AI Recruiter es una plataforma que utiliza inteligencia artificial para agilizar el proceso de búsqueda, evaluación y pago de empleados.
Para utilizar AI Recruiter, simplemente regístrese para obtener una cuenta, ingrese sus requisitos de trabajo y dejemos que nuestros algoritmos de IA hagan el trabajo de encontrar los mejores candidatos. Una vez que los candidatos son identificados, puede utilizar nuestra función de entrevista de IA para tener conversaciones en tiempo real y tomar mejores decisiones de contratación.
Por Pankaj Rai el Abril 14 2024
¡Descubre 11 herramientas de vanguardia impulsadas por IA para revolucionar tu juego de diseño de camisetas! Desata tu creatividad como nunca antes.
Escucha en redes sociales
Engineer Spotlight: Tulsi Prasad
Tulsi found a software engineering job through Mercor. Hear about his placement at AI-Learners. --------------------------------------------------- Apply for work today: Hire a team: Our talent pool consists of over 100,000 users spanning 25 countries. We’ve placed talent from around the world at over 50 companies, and want to enable everyone to access their dream job. We’re making hiring a simple, fast, and meritocratic process. We aim to become labor's matchmaker, uniting people worldwide with roles that perfectly align with their skills and expertise.
Engineer Spotlight: Dixit Prajapati
Dixit Prajapati, a graduate of MIT ADT University University, came across Mercor through a job posting on LinkedIn. After going through our AI interview, Dixit was added to our talent pool and shortly after got placed in a job 🤩 Hear Dixit’s thoughts about our interview here Want to be like Dixit? Apply today at! --------------------------------------------------- Apply for work today: Hire a team: Our talent pool consists of over 200,000 users spanning 25 countries. We’ve placed talent from around the world at over 50 companies, and want to enable everyone to access their dream job. We’re making hiring a simple, fast, and meritocratic process. We aim to become labor's matchmaker, uniting people worldwide with roles that perfectly align with their skills and expertise.
Engineer Spotlight: Simranjeet Singh
Simranjeet S. found an engineering role through Mercor at Glaze, a Y Combinator backed startup. --------------------------------------------------- Apply for work today: Hire a team: Our talent pool consists of over 200,000 users spanning 25 countries. We’ve placed talent from around the world at over 50 companies, and want to enable everyone to access their dream job. We’re making hiring a simple, fast, and meritocratic process. We aim to become labor's matchmaker, uniting people worldwide with roles that perfectly align with their skills and expertise.
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