How to find expired listings in real estate | Getting real in the field-55
How to find expired listings in real estate | Getting real in the field-55
This video was originally posted on May 3rd, 2022. Welcome to another episode of the Getting Real in the Field of Real Estate podcast for agents! In today's video, we’re going to discuss what to do with expired listings and for-sale owners, and suggestions on how to handle different scenarios and challenges for you to have the best chance of making deals and be successful in the field of real estate. Whether you're a seasoned agent looking to take your skills to the next level, or a new agent just starting out, these tips are sure to inspire you to become a better real estate professional. So sit back, relax, and get ready to be motivated and inspired by some of the best real estate advice out there. Let's get started! Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 1:20 Talks of for sale by owners 3:20 The challenges of for sale by owners 6:11 Scripts suggested 6:33 Talks of expired listings 10:16 Engaging with your sphere 14:02 The right mentality for real estate 17:25 Contact Us! Fieldnotes Ai is a lead management platform that helps real estate agents generate more leads through follow-up and nurturing your leads. Using AI technology, helps you to continually check in on your leads so that you don't have to. And when the lead is ready for engagement, the system hands off the lead over to you. This way, you will only get qualified leads who are ready to start looking for a home to buy. -------------------------------------------- If you have any more questions for us… Contact us! ► Khek Teh: 425-740-0260 JP Fluellen: 307-772-1184 If you would like to learn more about Real Brokerage or partner with JP Fluellen on real estate opportunities, check it out: JP's book on building your real estate business: our mastermind: Fieldnotes Ai is a lead management platform that helps real estate agents to generate more leads through follow-up and nurturing your leads. Using AI technology, allows you to continually check in on your leads so that you don't have to. When the lead is ready for engagement, the system hands off the lead to you. This way, you will only get qualified leads who are ready to start looking for a home to buy. Visit us on… ► Our Website: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: In this video we will be discussing… This “Expired Listing Script" ACTUALLY gets appointments! Where Do You Find Expired Listings? Know THIS Before Cold Calling Expired Listings How To Provide "Value" to FSBOs As A Real Estate Agent How to Set LISTING APPOINTMENTS Using My New (FSBO SCRIPT) For Sale By Owner using Zillow| Why I sold my home FSBO, what happened, & FSBO lessons learned #howtofindexpiredlistingsinrealestate,#fieldnotesai,#realestate,#realestatecrm,#crmforrealestate,#realestatemarket, #tipsforexpiredlistingsandforsalebyowners,#A
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Steps in recruiting real estate agents to your team - Getting real in the field-54
Steps in recruiting real estate agents to your team - Getting real in the field-54 Welcome to another episode of the Getting Real in the Field of Real Estate podcast for agents! In today's video, we’re going to discuss the process of recruiting agents and building your real estate team, such as finding and knowing the team's identity, recruiting the right agents, leveraging your brokerage, managing and creating a collaborative environment, it's strategies and meet and greets, adding compensations, incentives and a capping model. Whether you're a seasoned agent looking to take your skills to the next level, or a new agent just starting out, these tips are sure to inspire you to become a better real estate professional. So sit back, relax, and get ready to be motivated and inspired by some of the best real estate advice out there. Let's get started! Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 1:17 Recruiting agents 3:00 Knowing the team's identity 6:18 Recruiting process 9:33 Managing to create a collaborative environment 12:50 Implementing compensations and incentives 15:35 Wrapping things up 19:50 Reach out to us! -------------------------------------------- If you have any more questions for us… Contact us! ► Khek Teh: 425-740-0260 JP Fluellen: 307-772-1184 If you would like to learn more about Real Brokerage or partner with JP Fluellen on real estate opportunities, check it out: JP's book on building your real estate business: our mastermind: Fieldnotes Ai is a lead management platform that helps real estate agents to generate more leads through follow-up and nurturing your leads. Using Ai technology, allows you to continually check in on your leads so that you don't have to. And when the lead is ready for engagement, the system hands off the lead to you. This way, you will only get qualified leads that are ready to start looking for a home to buy. Visit us on… ► Our Website: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: In this video we will be discussing… How to Recruit Real Estate Agents to Your Team or Brokerage 11 Tips for Recruiting Real Estate Agents to Your Team 11 Tips for Recruiting Real Estate Agents to Your Team Best Real Estate Agent Attraction & Recruiting Strategies Recruiting Real Estate Agent Scripts to GROW YOUR BROKERAGE OR TEAM!!! Steps in recruiting real estate agents to your team,Steps in recruiting real estate agents,recruiting real estate agents,real estate,how to recruit real estate agents,real estate agent recruiting,Fieldnotes Ai,steps in recruiting real estate,fieldnotes ai,best real estate crm,best crm for real estate,best crm for real estate agents,real estate recruiting,steps in recruiting real estate agents to your team,ai,real estate crm,crm life,crm,crm for real estate,khek
