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Por Nitish Singh el Mayo 18 2024
Mejora la eficiencia del equipo: ¡10 trucos de Slack!
Escucha en redes sociales
Dash AI in the Wild: How Dashworks Helps Office Managers
The latest in our series of showcasing Dash AI in the wild takes you behind the scenes with The Trium Group's office manager, Sophy Chen! 🎬 Discover how she powers through her day using Dashworks with these 3 use cases: 🔝 Staying on top of projects 🔍 Getting a jumpstart on research 📧 Drafting emails with built-in context Get a demo at
How an AI Knowledge Assistant Can Supercharge a Leader's Effectiveness
Dive into 2024 with a behind-the-scenes look in our latest Dash AI in the Wild episode! Witness a day in the life of our CEO, Prasad Kawthekar, and see how he leverages Dash AI to elevate his productivity. 🚀 Use case #1: Get a summary of a prospect relationship. Use case #2: Write SQL queries. Use case #3: Get updates on projects. Use case #4: Summarize customer requests. Get a demo:
AI-Toolset for Content & SEO Winning Teams | Nate Matherson from Positional
Join us in this insightful episode of Caveminds featuring Nate Matherson, the Co-founder & CEO of Positional. A seasoned entrepreneur and a two-time Y Combinator Alum, Nate has a rich history in founding venture-backed companies and scaling content marketing channels in various sectors, including B2C and B2B SaaS. Additionally, Nate is an active angel investor with a portfolio spanning over 65 companies. This episode dives deep into the world of AI, SEO, and content marketing, exploring Positional's unique approach to optimizing digital content. Nate shares his experiences, from lessons learned in his career to his thoughts on AI writing tools and the future of AI in business. IN THIS EPISODE: 00:00 - Introduction to Nate and Positional 04:51 - Lessons from Nate's career 07:27 - Exploring the AI-SEO space 12:09 - Nate's view on AI writing tools 16:04 - Practical business applications of AI 18:29 - Discussing strategic pivots in business 20:12 - Insights into Positional's roadmap 22:48 - Nate's vision for the future 24:14 - How Positional utilizes AI 25:46 - Trends Nate follows in AI 29:00 - Nate's investment criteria and process 33:11 - Exciting companies in Nate's portfolio 34:31 - Common oversights by founders 38:22 - Nate's thoughts on major AI players 42:59 - Perspectives on the current AI era 45:59 - Applying AI to business strategies 52:29 - Spotlight on Nate's investments LINKS & RESOURCES: _____________ Join AI Masters: The Leading AI Implementation Membership For Entrepreneurs, Founders & CEO's -- Help us reach new founders by leaving us a rating and review on Apple Podcasts and Spotify! It takes less than 30 seconds and really helps our show grow, which allows us to bring on even better guests for you all! Thank you – we really appreciate it! Follow us for more unique content on:
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