LogoliveryAI es un generador de logotipos impulsado por IA que te permite crear logotipos personalizados en formato SVG en tan solo unos segundos. Simplemente ingresando tus indicaciones, puedes generar logotipos profesionales y receptivos para tu producto o negocio.
Usar LogoliveryAI es fácil. Simplemente visita el sitio web e ingresa tus indicaciones en el chatbot. La IA generará 4 conceptos de logotipos diferentes para que elijas. Puedes exportar los logotipos en formato SVG, que ofrece una mejor capacidad de escala y flexibilidad. Todos los archivos fuente están disponibles para su descarga, lo que te permite usar los logotipos libremente con fines comerciales.
LogoliveryAI Nombre de la empresa: Logolivery, Inc. .
LogoliveryAI Dirección de la empresa: 8 The Green Suite # 14176 Dover, DE 19901.
LogoliveryAI Enlace de inicio de sesión: https://app.logolivery.ai
LogoliveryAI Enlace de registro: https://app.logolivery.ai?page=registration
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Have you been trying to create logos with AI? I've really been trying to find the best AI logo generator for some time now. And I've tried a few, but this one really, really caught my eye. It lets you create a logo in under 60 seconds. It's called logolivery.ai. and while I don't think it's the absolute best I think it has a lot of potential. You can even export it as a SVG when you're done. And I would highly recommend to use this, how to use documents where it teaches you their prompts and their parameters. So first step is to click, try for free, and it will take you to discord. Once you're in the discord, click AI room one, two or three and all you have to do is type in slash " generate". So after reading the parameters, I learned that the more specific you are the better the logo's gonna be, And you actually get to create 10 for free. This time we're gonna do a t-shirt business. So I'm gonna type in generate t-shirt, ideal friendly, symmetry, complex. So here's the logos for the t-shirt and I actually really like number four this will be great for a t-shirt shop. So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna click logo four it's gonna let you save it as an SVG. So at the moment, it doesn't really create something amazing and they are in black and white and maybe in mid journey, you can create some logos that look better, but I feel like there's actually true potential here. If you found value in this video, Please share it with somebody else that's gonna find this helpful and follow for more AI art tools and tips. #ailogomaker #logogenerator #aiart #aiarttools #ailogogenerator #ailogos #logolivery #aitoolsfordesigners #aitoolsforbusiness #aitools
🎨🚀Finalmente, uma IA capaz de criar logotipos de verdade! A Logolivery.AI é uma ferramenta revolucionária que não só gera logotipos, mas também os vetoriza completamente, tudo de forma gratuita para download! O que você achou desta IA?Deixem suas opiniões nos comentários! 🤔💬 #ia #logo #foryou #livery #Ai #tools