Tutor de idiomas AI configurable, tutor GPT optimizado específicamente para estudiantes de inglés, que incluye también sombreado de diálogo y aprendizaje de vocabulario y pronunciación mediante imágenes de AI.
Descarga la aplicación Chatty Tutor para macOS o úsala en tu navegador. Practica sombreado de diálogos con tus propios diálogos personalizados. Personaliza la respuesta del AI, el personaje de voz, la velocidad de la voz y más. Benefíciate de funciones innovadoras como evaluaciones de pronunciación y memorización de vocabulario con imágenes de AI.
Aquí está el correo electrónico de soporte de Chatty Tutor - Tutor de idiomas AI configurable para el servicio de atención al cliente: shawn@chattytutor.com. Más contacto, visite la página de contacto(https://chattytutor.com/support)
Chatty Tutor - Tutor de idiomas AI configurable Nombre de la empresa: Chatty Tutor Limited .
Enlace de precios de Chatty Tutor - Tutor de idiomas AI configurable: https://chattytutor.com/pricing
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30 SaaS Examples To Kickstart Your Day
💻 Build a Micro SaaS Academy: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com OTHER COURSES 👇 🤖 Copy This Profitable Micro SaaS: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/copyaprofitablemicrosaas 🚀 Launch a Micro SaaS With Me: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/launchamicrosaaswithme 🖥️ Frontend Micro SaaS Templates: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/frontendtemplates ✍️ Copywriting for Devs: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/copywriting 🎥 Organic YouTube for SaaS: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/freeorganictraffic _______ 💡 Free Micro SaaS Ideas: https://www.buildamicrosaas.com/ideas _______ 🚀 Welcome to SaaS University! In this video, we dive into 30 inspiring SaaS examples that are revolutionizing the industry. From productivity tools to innovative solutions, we've curated a list that showcases the best of the best. Explore game-changers like Folderly, the email deliverability platform ensuring your emails land where they should, or delve into the world of automated code reviews with FirstLine. Looking for a versatile knowledge base? Anybox.app has you covered. Discover how Zaplingo simplifies language learning or how JazzUp.ai elevates your design game effortlessly. And that's just the beginning! Dive into the intricacies of document management with DocsES or experience the magic of AI-driven home renovation planning with PlaceLift. The list doesn't stop there! Explore RetireMint's financial planning prowess, Webpecker's website monitoring finesse, Shipixen's efficient shipping solutions, and NicheFinder's comprehensive SEO toolkit. But wait, there's more! Community Hub and WhatLetter redefine community engagement, while PostNitro.ai streamlines your content creation process. Collaborate seamlessly with Clay.earth and revolutionize communication with Chtrbx.ai. From learning platforms like EverLearns and ChattyTutor to AI-powered tools such as ThumbsAI and DevCats, each entry in this lineup is a testament to innovation and problem-solving. Dive into PostCheetah's social media prowess or harness the power of efficient note-taking with TalkNotes.io. Plus, uncover the potential of Octoparse's web scraping capabilities, NexBot's chatbot sophistication, and SciSummary's summarization wizardry. Peek behind the curtain of website analytics with BuiltWith.com and build stunning one-page websites effortlessly with Carrd.co. And don't forget to check out BlackMagic.so for more magical solutions. Chapters 0:00 Intro 0:15 Folderly 1:08 Firstline 1:49 Post Cheetah 2:30 Talknotes 2:48 Octoparse 3:04 NextBot 3:30 SciSummary 3:45 BuiltWith 4:11 Carrd 4:36 Black Magic 5:10 Anybox 5:30 Zaplingo 5:55 Creato 6:45 Jazzup 7:19 Docses 7:59 Placelift 8:16 Webpecker 8:50 Shipixen 9:13 Niche Finder 9:40 Seasme Labs 10:10 Whatletter 10:50 Postnitro 11:12 Clay 11:33 Chtrbx 12:05 PodulateAI 12:25 Everlearns 12:45 Chatty Tutor 13:10 Thumbs AI 13:30 Retiremint 14:03 Devcats 14:26 Conclusion SaaS Links https://folderly.com/?ref=producthunt https://firstline.sh/?ref=producthunt https://anybox.app/#pricing https://zaplingo.com/?ref=producthunt https://creato.ai/?ref=producthunt https://jazzup.ai/?ref=producthunt https://docses.com/ https://placelift.ai/?ref=producthunt https://retiremint.ca/?ref=producthunt https://webpecker.net/?ref=producthunt https://shipixen.com/?ref=producthunt https://nichefinder.xyz/?ref=producthunt#home https://www.producthunt.com/posts/community-hub https://www.producthunt.com/posts/whatletter https://www.producthunt.com/posts/postnitro-ai https://clay.earth/teams?ref=producthunt https://www.chtrbx.ai/?ref=producthunt https://podulate.azen.app/?ref=producthunt https://everlearns.com/#pricing https://chattytutor.com/?ref=producthunt https://thumbsai.com/pages/free-trial?ref=producthunt https://www.devcats.co/?ref=producthunt https://postcheetah.com/ https://talknotes.io/ https://www.octoparse.com/ https://nexbot.ai/ https://scisummary.com builtwith.com https://carrd.co/ https://blackmagic.so/