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Show Her The Money 100 City Worldwide Finale’ Celebration 2024!

The Show Her The Money movie- 100 City Worldwide Finale’ Celebration was off the charts AMAZING!! This 2-minute recap captures the joy and high energy of the cast, the producers, the director, and the enthusiastic audience of our gathering to celebrate screening at over 100 cities worldwide in 2024!! Wow! Wow! Wow! Video Produced By: Catherine Gray Video Directed By: Monique Impagliazzo @moniqueimpagliazzo DP: Jake Hilger Editor: Regina Velasco Show Her the Money Features: Catherine Gray - She Angel Investors https://www.sheangelinvestors.com Dawn LaFreeda - CEO DenTex Central Wendy Ryan - CEO Kadabra https://www.wearekadabra.com Pocket Sun - SoGal Ventures https://www.sogalventures.com Diipa Büller-Khosla - indē wild https://www.indewild.com Jasmine Jones - Mayya https://myya.com Marian Leitner-Waldman - Archer Roose https://archerroose.com Vicky & Charisse Pasche - Dapper Boi https://www.dapperboi.com H Schuster https://husslup.com Kelly Ann Winget - Alternative Wealth Partners https://www.alternativewealthpartners.com La Keisha Landrum Pierre - Emmeline Ventures https://www.emmelineventures.vc Azin Radson van Alebeek - Emmeline Ventures https://www.emmelineventures.vc Naseem Sayani - How Women Invest https://www.linkedin.com/in/nsayani/ and Sharon Gless https://www.sharongless.com/0ivz474nrzpm8gansq6hyztw5ox7i8 Directed by Ky Dickens http://www.kydickens.com Original Song by Amanda McBroom https://amcbroom.com Music and score by Michele Brourman https://www.michelebrourman.com Our Amazing team! Diana Greshtchuk, CPA - Executive Producer https://fan-your-flame.com Julie Peterson Klein - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliep1/ Lorenzo Thion - Associate Producer https://gaingels.com Carrie Murray - Associate Producer https://www.bra-network.com Helen Fanucci - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/helenfanucci/ Bridgette L Smith - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/bridgette-l-smith-🦋-5b902b92/ Sondra Smalley - Associate Producer John Majeski - Associate Producer https://womenfoundersfund.vc Andrea Quinn - Associate Producer https://thequinnessentials.com Joanne Taylor - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/joannetaylor/ Sherry Deutschmann - Associate Producer https://sherrydeutschmann.com Marcia Dawood - Associate Producer https://www.marciadawood.com Laura Shlickman - Associate Producer https://www.antares.com Mary Rose - Associate Producer https://www.antares.com/people/mary-gaede/ Rebecca Hart - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccahart/ Stella Lim - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/stealimventures/ Sue Baggott - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/suebevanbaggott1/ Silvia Mah - Associate Producer https://stella.co Eva Balint - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/eva-balint/ Akos Meggyes - Michaela Kennedy - Tour Coordinator https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaela-kennedy-48b459a4/

She Angels Series - Invest In Her
Oct 28 2024

Show Her The Money 2024 Recap Video

The show her the money film was recognized by the U.S. News & World Report as one of the best 11 financial films of the decade! The film follows the stories of women who have founded their own venture capital funds, extraordinary women, founders, and remarkable women, angel Investors. The movie talks about how women get only 2% of adventure, capital funding and how we can fix that inequity by having more women become investors venture capital. The film mystifies venture and shows how this asset Klaus can build wealth and make an huge impact in the world. It tells about venture in an engaging storytelling way. If you ever wanted to learn about what venture is and how it impacts what products and services we have in the future- then you will enjoy this film. The producers of the film and the cast in the film are the following: Catherine Gray - She Angel Investors https://www.sheangelinvestors.com Dawn LaFreeda - CEO DenTex Central Wendy Ryan - CEO Kadabra https://www.wearekadabra.com Pocket Sun - SoGal Ventures https://www.sogalventures.com Diipa Büller-Khosla - indē wild https://www.indewild.com Jasmine Jones - Mayya https://myya.com Marian Leitner-Waldman - Archer Roose https://archerroose.com Vicky & Charisse Pasche - Dapper Boi https://www.dapperboi.com H Schuster https://husslup.com Kelly Ann Winget - Alternative Wealth Partners https://www.alternativewealthpartners.com La Keisha Landrum Pierre - Emmeline Ventures https://www.emmelineventures.vc Azin Radson van Alebeek - Emmeline Ventures https://www.emmelineventures.vc Naseem Sayani - How Women Invest https://www.linkedin.com/in/nsayani/ and Sharon Gless https://www.sharongless.com/0ivz474nrzpm8gansq6hyztw5ox7i8 Directed by Ky Dickens http://www.kydickens.com Original Song by Amanda McBroom https://amcbroom.com Music and score by Michele Brourman https://www.michelebrourman.com Our Amazing team! Diana Greshtchuk, CPA - Executive Producer https://fan-your-flame.com Julie Peterson Klein - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/juliep1/ Lorenzo Thion - Associate Producer https://gaingels.com Carrie Murray - Associate Producer https://www.bra-network.com Helen Fanucci - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/helenfanucci/ Bridgette L Smith - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/bridgette-l-smith-🦋-5b902b92/ Sondra Smalley - Associate Producer John Majeski - Associate Producer https://womenfoundersfund.vc Andrea Quinn - Associate Producer https://thequinnessentials.com Joanne Taylor - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/joannetaylor/ Sherry Deutschmann - Associate Producer https://sherrydeutschmann.com Marcia Dawood - Associate Producer https://www.marciadawood.com Laura Shlickman - Associate Producer https://www.antares.com Mary Rose - Associate Producer https://www.antares.com/people/mary-gaede/ Rebecca Hart - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/rebeccahart/ Stella Lim - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/stealimventures/ Sue Baggott - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/suebevanbaggott1/ Silvia Mah - Associate Producer https://stella.co Eva Balint - Associate Producer https://www.linkedin.com/in/eva-balint/ Akos Meggyes - Michaela Kennedy - Tour Coordinator https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaela-kennedy-48b459a4/

She Angels Series - Invest In Her
Nov 18 2024

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8 Técnicas Poderosas de Pensamiento Creativo para Impulsar la Innovación

Por Eloise el Mayo 16 2024

Desbloquea la innovación: 8 métodos dinámicos de pensamiento creativo.