Venturefy es una plataforma que utiliza inteligencia artificial para proporcionar una wiki pública de relaciones corporativas verificadas. Permite a las empresas identificar rápidamente nuevas oportunidades, generar confianza y acelerar el crecimiento.
Para usar Venturefy, simplemente busca y explora listados de relaciones verificadas de las corporaciones del mundo. Puedes verificar si las relaciones corporativas realmente existen navegando al perfil de cualquier empresa en Venturefy y viendo los listados de relaciones dedicadas. Además, puedes descubrir instantáneamente el estado de verificación de cualquier relación, ya sea sugerida, no verificada o verificada. También puedes utilizar el botón de información en cualquier relación sugerida para navegar directamente a la fuente donde se menciona la relación en la web. Venturefy también ofrece tecnología de mapeo de relaciones impulsada por IA para visualizar ecosistemas empresariales completos y descubrir oportunidades de crecimiento sin esfuerzo. Puedes monitorear las relaciones comerciales en evolución con facilidad utilizando el feed de noticias de Venturefy.
venturefy Nombre de la empresa: Venturefy Technologies Limited .
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venturefy - the blue check for business - Product Walkthrough (Desktop)
Discover how you can search and explore verified relationship listings for the world's corporations for free @ What is venturefy? venturefy is the blue tick for business; a revolutionary new platform providing an open database of verified corporate relationships. ( What can users do on venturefy? 🔍 Search & explore relationship listings for any company. ✅ Verify whether corporate relationships really do exist ℹ️ Navigate to the source URL for specific relationship listings. 👀 Visualise entire business ecosystems in an instant. 🤝 Uncover mutual relationships between companies. What can companies do on venturefy? 💰Your brand reputation is valuable! Take back control with venturefy. 💬 Discover other companies claiming to work with you. 📲 Curate your companies public venturefy profile. ❌ Manage brand exposure with a single click. 🖥️ Place live & verified relationship logos on your website in seconds. Getting Started 🌏 Start exploring connections between companies right now for free @ Feedback Would love to hear feedback on what relationships you discover, what works, what doesn't, what features you would like to see, and use cases you discover 🙏🏼 Mission Our mission is to catalyse a world of corporate trust transparency. Share our mission? ✅️ Share our product ❤️
AI Spotlight- Episode 2- Omri Bitton, CTO,
The sun is shining and we have another enlightening episode of our new series; Run:ai's AI Spotlight, where we bring you thought provoking and influential conversations from the AI experts building today. In this episode we talk to Omri Bitton, CTO of the blue check for businesses; a revolutionary new platform blending artificial intelligence and user-generated content to build the world's largest database of verified corporate relationships. are the team pioneering a transparency revolution, and we get the scoop on how Omri is building their forward thinking infrastructure, providing a needed solution for businesses and a little about his own tech career! #aiinfrastructure #AIOps #mlops #AIDevOps #GPUComputing #CloudAI #AIScaling #aispotlight #runaiseries #MachineLearningInfrastructure #runai #aistack #ml
venturefy - the blue tick for business (Short Demo)
Discover what you can do with venturefy in 90 seconds What is venturefy? venturefy is the blue tick for business; a revolutionary new platform providing an open database of verified corporate relationships. ( What can users do on venturefy? 🔍 Search & explore relationship listings for any company. ✅ Verify whether corporate relationships really do exist ℹ️ Navigate to the source URL for specific relationship listings. 👀 Visualise entire business ecosystems in an instant. 🤝 Uncover mutual relationships between companies. What can companies do on venturefy? 💬 Discover other companies claiming to work with you. 📲 Curate your companies public venturefy profile. ❌ Manage brand exposure with a single click. 🖥️ Place live & verified relationship logos on your website in seconds. 💰Your brand reputation is valuable! Take back control with venturefy. Getting Started 🎥 Watch our product demo video @ to get a better understanding of how Venturefy works and how it can benefit your business. 🌏 Start exploring connections between companies right now for free @ Feedback Would love to hear feedback on what relationships you discover, what works, what doesn't, what features you would like to see, and use cases you discover 🙏🏼 Mission Our mission is to catalyse a world of corporate trust transparency. Share our mission? ✅️ Share our product ❤️
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