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TDD & DDD from the Ground Up - Chris Simon - DDD Europe 2023
Domain-Driven Design Europe 2023 - - Organised by Aardling ( Are you interested in using Domain-Driven Design (DDD) to create maintainable and scalable software, but not sure how to get started? Or perhaps you've heard that DDD is only suitable for complex domains - and when starting out, you're not sure if your project will need it? Join me for a live coding demonstration that will show you how to apply Test-Driven Development (TDD) from the very beginning of a project so you can bring DDD in when you need it. We'll start with the simplest possible implementation - a basic CRUD system to help a university handle student enrolments. We'll gradually add more complex requirements, such as the need to ensure courses don't become over-enrolled - which will prompt us to do some code-smell refactoring, strangely enough arriving at things that start to look like the DDD tactical patterns of repositories, aggregates, value objects and domain services. In implementing these requirements, inspiration will strike! What if the model were changed - what if we allowed all enrolments and then allocated resources to the most popular courses as required so we never have to prevent a student from enrolling? We'll now see how the TDD tests and the neatly refactored domain models make it much easier to embark on this dramatic change - in other words, how much more maintainable our DDD codebase has become. If you'd like to review the source code from this talk, the full git commit history is available here: Chris is a Startup CTO Coach helping startups realise their vision and new CTOs flourish in their roles. He also supports executives & boards with strategic technology advice, and engineering teams with training, mentoring and consulting in architecture, quality, domain driven design and test driven development. To support teams using Domain-Driven Design, he recently launched and co-founded the DDD Australia meetup. He is the technical co-founder of, home of Australian Fintech success stories and (Recently acquired by NAB).
When Customers don't share a language: Modelling Deep Dive - Chris Simon - DDD Europe 2023
Domain-Driven Design Europe 2023 - - Organised by Aardling ( In 2015 we launched an innovative new product into the Australian Fintech landscape - a healthcare & disability insurance claiming platform to simplify life for support providers, recipients and insurers. It was intended that a heterogeneous group of support providers and insurers would engage with the platform - from doctors to physiotherapists to disability support workers on one side, and private insurers & state or federal government departments on the other. Although the high level process for each of these groups was similar, the extant rules, terminology and UX scenarios varied. In this talk, we'll do a deep dive of the modelling journey we went on, starting with aligning the model with our first customer, evolving it with our second, and radically reinventing it with our third. We'll explore how the context map evolved from being aligned with user channels to being aligned with insurer subdomains and how we balanced the tradeoffs between specificity and genericness in the tactical pattern implementation within core domain contexts. About Chris Simon Chris is a Startup CTO Coach helping startups realise their vision and new CTOs flourish in their roles. He also supports executives & boards with strategic technology advice, and engineering teams with training, mentoring and consulting in architecture, quality, domain driven design and test driven development. To support teams using Domain-Driven Design, he recently launched and co-founded the DDD Australia meetup. He is the technical co-founder of, home of Australian Fintech success stories and (Recently acquired by NAB).
Beginner's Guide to Domain-Driven Design (Chris Simon)
This lightning talk provides a beginner's guide to Domain-Driven Design and was the introductory lightning talk at the inaugural March 2023 meetup of Domain-Driven Design Australia. It includes a brief history of key software design innovations that led to DDD, a contrast between focusing on technology vs focusing on the domain, a brief demonstration of event storming to arrive at a domain model, and a survey of common implementation patterns aligned with DDD. About Chris: Chris is a Startup CTO Coach helping startups realise their vision and new CTOs flourish in their roles. He also supports executives & boards with strategic technology advice, and engineering teams with training, mentoring and consulting in architecture, quality, domain-driven design and test driven development. He is a regular meetup & conference speaker (NDC, KanDDDinsky, Serverless Days ANZ), blogs at, and to support teams using Domain-Driven Design, he recently launched & co-founded the Domain-Driven Design Australia meetup. He is the technical co-founder of, home of Australian Fintech success stories and (recently acquired by NAB). About Domain-Driven Design Australia: