Strategies, Effective Test Planning, Test Plan Checklist, Testing Methodologies, Agile Test Planning, Test Plan Execution, Test Planning Best Practices

The Test Tribe
Oct 04 2023

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Autify: Plataforma de automatización de pruebas de software impulsada por IA
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