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मुक्ता बर्वे | Mukta Barve
नमस्कार! पुन्हा एकदा स्वागत आहे मु.पो मनोरंजन पॉडकास्ट मध्ये! ह्या एपिसोड मध्य ऐका आपल्या लाडक्या मुक्ता बर्वे ला. मुक्ता हिने अनेक movies मध्ये कमाल रोल्स केले आहेत. मुंबई पुणे मुंबई, जोगवा, डबल सीट मध्ये तिने केलेले सीन्स अजूनही आठवतात! ह्या एपिसोड मध्य रीमा बरोबर मुक्त ने अनेक गोष्टी share केल्या! तिने आपल्या journey बद्दल, तिच्या achievements बद्दल, आयुष्य स्वतःच्या मर्जीनुसार जगण्याबद्दल आणि स्वतःच्या profession बद्दल खूप गप्पा मारल्या. एपिसोड नक्की एक आणि कसा वाटला नक्की कळवा. @Bingepods ला Instagram वर नक्की follow करा. कळावे लोभ असावा!रीमा सदाशिव अमरापूरकर आणि Team Bingepods Hello! Mukkam Post Manoranjan is back again with a new episode featuring beautiful and talented Mukta Barve! Mukta Barve, a renowned actress known for her performances in Mumbai- Pune-Mumbai, Jogwa, Double Seat and many more such movies. In this interview she opens up to Rima Amarapurkar about her journey...her wins and losses...She talks about how she rather enjoys the journey than reaching the destination... How she has learnt to be amicable with the compulsions of her profession and how she loves to live life uncomplicated and on her own terms. We are very sure you'll love the episode as well. Do let us know your feedback on our Instagram page @Bingepods. Do follow Bingepods on Instagram. [] Love & Regards, Rima Sadhashiv Amarapirkar & Team Bingepods. Powered by Adori., #AdoriLabs #journey #achievements #profession #destination #compulsions #marathi
Joechella (w/ Joe Gorga) | On Display with Melissa Gorga
Today Missy G is joined by a "Melistener" favorite, the one and only Joe Gorga. The couple chats about how they are prepping for the filming of the RHONJ reunion, their current Netflix obsession, and Melissa’s unfiltered opinions on the recommended content on Joe's TikTok. And in honor of Coachella weekend, Melissa tests Joe’s pop culture knowledge in a game of “Is this a real band?” and – spoiler alert – it’s far tougher than it sounds. This week's sponsors: HelloFresh - At-Home Meal Delivery []: ; promo code: ondisplay50 (50% off and free shipping) LiquidIV - Hydration Multiplier []: ; promo code: MELISSA (20% off) Peloton - At-Home Fitness []: (free 30-day home trial) Progressive - Name Your Price Tool []: Powered by Adori., #AdoriLabs
Singer Out Loud (with Ramona Singer) | On Display with Melissa Gorga
Melissa is joined by the OG of RHONY, Ramona Singer [], to chat about what she does not miss from reality tv, Melissa and the next season of RHONJ, and why some people don't have the best approach when asking for a picture. Ramona also gives us the scoop on her new podcast, Turtle Time [], how it will help people get to know the real Ramona, and why it's good having your daughter in the co-pilot seat. This week's sponsors: Progressive Insurance - Compare-Your-Rate Tool []: ZocDoc - Doctor Booking Made Easy []: #melissagorga #ramonasinger #rhonj #rhony #realhousewives Powered by Adori., #AdoriLabs #podcast
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