Treads Tire Subscription

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Mantenimiento de automóviles sin complicaciones y carreteras más seguras a través de una suscripción para neumáticos impulsada por inteligencia artificial.
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Dec 25 2023
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Treads Tire Subscription Información del producto

¿Qué es Treads Tire Subscription?

Treads es una suscripción para la gestión de automóviles impulsada por inteligencia artificial diseñada para hacer que la propiedad del automóvil sea más placentera y segura al eliminar las molestias del mantenimiento del automóvil. Ofrece una suscripción integral para neumáticos que incluye neumáticos nuevos, rotación de neumáticos, reparación de neumáticos, asistencia en carretera y más.

¿Cómo usar Treads Tire Subscription?

Para utilizar Treads, simplemente descargue la aplicación, conecte su automóvil, elija los mejores neumáticos para su vehículo y programe su instalación. También puede aprovechar otros servicios ofrecidos, como reparaciones de neumáticos y asistencia en carretera.

Características principales de Treads Tire Subscription

Suscripción mensual de neumáticos para un mantenimiento sin complicaciones del automóvil

Gestión de automóviles impulsada por inteligencia artificial

Neumáticos nuevos, rotación de neumáticos, reparación de neumáticos y más

Asistencia en carretera las 24 horas del día, los 7 días de la semana

Notificaciones de seguridad en tiempo real para vehículos

Reciclaje responsable de neumáticos y compensación de carbono

Instalaciones y rotaciones de neumáticos móviles

Casos de uso de Treads Tire Subscription


Propietarios de automóviles que buscan una solución sin complicaciones para el mantenimiento de neumáticos


Personas que desean ahorrar tiempo y dinero en el mantenimiento del automóvil


Personas que valoran la comodidad y la seguridad en la carretera

FAQ de Treads Tire Subscription

¿Qué es Treads?

¿Con qué frecuencia puedo obtener neumáticos nuevos?

¿Tendré algún costo adicional además de la suscripción mensual?

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Oil Changes and Ollies: Zach Olson's Journey from Skateboarding to Revolutionizing Car Maintenance

In episode 009 of the Kiln.RoadTrip, created and produced by The Swell Pod, hosts Spencer McKeown and Josh Taylor interview Zach Olson, CEO of Treads, during their Kiln Road Trip. The discussion covers Zach's entrepreneurial background, the creation of Treads—an AI-powered car maintenance subscription service—and the company's expansion to 21 cities with plans for further growth. They touch on the challenges and technological innovations in the auto industry, as well as Zach's leadership style and the balance required in entrepreneurship. About Zach Olson: Zach Olson is the founder and CEO of Treads, a pioneering company revolutionizing the automotive industry with its innovative tire and maintenance subscription model. Before establishing Treads, Zach founded Bookly, an innovative software-enabled accounting service. Bookly's unique value proposition and success drew the attention of global giants, leading to its acquisition by KPMG in 2018. About Treads: Treads is an AI powered car maintenance subscription. Treads Website: Download the treads app: iOS: Android: Follow Zach Olson and Treads Linkedin: Instagram: Facebook: TikTok: The Kiln Road Trip (00:00:02) Introduction to the podcast episode and the Kiln Road Trip, including the sponsors and hosts. Zach Olson's Background and Treads (00:01:06) Zach Olson discusses his background as a serial entrepreneur and the founding of Treads, an AI-powered car maintenance subscription. Transition to Technology (00:02:10) Zach talks about his transition from skateboarding to technology and his infatuation with cloud-based technologies. Treads Value Proposition (00:03:32) Zach explains the value proposition of Treads as an AI-powered car maintenance subscription and the services offered through the mobile app. Challenges Faced by Treads (00:06:33) Zach discusses the economic and technological challenges faced by Treads in the car maintenance industry. Treads Growth and Future Plans (00:07:54) Zach shares the growth of Treads and outlines the future roadmap for expanding the company to major cities. Innovative Features of Treads (00:08:21) Zach highlights the innovative features of Treads, such as tread scanning and predictive maintenance leveraging AI. Treads Subscription Model and User Benefits (00:09:47) Zach explains how Treads' subscription model simplifies car maintenance, saves money, and enhances the user experience. Treads Headquarters and Remote Work (00:12:22) Zach discusses Treads' remote work culture and the role of Kiln as the company's home base for gatherings and meetings Passion and Leadership Style (00:17:23) Zach emphasizes the importance of passion, problem-solving, and maintaining a balanced perspective in building a company. He also discusses his leadership style and vision for Treads Conclusion and Call to Action (00:20:31) The hosts wrap up the interview with Zach Olson and encourage listeners to subscribe to the podcast and follow the journey on social media. #SwellPod, #KilnRoadTrip, #Kiln, #MotorraCamperVans, #podcast, #interview, #innovation, #resilience, #communitybuilding, #passion, #purpose, #community, #diversity, #collaboration, #thoughtleadership, #parkcity, #Treads, #AIpoweredcarmaintenance, #subscription, #skateshop, #mobileapp, #carmaintenance, #pandemic, #consumerbehavior, #growth, #technology, #treadscanning, #predictivemaintenance, #zacholson

The Swell Pod
Mar 19 2024

E97: Interview with Zach Olson, CEO and Founder of Treads

On this week’s dose, we host Zach Olson, CEO and Founder of Treads, an AI-powered car management subscription platform we covered on Dose 94. Zach's entrepreneurial journey spans over several years, starting with the establishment of a skateboard shop alongside his then-girlfriend and now wife. From there, he ventured into the technology realm, founding an accounting software company that he later successfully sold to KPMG. This experience ignited his passion for integrating technology into traditional industries, leading him to set his sights on revolutionizing the antiquated auto and tire sector. Enter Treads, a startup that empowers people, much like ourselves, to have peace of mind regarding vehicle ownership and maintenance. Through a subscription model, Treads ensures that your tires and vehicle are always in optimal condition, covering repairs or replacements as needed. In the interview, Zach sheds light on Treads' strategic positioning in the auto industry, and highlights some key milestones and goals on the horizon. Additionally, he articulates the long-term vision for Treads, aspiring to establish it as a household brand. It was a pleasure and a blast to host Zach on this week’s dose, and we’re stoke to share our conversation with all of you. Tune in to hear more about Treads and its journey. Sources: Music Credit: Chapter One by Cole Bauer and Dean Keeton Disclosure: The views, statements, and opinions, expressed herein by the hosts and guests are their own, and their appearance on the podcast should not be construed as reflecting the views or implied endorsement of Independent Brokerage Solutions LLC or any of its officers, employees, or agents. The statements made herein should not be considered an investment opinion, advice, or a recommendation regarding securities of any company. This podcast is produced solely for informational purposes and is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy a security.

Venture Pill
Dec 14 2023

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Treads Tire Subscription: Mantenimiento de automóviles sin complicaciones y carreteras más seguras a través de una suscripción para neumáticos impulsada por inteligencia artificial.
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