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MagicLoop es una herramienta de encuestas por voz que mejora la calidad de la retroalimentación de los clientes a través de respuestas vocales, capturando insights más profundos.

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Crea preguntas, envíalas a los encuestados, recoge grabaciones de voz y analiza insights con IA.

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Bucles ilimitados, 2h30 de audio incluido, transcripción de voz a texto.



Todo lo del Starter más 10h de audio incluido y personalización de marca.



Todo lo del Pro más horas de audio personalizadas y soporte dedicado.

Para conocer los precios más recientes, visite este enlace: https://magicloop.co/?utm_source=toolify

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Mermaid Shell stitch hexagon cardigan - full tutorial!

Hello fellow yarn lovers! I finally made this Mermaid hexagon cardigan tutorial! It took almost 6 balls of Cicibebe Batik (Shade 550-32) and 2 balls of Woolcraft Babycare DK (Shade 613). Size UK XL (Oversized) I used a 5mm hook for the whole project, then a 4.5mm hook to make the ribbing. This is an intermediate pattern and you should be familliar with the following stitches (US Terms) to follow along: chain, double crochet, single crochet and slip stitch. This video will show you how I make my hexagons, how I extend them to fit me, how I attach everything together and how I make the cuffs and ribbing. I will talk you through two different types of ribbing. I did single crochet back loop only (SCBLO) method, but will give you instruction for shell border/ribbing too. Timestamps are as follows: 0:00 Introduction 2:12 Making the hexagons 34:57 Colour control knots 36:50 Sizing the cardigan up 40:45 How to extend the back or any side 54:58 Diagram for one side extension 59:39 Laid out flat before seeming up 01:01:57 Adding shells on to extended flat sides 01:05:23 Why I want to extend the length after stitching up the back 01:07:04 Sewing up the arms (same method used for the back) 01:15:56 Trying on the seemed up arms 01:17:41 Preparing to stitch up the back using the same seeming method as the arms 01:19:05 Back is seemed up - let's talk about it and how to extend the length (Using the exact same method as time stamp 40:45) 01:23:43 Almost ready for ribbing 01:26:27 Preparing the neck part for ribbing, how to do a shell border 01:27:54 Adding a ribbing instead of a shell border 01:50:18 How it looks with the ribbing on before the sleeve decrease, and talking about shell cuffs 01:52:42 Decreasing the sleeve and adding a cuff 01:56:41 How to steam your cardigan (I dont block things often) 02:01:02 The finished cardigan and outro! Here's some of my favorite places to shop for yarn: https://www.deltawoolshop.co.uk/ https://www.blacksheepwools.com/ https://magicloop.co.uk/ You can follow me on my other social media pages https://www.tiktok.com/amoralovesyarn https://www.instagram.com/amoralovesyarn/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Amoralovesyarn/61558613362486/ #hexagoncardigan #crochetcardigan #crochet #crochethexagon #wafflestitch #waffle #mermaidcardigan #pixelcrochet #stylecraftspecialdk #yarn #howtomake #crochetwithme #wool #abakhan #hexagon #crochettutorial #knitting #crochethook #Disney #disneybound #neon #cardigantutorial #tutorial #beautifulshellstitch

Aug 28 2024

Crochet Striped Cardigan - Full Tutorial! Beginner friendly

Hello fellow yarn lovers! You'll love how fast these cardigans crochet up! I made mine stripey, using black and white yarn with green and purple ribbing, but you can easily do this in a solid colour, a varigated yarn or even using scrap yarn! It took almost 6 balls 100g yarn (approx 260m per ball) to make this in a size XL for myself. I used a 5mm hook for the whole project, then a 4mm hook to make the ribbing. Yarn used: Good Old Fashioned DK in black and white Stylecraft Special DK in Bright Green Hatfield Bonus DK in Neon Purple This is a beginner friendly pattern, but you should be familliar with the following stitches (US Terms) to follow along: chain, double crochet, front post double crochet, back post double crochet, single crochet and slip stitch. This video will show you how I make my panels, how I extend them to fit me, how I attach everything together and how I make the cuffs and ribbing. Timestamps are as follows: 0:00 Introduction 1:56 Making any size double crochet panels 8:44 Changing colours 10:52 Sizing up the cardigan panels 15:38 Attaching the front panels to the back panel 18:43 How wide should your sleeved be? 21:59 Making the sleeves 25:55 Decreasing the sleeve width 28:08 Seaming up the sides and sleeves 38:40 Try on before adding ribbing and cuffs 41:34 Adding ribbing - first SC row 49:34 Adding ribbing - BLDC and FLDC method 59:06 Adding cuffs 01:08:07 Final try on and outro Here's some of my favorite places to shop for yarn: https://www.deltawoolshop.co.uk/ https://www.blacksheepwools.com/ https://magicloop.co.uk/ www.actuallyyarn.co.uk/ You can follow me on my other social media pages https://www.tiktok.com/find/amoralovesyarn https://www.instagram.com/amoralovesyarn/ https://www.facebook.com/people/Amoralovesyarn/61558613362486/ #hexagoncardigan #crochetcardigan #crochet #crochethexagon #wafflestitch #waffle #mermaidcardigan #pixelcrochet #stylecraftspecialdk #yarn #howtomake #crochetwithme #wool #abakhan #hexagon #crochettutorial #knitting #crochethook #Disney #disneybound #neon #cardigantutorial #tutorial #beautifulshellstitch

Oct 15 2024

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MagicLoop: Herramienta de encuestas por voz para obtener retroalimentación más rica de los clientes.
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