How to find expired listings in real estate | Getting real in the field-55
How to find expired listings in real estate | Getting real in the field-55 This video was originally posted on May 3rd, 2022. Welcome to another episode of the Getting Real in the Field of Real Estate podcast for agents! In today's video, we’re going to discuss what to do with expired listings and for-sale owners, and suggestions on how to handle different scenarios and challenges for you to have the best chance of making deals and be successful in the field of real estate. Whether you're a seasoned agent looking to take your skills to the next level, or a new agent just starting out, these tips are sure to inspire you to become a better real estate professional. So sit back, relax, and get ready to be motivated and inspired by some of the best real estate advice out there. Let's get started! Timestamps: 0:00 Introduction 1:20 Talks of for sale by owners 3:20 The challenges of for sale by owners 6:11 Scripts suggested 6:33 Talks of expired listings 10:16 Engaging with your sphere 14:02 The right mentality for real estate 17:25 Contact Us! Fieldnotes Ai is a lead management platform that helps real estate agents generate more leads through follow-up and nurturing your leads. Using AI technology, helps you to continually check in on your leads so that you don't have to. And when the lead is ready for engagement, the system hands off the lead over to you. This way, you will only get qualified leads who are ready to start looking for a home to buy. -------------------------------------------- If you have any more questions for us… Contact us! ► Khek Teh: 425-740-0260 JP Fluellen: 307-772-1184 If you would like to learn more about Real Brokerage or partner with JP Fluellen on real estate opportunities, check it out: JP's book on building your real estate business: our mastermind: Fieldnotes Ai is a lead management platform that helps real estate agents to generate more leads through follow-up and nurturing your leads. Using AI technology, allows you to continually check in on your leads so that you don't have to. When the lead is ready for engagement, the system hands off the lead to you. This way, you will only get qualified leads who are ready to start looking for a home to buy. Visit us on… ► Our Website: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: In this video we will be discussing… This “Expired Listing Script" ACTUALLY gets appointments! Where Do You Find Expired Listings? Know THIS Before Cold Calling Expired Listings How To Provide "Value" to FSBOs As A Real Estate Agent How to Set LISTING APPOINTMENTS Using My New (FSBO SCRIPT) For Sale By Owner using Zillow| Why I sold my home FSBO, what happened, & FSBO lessons learned #howtofindexpiredlistingsinrealestate,#fieldnotesai,#realestate,#realestatecrm,#crmforrealestate,#realestatemarket, #tipsforexpiredlistingsandforsalebyowners,#A Fieldnotes Ai,fieldnotes ai,real estate,ai,expired listings,expired listings real estate,real estate agent career,Ai,best crm for real estate,Getting real in the field-55,How to find expired listings in real estate | Getting real in the field-55,how to find expired listings in real estate | getting real in the field-55,getting real in the field-55,kekh,tek,expired listing calls,real estate investing,real estate market,expired listing scripts,how to get listings
Traffik Digital Customer Testimonial with Attorney Dean P. #customertestimonials
Traffik Digital Customer Testimonial with Attorney Dean P. #customertestimonial #customertestimonials If you have any questions for us… Contact us! ► Khek Teh: 425-740-0260 Fieldnotes Ai is a lead management platform that helps real estate agents to generate more leads through follow-up and nurturing your leads. Using Ai technology, allows you to continually check in on your leads so that you don't have to. And when the lead is ready for engagement, the system hands off the lead to you. This way, you will only get qualified leads that are ready to start looking for a home to buy. Our Websites: Fieldnotes AI: Traffik Digital: Facebook: LinkedIn: Instagram: #realestate #leadgen #FieldNotes #TitanRealEstateTeam #annetteai #leadgeneration #realestateleads #realestateagenttraining #leadgenerationtools #geofarming #leadgen
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